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364 Chap.6. 0 fSchools and Vniverfities. Com.5. protervi & petulci, that will calcitrare, kick againJ[ their Mailersor Tutors. If tw o Ploy. 2o, 29. Scholars be taught together, the One conceitedof himfclf, the other a fool, There is more hope of the fool than of him that is too highlyconceited of his own learning. Motto hoc decipit, qui ante tempus fapientes videri volant ut jam fimulare incipient quodnon Uogo. runt, &quid font erubefcere, faith one : many are deceivedby this, that they wouldwil- linglybe accounted wife before their time, and begin to counterfeit what they are not, and are aflamed ofwhat they are. The conclufionof this point is, that becaufe, as the Preacher tells us There is a Ender: 3 7. time to keepflence,and a time to [peak: and in that he placeth filence before fpeaking, every one is to be a Learner before he be a Teacher. we may fee it in our Saviours Luke 2.46. example, whowas in the Temple among the Dollars, how ? hearing firfi, and then asking quefhions; and both before he taught himfelf. He that doth not take this Prov.5.12,13. courfe, will in the end be forced to take up this complaint ; How have I bated in(lru- ¿lion, andmy heart defpifed reproof? And havenot obeyed the voice ofmy Teachers, nor inclined mineear to them thatin(lrulledme. 3. A third Dutyof the Teacher is, 7ueri, todefend his Pupils, according to the Match. 9. 14. fenfeof theword; their name Tutores, being derived from uteri. It was our Saviours pra Bice, as in the cafe ofhis Difciples not fatting, when "johns Difciples, and the 12.2. Pharifees fafted. And in their plucking ofears ofCorn on the Sabbath-day. As alto for their not wafhing their handswhen they did eat. In all which cafes, Chrift made 15.2. their defence ; thereby [hewing, he would be ready to defend them in all matters, wherein they did not tranfgrefs. t. The firlt Duty of the Scholar anfwerable to this,is,according to the law of the Numb. 6. 14. Nazarite. He muff bring his offering, as be is able. So did Hannah when thededicated I Sam: z. as. her fon Samuel, that he might not be chargeable to Ely. WhenSaul Pent his fervent to the Prophet, he made [hift to find thefourth part ofa fhekel to givehim. Shall we 9.7. come to the Prophet andbring him nothing? AndLevi made a feat for our Saviour. In Lt ke 5, 29 . aCouncil the Fratricelli werecondemned for holding one opinion (among the reft) that our Saviour lived by begging, and not ofhis own ; for he had ofhis own,as we maygather by Judasbearing his bag. 1 Sam. 3. 1. 2. Another Duty is to miniffer to his Tutor, as Samuel did to Eli. And we read 2 Kings 3. r t. that Elifha though the eldeft Scholar, yet poured water on Eliaas hands. We find that March. tr. 2 john flaptiJi lent two ofhis Difciples on anerrand to Chrift. And our Saviour him- Mark 39i8 fell Pent his Difciples tomake ready the Pafover. At another time he cowman- . 21.2. ded his Difciples to provide afhip for him. He alto Pent two ofhis Difciples ( when John 4.8. hewas to ride into 7erufaleni ) toprovide anaffefor him. Lafily, he Pent them to pro- vide vitivals to eat. So that the Duty ofminiftring belongs to a Scholar. 9. 27. 3. The laftis, refultans offtcium. Our Saviour being towards his end,givethcharge 39: toone of his Difciples, ( that he knew was able) to maintain his Mother. And not only fo, but after his death tome ofthem brought Odours to embalm biro. Some be- Matth. 14 12. flowed a Tombe upon him, and fome buried his body. So did the Difciples of 7obn Baptifl, They buried bis body. And yet here endednot his refultans oftcium ; for after Luke 24.19. Chrifts burial the Apoflles forget not his memory, butfpake honourably ofhim. jefas ofNazareth was a Prophet mighty in deedand wordbefore Godand allthepeople : [hewing that Death takesnot this Duty away from the Scholar to his Tutor, he ought to fpeak honourably ofhim after death. i Sam. q 5 Befides all this, there is a Duty which all Scholars owe to Teachers, though they be not under their charge. Ifthey be of that Calling they are to honour them. Saufs Alts 5.34. fervent counted Samuel an honourable man, and Gamaliel washonourable among all the people. He was a Teacher ofthe Law, and not only thofe under his charge, lout all thepeople honoured him. aTine. 2.2. Thefe things being performed, that will come to pars which the Apo(tle aims at, we [hallhave men faithful, Mob as [hall be able to teach others, and the Univerfity [hall breed lush as (hall be fit to ferve the Church and Common-wealth. And indeed this was the endofthe eref,}ion ofSchools and Univerfities. r. Tobring forthmen able to teach in the Church. 2. Men fit togovern the Common-wealth. Ofwhich we are now to fpeak. CHAP.