Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Com.5. The May ofPaftors and People. Chap.7. 367 Apoftle fpeaks, we are then outwardly called by the Church. And being thus called, we are to perform the Duties that belong to us, of which I (hall now aTim.4. 14. fpeak. The Duties of the Minigers of the Gofpel we (hall find fit down in feve- ral places of Scripture, as 7obn to. t Tim. 3. Tit. t. from which we (hall deduce them. In the tenth of Saint john we find four forts of Shepherds mentioned, three John ro. bad, and one good. r. The Thief. a. The Hireling. 3.. The Wolf. 4. The good -Shepherd. r. They aredifinguifhed by,our Saviour ; t . By their Calling, which is either lawful or unlawful. The Thief hath no lawful Calling, as the fecond and third have, for he hath no lawful entrance, he wants his inward Calling,whenhe wants his Ta- lent to enable him, and then being admitted by favour ofReward, he hath no out- wardCalling, he comes in by ilfurpation, which cannot give any man a right. And thus he that comes not inby theordinary way titled in the Church, comes not in by the Door, nor according to Chriftstnfitution ; for be that entreth not in by the door into thefheepfold, but climbetb another way,tbe fame is a Thief. Ofthis fort God fpeaks by the Prophet; Ihave not fist them,yet they ran; Ihave not fpoiZen to them; yet they Jet. 23.21a prophesied. There are two ways whereby fuch men creep in. Firft, per graham, by fa- vour. Secondly, - per mums, bygift or reward, both mentioned and prohibited in one verfe. I. Per graham, by favour, is when a man is admitted either at the fuit ofCome Deat, t6, great man or Friend, or for alliance or Kindred-fake : this is refpefting of perfons without regard to the qualities of themen, which in Leo's opinion was very ab- furd, that men of qualityshould be negle6ted, and ignorant preferred. And this muft needs be when any are admittedupon thefe refpeEts ; milt,* nos iniqua face.. re cogit affetlus dam propioquitatem refpicimus, faith Saint Jerome ; when by efetlion oralliance we loot, on men, we are forced todo many things uajuffly. But ifwe will fol- lowSaint Cbryftlom's rule, tai vale alterum ad oficiumfacerdotale pertrahere, fuf ftere non judico teflimoninm quod opinione collegerit, fed ut ejus animismqui eligitur, nofcatdiligenter; he that will make a Minitier, muft not only go by opinion, but his knowledgeof him : And the reaion he gives is, ordinat indignos eifdem fubjacet pant, quibus ilk qui indignefont ordinati; he that ordains unworthy Mini- fters, is liable to fuch punifhtnent as the party is fubjci k to,which is unworthily or- dained. 2. Per manus, by reward is the other. The firf mugbe the fault but ofone, thasis, the admitter ; this is the fault oftwo, of him thatadmits, and him that is admitted. I. The Bilhopthat by or for reward lets in any fuch, that ordainsfuch as have not the gifts of theMind, but the gifts of the Hand. 2. To fuch as at- tempt to come in that way, Saint Ambrefedenounceth this curie, Lepram cumGiozi a fantle fefufcepif credant Elizei ore, get; gradum facerdotalem fe eflimant pecuniis comparare; let them be fare tohave taken the Leprofie ofGehazi from the mouth ofholy Elj1la, that think to obtain the Priefthood by money. Therefore it beho- ved' Bi(hops, according toSaint Paull counfel to Timothy, to take heed of cita impe= filio, lay hands fuddenly on no man, neither be partaker ofother mens fins : for ( as r Tiat. 6; 'àa is faid before) he that brings unworthy men into the Minittry, is accet%ry to the offences theycommit, andliable to the punifhment they dcferve. This is the firff thing, that there be a lawful entrance, by the Door, a lawful Calling, not a com- ing in at the window, likea thief ; for, quecunfue malo inchoantur principiedifficile bonoperftciunear exitu, whatfoe'ver hathan ill beginning can very hardly haveagood end. God never bleffeththe labours offuch as comenot in at the Door. And Saint Augufline hath this obirvation ; Diligendas eft Pallor, tolerandus efl mercenarias, fed eavendue eff latro. The good Shepherd is tobe beloved,the Hireling to be tolerated, but the Thief is to be takenheed of. . 2. They are diftinguifhedby another mark, which putsa difference between the . other two, the Hireling and the Wolf, and the true Shepherd : for though they some in right, yet theywant that oreyaítlass or ató.tats, that purpofe and intention when They enter,which was in the Apoftle, & is in every true Shepherd thou know- eft