368 Chap.7. The Duties of Pallor! and People. . Com.s. 2 Tim. 2. 10. eft ( faith the Apoltle ) mymariner oflifeandmypurpife, &c. Which is well expref- fed clfewhere to be 7: may iagtstx4uv, a natural care of the flock, as if there were Phil. 2.20. forne that had fnuriameuram,aba}fardcare. They that have not this purpofe of heart,are called Mercenarii, which have no care of feeding the flock, but of feeding John io. t3. themfelves , and therefore when they fee the Wolf, they flee becaufe they care not for the flock. Their tools or Inftruments , are as the Prophet calls them, Zach..at. i5. injírumenta pajtoris ftulti, the inllrtements of a foolifh Shepheard, which the Fathers term forcipes muletrum, a pair of fixers for the fleece, and a pail for the mill¿; And therefore when the flock is in any danger, they regard it not ; but if there be the leal} danger of the Milk or vVooll, then they bellir themfelves with the Inftruments of a foolifh Shepherd. The Jews call them fuch as draw veer to to the Ark for the Corban, for the Offering-box; they cared not what became a Sam. 2. 36. of the Law, fo theGorham fped well. It was prophecied of the flock ofEli, that they fhould fay, Put me into the Prietts Office, that I may eat a piece of bread, and get a piece of over, this was their end. Abiathar a wicked man was of his feed and was difplaced by Solomon, and Zadok, put in his room. And for want of this care ofthe flock it is, that others turn Wolves, fuch as are falfe Teachers, who for lucre or ambition, or tome fuch frail-ter ends, pervert the truth, and indead of feeding the flock, poifoti them with Herefies and Errours contrary to the re- ceived Doetrine.of the Church ; fuch, if a Perfecutor or falfe Teacher come with Authority, will flies nay, as the Apoltle fpeaks, they will not only fly, but alto be- Ads 20.29. come VVolves themfelves; for of fuch he prophecied, Paying, that grievous Wolves fhould enter, not fparing the flack The Apoltle would have us to mark the iffue or end of their Converfation that fpeak the Word of God to us. Now this Heb. 13.7. 42ewss, or iffue, marts all, it difcovers the Mercenary, and the VVolf; for if the VVolf come, ifPerfecution arife, either theywill Aie, as the Mercenary or turn Ad. 2o.29,30. Wolves too, and help to worry the flock ; for even among your felver (faith the A- poltle ) lhall men arife teaching perverfe things, fuchofyou as have been fbepherds fhall turn wolves. So that whether he be for his belly as the Mil, or degenerate to a VVolf, as the !aft, they are both diflinguifhed from the good Shepherd. Yet they are to be obeyed as Pallors, becaufe they come in the right way ; obediendum elk malo, an evil man mutt be obeyed, though not admaltem in that which is ill : of which before in the Magiftrate. But the end of thefe, is woful according to the Prophet ; Wo unto the fhepherds that feed themfelves: 7e eat the fat and Ezek. 34. 2,3. claath you with the wooll; ye kill them that are fed, but ye feed not tine flock. ç. The good Shepherd is the all fort, who as he comes in the right way, Mattb. 22. 12. fo he is not to abate his place after he is entred, as the evil Shep- herd doth, but to perform the duties of it ; which duties are, t.To (hew his flock a good example, 2. To employ his Talent for their good, 3. To converfe with them, as he ought. a. He muff be an example : He mutt lead the flock, as our Saviourexpref eth it John 10.3, 4. after the manner of the Eaftern Countreys, who draye not their fheep before them, but the (beep followed them. The Apoltle dcfcribeth it more plainly by the word a Tim. 4.12: Typus: he mull be Typiis, as theIron that gives a form to . the money by making an impreffion on it. As the Iron bath the fame form in it, which it (lamps on the Coin ; fo mull the Miniflet by his example , reprefent what by his Doârine he Tit.2. 3. would have the people to be. The fame word is ufèd in other places: it is ufed 'Pet. 5. 3. by Saint Peter, bidding fuch men to be Enfamples to the flock. It was Mofes his Dent. 33. order , in the firff place the Prieft was to have Thummim integrity of life, and thenVrim, light or learning. And it pleafed God to make it a fign ofAaron's cal- ling to the Priefihood ; That his Rod was virgafruilifera, a fruit-bearing Rod, to thew, that the Pried wiser he ufes the Pafioral Rod for Government and Difcipliue, mutt not be unfruitful himfelf, but mull be anexample in holy life, andgood works, Alts r. r. which are the fruits of the Spirit. So was it in Chrilt our Prototype, as Saint Luke fpeaks, Ccepit fefus facere & docere, Jelin began both to do and to teach ; to do firil, 'Tim 3 2. and to teach after. The like Saint Paul ( when he handleth this point ex profeffo Tit. r. 6. tells bothTimothy and Titus, that a Minifter muff be blamelefs by his example, without fpot and unreproveable. So then he mull be exemplum or dux gregis, he mutt