Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Com.5 The Duty of Paffors and People. Chap.7. 359 Mutt be typos, a pattern or example, he mutt do and then teach. This example he maybe two ways : I. In himfelf, which is as you fee before in Saint Pau!rdireáion to Timothy and Titus, to betxriaµn1es, without fp,t ; which hath relation to that in the Iaw,No man Levit. 2/.1 r, that bath a blemith or is mifhapen in his body, of thefeed of Airon the FrielI, Wit to come nigh to offer the Lords offerings. This was required under the Law, to preferve theoutward Honour andDignity ofthe Prielihood the better,and though in that re- gard it may be of moral ufe; yet withal hereby was typified, that innocency and free- domfrom all Spiritual blemilhes (Alin which thould be in theMinifters of the Gofpel. a Cor. 6. 3; They fheuldbefree from all [too, beeaufe nooffence tltould be given ; that no fcandal (hould be given to the weak brother within, nor to the adverfary without. This 2 Cor. 8. 20, made the Apofle fo careful to avoid not only fcandal, but all oceafion offcandal, that when alms were fent to poor brethren, by the care of the Apoftles, he would not carry it alone,but would have one go with him, that there might be no fufpicion of fraud, that fohe might seepoar, provide thing,. boneff, not only in thefight ofGod, but before men alfa; and that the adverfary might have no occafion to fpeak evil. There- fore the Di(ciples marvelled, when they found Chrift talking with the woman alone, becaufe it was not his Cullom to do any thing which might caufe flander or feifpici- on. Thusmuch for the genus. We will now let the four vertues which the Apottle requires to be in him, and the four foots which are oppofite. I. The firft is, that he be iyxegrsis> temperance or continence, temperate and chaff, Tit. r. 8: whether in a marriedor tingle elate. The oppofite to this is in r Tim. 3.2. not tobe content with one wife ; fo continency orfrngle life is the venue: incontinency orpoly- gamy the thing forbidden. 2. The fecund is, that ha muft be vs,dasoc; vigilant, or µa u# given to wine. The oppofite is inthe next verfe, one given to wine, tranfiens ad vinum, a tà- vern-httnter : for the tuft of the body, and the pleafure ofthe tafle, mull both be qua- lified in him. 3. The next is, hemufbe Trdoeour,fiber: whichCñryfojfomedillinguifhes fromthe t Tim.3: 2, 3. former, and is oppofite, not to the inordinate delires of meat and drink, but to the pallions of the Soul, which arecalled 4vµíxi:, irafcible; it moderates the pillion of Tir. r. 7. anger. The vertue required is mentioned, Tim. 2.24. mildenef ; hemull beno ftriker, not furious, but one that will bear injuries, and labour with meeknefs to thole that err. 4. Laflly,he mutt be aásgtos,,rave a>ìdmod*, ofgood behaviour; which the Coun- cils refer tobabitrem, hit apparel,geffum, his geJlure, inceffum his gate; he mull not be a Tim. 2.22. light in his behaviour. The oppofite to which, is, not tofly youthfulleafts and light a Tim. 3. 7. carriage. To thefe four, we muli add that which the Apoftle mentions, he mute fo carryhimfelf, that he may have a good report ofthem that are without ; for it isnot e- nough tobe commended by thofeof his own profefiion or Religion, by birds ofhis ownFeather.; but fo, that his very enemies may fay, he is a man fit for this facred Calling, andmay be converted by his example. 2. He mutt be an examplein his Hauthold by his example ; for according to Saint Paul, he moejl rule well bit own boufe : which mutt be in 3 points. r. They mug be brought up by himin the true Faith. 2. He mutt keep them in fttbjelliort,thattheybe not unruly,but obedient ; for ifhe benot able to keep his own under,but that they will be refradtory,it argueth, that he is either negligent, or remifs and faint-hearted, t Tim. 3. 4: and therefore unfit to rule the Church. 3. Laflly,he mull make them examples ofreve- rence, gravity,fobriety andmode(ly, tssrd. winos oentiTHTit , that they benot accufed of riot, furfeit,andexcefs.And in thefe two refpeéls the Pallor mull beexemplum gregis. The duty ofthe People mutt be conformable and anfwerable to that of the Paltor. Ifit be his duty tobe Typús gregis,a pattern to the flock; it is theflocks duty to bt an- titypus paflorú, árrírrwvs> the Pallors antitype, lay following his good example, as the iron that gives the damp, and the coin damped have the fame figure. They mull µtl aTas> become imitators oftbem,as theApoflle advifeth, Remember them that Heb. 13. have the rule overyou, whorefaithfollow, be. Have an eye to them that teach, and imi- tate their example, tit d,mut prefoiteri fit Magiffra difeiplins publics, that the houfe oftbe ?Heft be the rule of publics ditiplim.. 2. The next dutyofthe Minu ter, is the employingbit Talent, or the ufe of thole gifts which he hash gotten in the Schools ; Aaa for