Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

370 Cháp.7: TheDuty offalors and People. Com.5. for Nemo accipit dona propter fe, no man bath any gifts for himself only ; but to Matth. zs, ufe them, as appears by the Parable of the Talents. 1. He muff bePtd'asrtaór, able to teach others : now it is well obferved that theVerb docere, to teacb,governeth two Efay 28. 9. accufative cafes; as in the Prophet, era docebit fcientiam ? Whom Iba!!be teach Knowledg? There is a quern, whom they fball teach and a quid, what they (hall teach. For there are many in there times, that have thequem, a people to teach; but not fcientiam; many are, Teachers, but want the Knowledg to teach: thefe were never Cent by God. It is ftrange what hatred God didbear to the Ats. He would have the firft-born of all creatures tobe offered, but thefoal of the AAmight not come Exod 13.13. within the Santluary, but the neck ofit was to be broken. Hefychius and others, inter- pret the Afs to b: ilhiteratum, the illiterate man, and lately he that is fuch ought not tocome into theLordsSan&uary. The Prophet faithin the person ofGod to fuck, Hof4.6. Becaufe thou half rejected Knowledge, I will alfo rejeít thee, that thou shalt be no Prieff to me. And Mfes faith of the Lévites, TheyPall teach 7acob thy judgments and If- Deut. 33,1c. rael thy Law. And the Prophet faith, the Priejls lips fhould preferve Knowledg, that is,he fhould have ability to teach, Aquinas, and fome ofthe later Schoolmen, hand- ling thequeftion, what is meant by ability to teach, diftinguifh between competen- tern 6- eminentemfcientiam, competent and eminent Knowledg; and refolve that a Pallor mull havecompetentem fcientiam at lealt, though not eminentem. Nowwhat this Tic. r. 9. competent sientia is,the Apoftle determines in one place, Tit. t. 9. viz. He mull be d`úvarekdTtxetaa:, ableto holdfall the true Dollrine, when any Heretick (hall leek to take it fromhim and this he must do narda'Ard'td`axñv, by learning. 2. He mull be db'va70-wag:zany, able to exhort andcomfort. 3 . He mull be, Airay.& lntyver; able toconfute and convince all gamfayers, and oppofersofthe truth: and this is the Comment on that place, asÌ take it. . a Tim. 3.6. Now unto this is oppoutea Novice. He mutt not be a Novice that enters into this 4.6 Minifiry ; but,as the Apostle elfewhere faith,' he muff be nourilhedup in the words of Faithandgooddorfrine: and after his Ordination he mull not reffthere,but atozóvrre+r, i6. proficere,Jludymore andmore, and ftir up his xaeletsara, till they burn brighter, (lirup the gift ofGodwhich is in him. And the pra&ice of this is that which getteth him z Tim. t. 6. Honour: for ut tomtte;e7tt, they that labour, are worthy ofdouble Honour,byputting 1 Cor. 9416. their giftsto ufe. He muff preach the wòrd infeajn andout offeafon; and that upon neceflity ( as theApofile tells us) for, ve mibinifi evangelizavero,wo unto me if preach not the Gospel : yet we mull: know that theApofile, twirnSt,beinfant infeafon andout offeels:, isnot meantas people would have it, as ifa Minifter mull: preach continually or whenfoever the people will ; but as in fea(ón is upon ordinary days andoccafions, fo out offeafon is upon extraordinary occafions, when the neceffìty of the Church requires : when either fome great Calamity, or af8i&ion, orbenefitcalls upon us ; not (as fome would have it) to make the duty of the Pastor infinite; for it is one thing to be instant, and another thing to preach : aman may be infiant, and.yet not preachalways. a Tim. 4.4. 2. Concerning themanner ofdo&rine, there were three faults (mentioned by the 2 Cor. 11. 4. Aponte) crept into the Church. I. gtroivala, Deftre ofNovelties or Fables,whichari- feth out ofa fulnefs in men, that they cánnot abide to hear a thing often, but mutt have novelties ; another Jefus mull be preached to them. 2. The next is curiofity Tit. 3.9. about queffions of no profit, stvotoavar: they will have high points or unprofitably handled, in which they are fo intangled, that they cannot get out , and negleá z Tim. 4. 3 pra&ical points. 3. The tali is pruritus annum, itching ears, a defire to hear a declamation out ofa Pulpit, to hear aSermon with fine phrafe, pleating the ear, but doing the Soul no good. Againft all thefe the Apofile prefcribeth a form i r. That they teach found dolrine that cannot be condemned. It mull be 6ytas xj il.Pid 9otas Tit. 2.1. foundandfincere,not corrupt with Fables or false Do&rine, and they muff not ftrive about . things that profit not. z. Againft the fecond siviQavía, he prefcribes, 2 Tim. 2. that as his do&rine mutt be found and true, fo he mutt teach thofe things Tit. 3. 8. glte funi bona & utilia hominibus, good and profitable unto men. 3. Against the third, though he matt not affe& thepleafing of itching ears, by too much nicenefs about words ; yet 1. his matter muff be filch as that he need not to give place, in regard of the fluff, to any, and that the exprelion be grave and decent, not light nor negle&ed. The Apofile faith, thatthough he were rude