Coma. - The Duties ofPaforc and People.' Chap.7. 37 rude in rpeecb, yet not inknowledg. 2. And for keeping of his Auditors together he 2 Con i r. 6. mutt have viera& nova, both new andold, not new Doffrine, but new ways of ex- pretlion : the Doctrine may be all one, yet the manner of delivery may bedivers he mutt have new Parables,new Arguments. 3. Hemull have a perfpicuous and me- thodical way, an orderlydelivery, ópavrojdz like a cunning workman, rightly divi- 2 Tim. ding the Trod ; which,as the Apoftle faith, it like atwo-edgeafword. Preaching mutt Heb. q. 12. have two edges ; for it was a fault complained of by Saint Augu(iiite againt Preach- ers ofhis time, their preachinghad but one edge, and the back did as much harm as the edge did good ; they meet not with two extreams, is when they fpeak ofObe- dience, they fo fpeak of it, as that they would have a man never to difobey: and when they fpeak of peace, they teem tó take away all differences, though the caufe be jut}and neceffary, is if we mull be at peace with the wicked. 4. Lately, he mull deliver that he fpeaks with aúthority, gravity, and modegy, knowing that the Word Tit. 2. -, isnot his own, but the everlafling truth of God. 2. The next poirit after DoLtriue is Exhortation. And in this there is a common fault, that Teachers are impatientOf their Hearersamendment ; if they tell them of their faults twice, and theyamend not,they give over, whereas the Apoftles counfel 2 Tim is, to exhort with all longfufferi+íg anddotïrine. They are to convince the judgment, q' 2' ¡h TA AUXIN, with dottrine,and then with long-fuffering to expel their converfion, 2 Tim:2. 2f,, t.r5Ta`i (Lamdeavgiae, waiting iffGod at any time willgive them repentance. 3. They mutt firff argúere, prove thefault, and then redarguere, reprove the perrn not as the con-in-ion fathión is, firft reprove, and then prove. Now in regard of the perfons to be tepróved, thefe Rules are to be obferved : 1. If the perron be only drawn into afault by infirmity, then to reprove in meek- nefs andhumility, Galat. 6. t. 2. If it be done in contempt, then to rebuke him, ( as the Apofile direfts ) With all Tic 2. s q. authority. 3: If he be flow of nature ; then to rebuke himfharply androundly. r. 13, 4: Ifhe fin openly, ifa publick fault be committed, then rebuke him openly, that others Maylean I Tim. g. co. 4.For difproving or confuting the adverfary,in which there are 4 endsto he aimedat I. Toconvince him, and fo flop his mouth ifit may be. 2. If that cannot he Tit. a. 9. done, yet to confound him and make him afhamed. 3. If not that, yet that he may 2. I condemn himfelf, his confcience may tell him thathe is in an Errour. 4. If yet he perfift, then howeverhis folly will be manifeft to all men by reproving him, hereby 3 if. others may bewarned to take heedof him. 2 Tim. 3. °. The application ofall this may be gathered fromwhat we find in Ezekiel and Za- chary Ek. againft the evil Shepherds, whofe properties are by them defcribed, oppofite to Zacuk. thofe which S. Paul requireth in a true Shepherd, and fromall ofthem we may ga- i Theft. 5. tq. Cher how a-good Pallor ought to apply himfelfto the feveral necellities ofhis flock ; ofwhich fome'are infirm :td1,644/xat,weakfpirited,thefe mull be comforted; Tomeare broken-bearted,and thefe hemutt bindup; fome he calleth was, weak,perfout, nov - ces that have not yet overcome their corruptions,thefe muff beupholden andborn withal ; fome are depulf, ftrayed away, which are either eLr4Tot, unruly men, and thefe mull beadmonithed, that they may hear of it ; or fuch as are led away into He- reties and Schifms,and thefe mutt be fought out and reclaimed. s. The next point is concerning his Converfation with other men dretse«il, fol` herein likewife is u,,ye lg erritiµrirta &r, that communicationof fpiritual things, which Gal. 6. People have from their Pallor : it is not only in Dodlrine and Sacraments, but alto in his Converfation with them. Wherein he muff be, is ilisABEerO,hofpitalit,given to bof:. t Tim. ;. 2. pitality. 2.girelyuO&, veryfriendly to all that are well given.3.efáat&&,a juff dealer to- Tit. r. t. wards all;and becaufe theremay befummumjur,rlgonr ofj'ufiice in holdingor exáling his own, therefore he muff be 440-, no brawler,and confequently cartest3b tiatient,or t Tim. 3. 3. rather one that is equitable,and !lands not upon ftrifkrightthe oppofité to which is forbidden by the Apoftle,who faith, he Mutt not be a arkl`rt;felf-milled or oh/fixate, that will not remit or yield any thing. And becaufequetfions aright are ufually a- bout temporal things, thereforein order thereto, he muff not be (ptnípyueys, a lover ofTit. r. 9, money, fo as to intanglehimfelf in worldly matters, that hecannot attend his Calling; nor one that Peeks thembyunlawful gain,he mull lib alMoittd`«r And thus much for 2 Tim. . 2. she Parlors Duty. A a 2 I. Now