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37a Chap.7. ThePty ofPaffors and People. Com.5 r. Now the duties of the people to thePajfar, are, r. They mull be (according Jolla ro. 4. to the mark of true fheep, let down by our Saviour) as fheep knowing their ownibep- herd, and able to difcern himfrom a((ranger. And thus knowing him, to keep within his Fold,and not to wander after other fhepherds. They mull (as the Apoffle (peaks) I Thel: 5. 12. know themwhich labour among them. For it is a great difheartning toa Minifter, that thoughhe take much pains with his flock, yet if they hear ofanother, that is volubili lingua operarias, hash a voluble tongue, though he have onlyfpumam verborum tie froth offeeming good language, and little fub(tance ; yet the fall (hall be preferred, and they will forfake their own and follow the other. Theymùí1 not give ear toSeáa- ties and Schifmaticks, and be (educed by them to the by-paths of Errour. john to. 4. 2. The fecond Duty is obedience to their Pallor, whether it be by following him, as our Saviour, (peaking of the good Shepherd, faith,7he lheepfollow him ; or by be- fieb. 13. 17. ingperfwaded by him, rf c;v, (as the word liignifies ) whichis, when they profefs theywill fubmit to be ruled in their judgment and practice by him, and withal do tiarlxetr,fubmit or giveplace, though they be not perfwaded, till they bebetter per- fwaded ; when they will fulpend their own judgment, till they be better informed s for without this the other is but fained obedience.For he that faid he would not go, andyet afterward went,did his Father more honour,than he that made as if hewould go, but did not. To followa Pallor therefore is another thing, than to profefs and fay we will follow him ; there is more required, viz. to follow him in our pralitfe,and to fubmit ourjudgment to hit, knowing that he is Cet over us by God, to diteá and guideus in matters of our fouls. Difcentem oportet credere ; it is true in all Arts and Sciences:. and ifwe will be Scholars in Chrifis School,we muff not oppofeour judg-, ment to the judgment ofthe Church, but fubmit thereto, and to our own Pallor in fpecial,unlefs it appear evidently that he is in anerrour,(whichmay eafily be known) for without this, wecan never obey or follow in our praáice. It is molt true which De zero. Dom. S. Auguffine faith, Pertinet adnos cura, ad vos obediencia, ad nosvigilancia pafforali, i4Math,fer.62. ad vos humilicasgrigis ;Thecare belongs to us, mid obedience toyou ; Pagoral watching is ours, the humilityof the flock is yours. When 7ojhua was fubftituted in Mofes his room, he was to come toEleazar the Priefl s and at hit word he muff go out, and at his word he muff come in, for Eleazar muff ask counfel of God for him. Thiswas Gods order which was never abrogated, though now it be negleáed : and thoughmen ask the counfel of the Lawyer for their Eltate, andof the Phyfitian for their Body, and fol- low their direáions ; yet the Minifter is not thought fit to counfel them for their Souls, but here every one can give counfel as well as the Minifter. a Tini. 5. 17. 3. They muff give the Minìtlèr honour,doublebonour:Theywhich labour,xo,íarses, which take extraordinarypains in the WordandDolirine, (for the Emphafis lies in that word) let thembe counted worthy ofdouble honour, faith the Apoflle. a. The honour of reverence, which extends both toour judgment andaffeáion ; Inourjudgment, by havinga reverent effeemof them, i vtacs ixtm; Phil. 2.29. ho- nour them highly; and then in our affeáion,afingular degree of love is due to them : the r TheC 5: 12, Apoftle faith,theymuff be eu eemedhighly in love. We befeechyoubrethren to know them 3 which labour amongyou, andareover you in the Lord, and admonilbyou , and to elfeem them veryhighly for their works fake. Gal. 6. 6. 2. The honourofMaintenance. Let him that is taught in the word communicateto Zach. 11.4, him that teacheth in allgoodthings, faith the Apoflle. God threatens in Zachary, that whereat he had brokenone flaf if the Prophets wages were not mended , be would break both; and what can then follow in the Church but Barbarifm and Ignorance, andby confequence Epicurifm and Atheifm ? Whenmen are fick, they can fend for the Minifter to comfort them, then they think ofHeaven, when they mull leave the Earth ; but when theyare recovered, there is no further ufe ofhim, or when they ate in health, they regard him not. It is well expreffed by the Prophet, when there fief 7, 14 were great droughts or rains,or unfeafonableweather, they remembredGodand called tohim; but when they had what they defired, when they had got in their Corn and Wine,theyrebelled againffhim : but God protefts againft this dealing,hewill not be fo Ecclef.12. 1. mocked , Remember me in the days ofthyyouth, and in thy wealth,elfe thou/halt have no anfwer ofme,when the evil days come.S.Auguffinecommenting upon thewords before recited [ they which labour in the word and doárine, let them becounted worthy of double honour,] faith, Scilicet :et eis fpiritualiter obediant, & exteriora bona mi- nejlrent,