Còm.S, Of Magifiracy, and the end ofit. Chap.B. 373. isi(Irent. Boni enim di/penfatore: fideles non folum honorefublimi premiari debent fed eh' terreno, ut non eintroitenturindigentidfumptuum, etrgaudeantobedientiiì fpiri- inTir.r.5. tualium. This double Honour is not only to obey in fpiritual things,but to miniiler to them in temporals. For good Difpenfrs of the Word ought not to be rewarded with high honour only, but withearthly benefits too, that they may not be made 1 Cor. 9. r3, fad and anxious in the want of means to defray their charge , andmay allo rejoyce 14. in their flocks obedience in fpiritual matters. Know yenot ( faith Saint P aril ) that they which minijler about holy things, live of things of the Temple; and they which wait at the Altar, arepartakers with the Altar ? even fo bath the Lard ordained, that they which preach the Gofel, fhould live of the Gofpel. It is Gods Ordinance, not our Benevolence. We arenot at our liberty, but tied to it by neceflity ; and the Miniufer hath power fromGod to demand it as his own. And thereupon it is that Saint Augultinefpeaking of Saint Paul in this very point, faith, goanquam eli- la lib, de par geret manibus fuir laborare, nec ipfum lac querere ab ovibos, taken louts poteftatem Porib. e. 2. habere fe dixit, et elicit alios coapoftolos fuss ufas fui: bac pote/late, non ufurpata, 2 theta 3. 8. fed data: that though the Apolile chofe rather to work with his hands, and didnot tOr. 9: tz require milk from his fheep ; yet he told the Corinthians that he had power tohave taken it, and that his fellow. Apoftles ufed this power, not as ufurped, but as given them, viz, by God. And indeed it is but reafon, as the fameApoffle faith, Ifwe haveTown unto you fpiritual things , is it a great thing ifwe reap your carnal things ? a Cor. to t But toconclude this point. The want of this double honour performed is from the want of Faith. It was Saint Paul, hope of the Corinthians, that when their faith en- creafed, his means would beenlarged. And fo may it be of ours, ifyour faith en- creafe, we thall be crowned and maintained ; and where this is wanting, we cannot expef*it. Concerning-the difference of Bifhops and Presbyters, that they are diftintï orders, and that the Bifhop isSuperiour notonly Grath', but ordine, and that by divine right, the reverendAuthor bath fully proved it in bis Epiftles to Moulin publifhed frit in Latin, and latelytranflated into Englifb, wherein any rational man may find full fatiefaílion. And concering the power of the Priefi, or Minifterof the Gofpel, in binding and loafing : reada learned Sermon made by the Author on this Subject, on John 20. 23. pttblifheda- monghit other Sermons., CHAP. VIII. OfFathers ofour Countrey, Magifrates. The Dutyofalltowards theirown Countrey. God the firfi Magilirate. Magi/tracyGods Ordinance. Power of life and death given to Kingsby God, not by the People. Addition. 3 t. ; That regal Power is only fromGod, provedout of the Authors other writings. The ends ofMagiltracÿ, t. To preferve true Religion, 2. To maintain outwardPeace. Maggiffrates compared to Shepherds in three refpels. The Duties ofthe Supreme Power, viz. of Rings, and of inferiour Officer: The Duties of Subjells to theirPrince. AFter the Fatherhood of the Church, order requireth, that we treat of thofe, whom even Nature and the Heathen by the light of Nature have reputed and Gen. 45, 8. termed Patres patrie, Fathers of the Countrey ; which are Magiffrates. Of which Judges 5. 7: fort"the chef (as hath been (hewed) are in Scripts ee called Fathers, as 7ofeph ; and the women-Mothers, as Deborah, a Mother in Ifrael. And becaufe their file is Pater patrie, God Iáth commended the Countreyscare efpecially to every one. For this end it was, that when God commanded Abraham to leave his Father's Gent 12. t, houle, he gives the Countrey precedence, and lets it beforeKindred and Fathers Ptatm 137' 4; houle : andwe fee what tears the people of God fhed when they were carried Neh. 1. oftheir own Countrey intoa frange Land, and when the Babylonians requi- red them to fing the Lords Song in a frange Land, they would not. AndNehemiah PIabn 137. r; hearing of the mifery of 7erufalem and his Countrey-men, fat down and wept. On the other fide, when the Lord turned again the captivity of Sion, when the people were retfored to their Countrey, they were fooverjoyed, that they feemed to.