Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Com.5. Of1vÍagifiracy, and the ends ofit. - Chap:8. 33.5, which power of life and death, we do not find to be granted by God before the Flood. And foon after we read that Melchifideck ( whom divers Writers agree o beSem ) took uponhim the title and power of a King, to defend Gods people from - 14. le. Nimrod and has fellow-Hunters. This power of life anddeath, manifeffly proves, that Kings never had nor could Addie. That have their power from the people, or from any other but from God alone. And that tegal posses this was the ,pofitive opinion of this learned Author, is manifeft byhis late andaccurate Z.ód ly from Sermons, perfected by himfelf, in many ofwhich he exprefly proves this point, and purpofely inffls largely and learnedly upon it : efpecially in his Sermon upon. Pro. S. 15. By me Kings raign, P. p33, &c- ` Which ie nothing elfe but a large traitupon ` this Subject. Among other things he fpeaks thmu Per me regnant, and that is not `per feregnant, another perfon it is befides themfelves, one different from them. And ` who is that 6tber perfon ? Let me tell youfirff, it is but one perfon, not many; perme, ` is the fingular number, it'snot per nos ; fi it is not aplurality, no multitudethey bold pfalm `.by. That claim is one by per me, one tingle perfin it is, per quern. The other a 95, 999 `Pbilopphical conceit it camefrom,from -thole that never had heard this wifdompreach'd."Deus. 5.,14. ` In this Book we find not any Soveraiggn Power ever featedin any body collective, or de- J er. 27.5. `rivedfrom them. This we find, that God he is King; That the Kingdoms be his, ` and to whom be will, he giveth them. That ever they came out of Gods hand by ` any per me, anygrant into the peoples hands to bellow, we find not. This per me, will bear no per alinm, befides;. be that muff fay, per me reges, mufffay per trie coelum & terra. `After hefaith. There is a per of permiffion, as we fay in the Latin per me, but you may for all me ; but this per we utterly reject, for though the Latin per may bear this fence yet the Greek ilia, the tleb. s] will by nomeans ; thepbrafi, `the Idiom ofthe tongue will in no wife endure it. How take we per then ? what `needweJiand long about it, having another per, andof the fame perfon to patternit John r. ;. ` by? Omnia per ipfum fa&a funt, faith Saint John , and the fame faith Solomon by andby afterin this Chapter. Then as by bins all thingsmade there, fi byhim Kings, `raign bere. The World and the government of the World, by eke fame per both ; one ` and the fame caute Inflitutive ofboth : That was not by bare permiffion , I truJt, no ` more this. ` Per ipfum, then, and ifper ipfum, per verbum, quia ipfe eft verbum. Forl5oiv' ` were they the creatures made ? ` Dixit & fats funt, bythe word, by him. And bow ebefe Kings? by the fame Pfa1m `Ego dixi; even by the fame, that he himfelf, Dixit Dominus, Domino Deo. As he uo. r. ' then ; they. Andfo doth Chri(t,himfelf interpret, Egodixi oressxs tly& iyírerc, a John ro. 35 ` word came to them. Andwhat manner mar it? SaintPaul tellethus,it was J twaya, an Rom. 13.2. ` Ordinance ,a word ofAntbority;the Imperial Decrees have no other names but i'uerayoi, `This now then is more than a per of Permiffion, a per of Commifíion , it is a fpecial ` warrant, an Ordinance Imperial,by which Kings raign. `----Exprelred by his word : hisword only? nayhis deed too, his bell deed his gift, !Cot', 15. lò: `Dedi vobis Regem i gift of grace, as even they acknowledge in their(files, that gra.. Job ?. 6, 7, . ` tiâDei funt quod font. Given by him, feat by him , placed in their Thronesby him, pfalm89B.239 `vetted with their Robes by him,girt with their Swordsby him, anointed byhim, crown- 21.7.[ ` edby him. All tbefe byhim's we have towards the under /landing of per me,fo by him as ` none are, or can bemore. '----By him, nay more than by bim---There isnot by in the Hebrew, and yet the word is ` t7 s but that in true and exalt propriety rendredis not by me, but inme. The mean- ' ing is, that they are frff in him, and fi come from him.0 And yet f from him ` at frill theybe in him, bothCorona Regis, faithEfay, andCor Regis, faith Solo- Efay 62. 3: `mon, their Perfonsand Eftates both in manu Domini. And in him, sehe faith, my -19 ¢I 21 ' father in me, and I in bim, fo they in him, andhe in them. ---- For u4. it it true, They `raign in and by him fo it is likewife true, be raign, in, and by them----be in ` them as bis Deputies , they in him as their Author and Authorizer. He by their Per- ' fins, they by bis Power. -.--Now I weigh the word Reges, what ? any by him ? any in grofe qualification ? ` what without any regard of Religionat all? fore ifnone but true Profiffirsbad been `here meant ie muff have been but per Rex,for none bu one but this Solomon, war then