Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

376 Chap.S. OfMagzjiracy and the ends .ofit. Com:r,. thenInch, of all the Kings of the earth: but in that it it Reges, the holy Gboftsmean- ` ing is, to take in all the refl. Hiram, and Pharaoh, and Hadad, they are in too, in this ` Reges : fir where the Scripturediftinguifbesnot, no more do we, be their Religion what `.it will, by him they are. Numb. 16.3. ` But what if they take too much upon them, (Corahs exception) Then it is Dedi vo- Hof. 13: II. bis Regem in ira, faith God by the Prophet. Angry I was when Igavehim, but I gave 8. an. ` him though; per me iratum, it is but per me ftdl. Butthis onus principis,fay they in the Prophet, how may we be ridof it ? it there `anyother per me togo unto, to depriveor depofe them T fare where the worft'is recbnn- ` edthat .can beof them, Clamabunt ad Dominum, isallIftrd. No per todo itbut be. 1 Sam. 8. 18. ` By him, andby none but him theft be ; by him, and by nene but him , they ceafe to be- In natureeverything isdiffolved by the fame means it came together. In Law, in{1i- ` tution and deftitutionbelong both to one. In Divinity, the Prophet in one and the ` fame verfefaith, Dedi vobisRegem, ( in the forepart ) and with one breath abftulf Hof, 13. 1 t. ` eum, in she latter ; fo both pertain tohim. Dominus dedit, Dominus abftulit ; and e for this new per me, we arguefrom she Text. He makes no Kingwe know, and as be makes none,fobe canunmakenone. It is generally true, that the main frame of Government the fill railing ofit, ecould be by none but this per me. But I infift seponparticulars rather'; wherein any ` that fhall but weigh, what difficulties, whatoppofitions be rarfed, what plots and ?rd. e ZIP to keep Reges fromRegnant, thofefrom it whofeof right it is , (hall be forcedto e confefs, that even by him they have their firft entrance. Take him that's next hand, e Solomon, and be that fhall mark Adonijahsplot; drawing the highPrieft, Abiathar, and the General of the Field Joab, into a Jtrong failion againft him, (hall find, Solo- ` monwas bound to acknowledge, that per me, be came in or if he will 'not, Adonijah `bimfeif will, be was forced to do it. That the Kingdom was turnedfrom him, and ` was his Brothers, for it came unto him ( even per me,) by the Lord. This Confefonof his is upon Record, 1 King. 2. 15. ` ----Ifper the Reges be from Chrift, from whom is the otherPer me Rebelles, Per ` meRegicidæ, fromwhom they ? If by me Kings raign, be Chrifts ? by me Kings (lain, 2 Cor. 6. 15. t whefe perme it that That per cannot be the per ofany, but ofCbriftsoppofite; who that ? Qux conventio Chrilli &Belial? what agreement bathChrifi, andBelio!? `there be is, you feewhofi brood they be that go this way, even Belialebrood. He out ofhis enmity again(t per me, can neither endure Reges nor. Regnant, but `ftirs up Enemies againit them both ,both Reges andRegnant. Againfi Reges, ` Regicidas, to affautt their perfons : againft Regnant, Rebelles, to fubvert their `Mates. This-and much more to this purpofe we may read, learnedly, and elegantly, in that Sermon. The like we may find in his other Sermons, as in that one, r Chr. 16.27. Touch not mine Anointed. P. Soo. Sor, &c. 807. And in many other places. The ends of Aswe have (hewed the original ofMagiftracy, fo we (hall add fomewhat briefly hlagiftracy ofthe ends ofit: which are two. a. The chiefend ofMagiftracy is, to preferve Religion and the true worshipcf s Tim. 2.2. God, (as was Mewed before) that men may live together in all godlinefs and ho- nefly. Therefore Abrahamnot finding this in Caldea_, where he was pars patri.e, Gen.12.1. one of the Countrey, chofe rather by divine warrant to leave his Countrey and Kin- dred and fojourn in a ftrange Land. And this end is intimated, when Brad, being Exod. 5.13. under a Heathen King in Egypt, one that knew not Jehovah, defired to leave Egypt, and to go and ferve God in the Wildernefs. The want of this end made the Priefts and Levites leave their Country and their poffeffions, and depart from - Jeroboam to 2 Chn11.13, Judab and Jerufalem, becaufe Jeroboam had corrupted Religion, andeat them out 14. from miniftring in the Priefts Office before the Lord : and becaufe thisis the chief end ofall Magiftracy, God appointed, thatthe King, as loon as he was felled. in Dent. 17. 18. this Throne, (hould have a copy of the Law to read, for his dire&ion in the exer- cife of his Office. When this end therefore cannot be had , where true-Religion is not maintained, a man may leave his Countrey, and live ellwhere, where it may be enjoyed. 2. After this comes in a fecondsni, outward peace and duietnefs, That as the Apoflk