Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Coma The Duties ofPrinces dncl Peòple. Chap.S. 377 Apoftle fpeaks, we may lead a peaceable and quiet life. Henceishe Magiftrate called a Pallor or Shepherd. It is true,the Minifter iscalled a Paftor,and much ado thereis; 2 Ti14.2. z, in urging thereupon, great and extraordinary pains and diligence in him about his flock but Peeing the title is as often or oftner given to the Magiftrate, it is ftrange, that there thould beno fuch diligencerequired ofhim ; for we find,,. that the Meta- phor is givenfiri of all to the Magiftrate, as to,fofeph and David in particular,and '`u` 49' 24` generally to all Rulers who are to be fet over the people, that they be not as fhee j8.81. Ig Y a P P Y P Numb;zy.t7 without a Shepherd. Now this Metaphor implies three things required in the MagiftratesOffice. a. Togather and keep the fheep together, for their better fafety againft wolves; Eze34.rr,ï5. that they maynot ftray :*and to this end to provide them good pafture, wherethey may feed together. 2. Becaufe there may be diffenfionamong the fheep, and as the Prophet fpeaks thereare fat and lean cartel, and the fat do thruft with the fide, and puJh the difeafed, Etek.34.18, andhaving fèei and drunk themfilves, do trample the grafi, and trouble the water, that t 3, the leanjheepbanneither eat nor drinkquietly; therefore the Shepherdmuffjudge between them : I millfet up a Jhepherd over them,and he 'hallfeed them, even myfervant David. So that,to keep the fat from hurting and oppreffing the lean within the Fold,that all may feed,quietly, is the fecondpart ofthe Shepherds Office. 3. Becaufe there is a wolf without the Fold, an outward Enemy, therefore the John rs. ra.: Shepherd mutt watch andprated the Jheep aping the Wolf, as well as againft the great Goat, that is the third part. All thefe are to be in the Magiftrate, and they depend and followupon one ano- ther. a. Princes and Rulers mutt feed the flock and not therofelves.only, they are nu- tricii Ecclefie, nourifhero ofthe Church. 2. They mutt procure peace at home, by proteûing the weak again(' the ftrong, admini(tring juflice equally. 3." Theymuff keepout foreignInvalon,prote& them againfi foreign Enemies,as appears in the example, regio non boni, of noneof the beft Kings, Saul ; He takes care, t Sam 1/, 15. nequid fitpópulo quad fleas, that the peoplehave no caufe to weep, that they be not dif- quieted by Nahath the Ammonite, &c. Thus we fee the ends ofMágiftracy. Now for the Duties. Ofthe.Duties of Subjelis to their Princes, read a learneddif- courfe of the Author in his Sermon on Proverbs 24. 21, 22, 23. Fear God and she King, &c. as alfo what Cefars rightir, which is due from thepeople, on Matth. 22.21. Give nato C.efar the things that are Cefars, &c. Andfor the excellency of Regal Govern- ment, and howgreat a blefng it is to the Chord., and what miferies and confufionsfol- low where it it wanting. See the Authors Sermon on Judg. 17. 6. In Chafe days there was noKing in Ifrael, &c. 1. As there was ufurpation in the Miniftry , by unlawful entrance and intrufion Duties .ares gfMa. into that Calling, fo is there allo in the Magiftracy. It is laid of the peopleof Laijh t and that they lived,careleJs, becaufe theyhad no Magiftrate. Therefore the Danites fell up- Peoples, on themand flew them, and ufurped Authority over them. But to prevent this, men Judges rs.7., are not to takeupon thema Government uncalled , for as our Saviour in the tafe of the Miniftry Paid, I am the door: fo in thecafe ofMagiftracy he faith, Per me Regei`Jolm to. 7 regnant, by me Kings reign, and Princes decree 7ultice. If once it . come to that which Prov. & t5. God fpeakethby the Prophet, Regnaverunt,fed nonper me; they bave fit upKings, but Hof, 8.4.4, not by me ; they have made Princes, andI knew it not: If once God be not of their counfel, and they affume this honour to themfelves, not being calledof God (as the Heb. 5, 4, Apoftle(peaks) or(as the Prophet) take to themfelves horns, [that is, Power ] by Amos 6. t3, their own(frength, thereare tifurpers, not lawful Magiftrates. An example we have ofan tlfurper inAbimelech, and ofhis praétifes to get a Kingdom. 1.He hireth lewd and vain perlons, 2. maketh himfelf popular ; and 3. committeth marcher, even upon his Brethren : And thofe that had right to it, he either took out of the wày, Judger 9.3,45 or drove away for fear. For thefe are the three praEtifes of tïfurpers; as fotham tells 5, Y1. them in his Parable. This then is the firft Duty ofa Magiftrate, to come in by a puff andright title, not:aufurp, 2. In the next place, being rightly fetled in charge by God, we mull confider the divifion which Saint Peter makes, into a. either Bactaíur,the King, whom he calls fu. B b b preme