3 78 Chap.$: TheDuties o fPrince and People. Com. S, iPet.2.13,14. preme : or 2. tlyliyaipi which are under-Officers appointed by him, as Captains in time ofWar,and Judges in timeofPeace. God gives the reafon for under- Officers to Numb. 1 r.17. Mofes, Becaufe one man is not able, tobear the burthenalone. And the very fame reafon doth 7ethrogive Mofes, when headvifed him to take under Officers to help him to Exo.18.14, judg the people So did Mofes to thepeople ; when. the people were multiplied, -he Deus. r. 9. contett he was not able to hear all caufes himfelf. Now concerning under-Officers, this Rule mutt be obferved that there be no more of them than is neceffary ; that the number of them exceed not fo, as that they Neh. 5. 151 be a burthenand clog to the Common-wealth. We fee in Nehemiahs time, that, it was not the fupreme Magiftrate, but the under - Officers that dealt hardly with the People :Themore ofthem,the more fees were exaded,whicybecomes gravamen Rei- publice, a grievance to the Common-wealth, the peoplecannot bear it ; and there- fore is it neitherfafe,nor ftands it with thepolicy or ju(ticeof the (late to admit too many ofthem. I. The peoples Duty about the election of the Kingor fupreme Magi(frate(where Deut. 17. 15: he is Ele6 ive and not by Succeflìon) muff be fuch,as glum Dominus Deus tausele- gerit : thou(hale chufe whom the Lord thy Godfallchafe. According to the fame rule mutt be the eleétionofinferiour Officers : if the choicebe made otherwife; it isvi- - tious for the manner, but not void ; Multa feri lion debent, Tie f a&.fa valent. Bath- - Kin.t,2o,33 fheba urgedmany reafons to David to declare her fon Solomon totehis Succeffor;and David nominated him : but it feems it wasnot fo much by her perfwafion, or his own affec`fion, but in a folemn alfembly ofPeers, he gives the main reafon , that as r Chr.a7.4, . God hadformerly chofen himfelf beforeall the houfe of his Father to be King over Ifrael and 7adab : fo had God likewife ofall his Sons chofenSolomon to fit upon the Throne of the Kingdom. And indeed the chufingofa Min forhis gifts, is all one, as ifGod himfelfhad chofen him. After there two, David andSolomon, God appointed their heirs tofucceed and fit on theirThrone. Deut.r. r 3. 2. The next ruleis, the perfon tobe chofen King, or an Officerofa King, is to be 17.15: one ofthe Nation,and not adranger : and the reafons are ; r. Becaufehe will be belt affeLted to thepeople among whomhe is born. z. Becaufe he is bettet experienced Ads a'6. 3: with the Laws and Cuttoms ofthe Nation, than affranger canbe. 3. He belt knows the temper ofthe people, as Paul fpakeofAgrippa, in that refpecl afit Judg. Deut. 17.16, For the particular and proper Duties andqualifications ina Prince,they are there: 17. 1. Hemutt not be affeLted to Egypt, that is, to a falle or contrary Religion, he mull befound in Religion. 2. Not given to pleafures, efpecially thepleafures of wine or wo- men. Solomon manywives made him lay many burthens and charges on the Jews, which when theycould not perfwadeRehoboam to lighten,they rebelledagainf their King fail,and again( God afterward ; and at length were captivated. 3. Nor a boarder offilver andgold, in the fame verfe in Deuteronomy, not covetous ; only he mutt befo careful as theHeathen direfks,to lay fomuch together, tit amitos beneficiis obflringere, ac indigentibusfuppeditare, bene merentibus remunerare, c'r inimicos jure ulcifci port : by good turns tobind hisfriends to bim, to relieve them that are in want, to reward the well-deferving, and revenge himfelfupon his Enemies. 4. Which is firi to bedone, becaufe it includes all the refi,afioonas he is fetled in his Throne, hemull provide a copyof the law out of which he mull learn ; a. 7o Prov. 29. 14: fear God 2. And tofee it praEfifed, fief by himfelf,and then in his Cour,and la[c]y, by all the Countrey. 3. He muff learnto be humble. 4. To do juffice to the People, and then his Throne fhall be effablilhed for ever. Saul being.made King had another heart givenhim, 1 Sam. a u. 6. This God gave him when he came among the Pro- phets. Gods counfel to Kings is, Be wife now, 0ye Kings. This Wifdom Religion teacheth, and it prevents honours, and riches, and pleafures, from drawing afide the hearts ofPrinces. He that is thus qualified is meet for a Kingdom. r. Being thus eleled and qualified, andplaced in his Throne, he is to know, that he is not there by his own power, but as we fee the (tile runneth, C.efar Dei gratis, r Tim. 6. 15. & permitone divins, by Gods favour andpermifon. And whereas the Lawmakes this prov. 8. 15, diftinéhion ofpower, there is poteftas arbitraria, an abfolutepower, and poteffas dele- gates, a powerdelegat edbyanother 5 he is to acknowledg, that he bath only potrí atem delegatam from God, theother is invefled in God alone : he is the King of Kings, Lord Paramount, Per me reges regnant, by me Kings reign, faith he. The King muff con-