Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Cóm.5 The Duties ofPrinces and People. Chap. confefs with the Centurion ; I am a manunder authority, though I fay urto one go, math, and toanother come, and theyboth cbey me : as he faid, I amunder Clauaiaer Lifer, he under Feelix, Fselix under the Emperour, and God over-rules us aIL And this even the Heathen did fee ; Return inproprios, reges in ipfos imperium eft .fovis; the go- vernment over the people is in Kings, and over Kings tbemfelves in God alone. 'have Paid, ye are Gods, faith God by King David, in refpeft of the Government pCalm E of men; therefore they mull rule. as if God himfelf ruled perfonally upon earth ; and how is that ? If he did vouchfafe to keep the power in his own hand, he would rule by his word. Princes then mull rule according to this word, they mull make no Laws contrary to this : and becaufe perfeft skill in the word is hardly to be expe- eted in Princes, but in thofeat whofe mouth the Law of God mull be fought, viz. thePrietìs, therefore the Prince is to receivedireftion at the mouth of Eleazar. And Numb. 27.29, this is his fiat Duty. The peoples Duty anfwerable to this, is to acknowledge, that a King is Gods De. I Sam. to.a6. putt', and to fubmit to his Authority, which is done by Gods touching the heart ; for obedience proceedeth from the fpirit ofGod, as well as power fromGod. Our Saviour givesa good rule in this. For there were two forts of people in fury, one that made an Infurredion with Theudas againft Cefar, about Tribute, he and his followers would acknowledg nothing due to Cefar, refratfarii [piritas, fpirits of oppofition. And fecondly , therewere fpiritus aulici too, Herodians , that would . . have Cefar to have all, even the things that were Gods. And thefemen came to Chrifl, with the Scribes to tempt him ; Is it lawful to give tribute to Cefar, or not? They would try which fide Chritl would joyn to,.; but he goes in a middle way He condemns the feditious party that denied Cefar his tribute : and yet joyns not Matth;22 -with the Herodiaus; He faith not, OmniafintCefaris, all thingsbelong to Cefar: but Cefar bathhis Lie, and God bathhis Qua ; fohe goes from Theudas, not to the Helvetian:, but flays at Obedience, which is inmedia. 2. The fecond Duty of Kings is, becaufe God bath been fo liberal toCefar, as to make him his Deputy, ( for quicquiddiciturde Deo, & creatures , derivatura Deoad creatural ; whatfaever isfpoken of God and bis creatures, is derived from God to his creatures ; and fo that Supremacy which is in Kings, is derived fromGod,whois fu- preme over all ; he was able to have done all alone, and if he had followed the courfeof the world, conceiving that authoraliene potentie aufert de fua, or perdit fuam;he that k an Author ofanother manspower takes from,or lofetbbis own.)He would not have bellowed any part ofhis Dignity upon another, as we feehe bath imparted toCefar. NowCefar mutt not requite him,by breaking into the paleofGods power, which hebath refereed to himfelf : for f as we fee) there is a p.taozdzov, a divifton Chrifl makes adillinc bion between que Cefaris, and que Dei; therefore heMull be. careful to leave God his own : he mutt not dominari confcientie, not rule over the conJcience, for none keeps Court in the Confcience but . God alone. Therefore he ... ok) mull not command any against his allegiance to .God, feated in Baptifm .5 He mutt not command any thing againll the Word s for as Saint 7erome faith, whatfoever it paid to-Cefar againtl the Word, is not Cefärk veWgal, Cefars tribute, but Demonic, the Devils. He knowing Gods Glory to be his end, mutt only be cultos legit the keeper of the Law, that is, 4fall the workscommanded in theLaw by prohibiting outwardviolence againit the LawofGod. The Minifters can but exhort and per fwade ; and dohe what he can, Come will ufeoutward violence, to rennin which is theproper work of the Magiltrate. When there was no King in Ifrael,every mandid Judges 17.6. what was good in his owneyes ; which is proved by Micha's attempt, making -a -Te- raphim, andby the robbery of the Danites, Chap. 18. and. theravifhing ofthe maids by the Benjamites, Chap. t9. Therefore for defending from external injuries, he . muff be cuffos utriufque tabule, keeper ofboth Tables. Saint Augufline faith , Reges fi in fits regno gut bona [urn jubent mala prohibent, faciunt non [slum que Co rna cret ad humanam focietatemattinet f d ad divinam religionem: If Kings command their lib. g, cup. 5 r. Subjelïs good things, andforbid them evil, they do not only that which belongs to the prefervationofbu vane Society, but Gods [revise alfo. And again, In hoc fciunt reges aDeo Pr.eeipi, ut Deo inrrviant, in quantumReges Kingsmuff know, they are toferve- God as they are Kings.They are then to be Gods fervants,as theyare Kings,but not to' exceedthepower given themby God:their fupretnacy truth notextend to what God Ebb a bath