Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Com.S. The Duties ofPrinces and People. Chap.$.^ illfcita requirit dttmmodo que fist font requirit, it is no unjutt demand in any span when he requires but his own. As in regard tbat he fecures' our tillage hemufl Aug. have Tribute ,out of our Lands : for keeping the Seas peaceable , he is to have vertige!, Cuftome ; and in timeofNeceflìty and Wars, he mutt have Subfidies. Neh. 5. s5. Befides that whichNehemiah calls the Governours Bread, Denarium: 3. The third duty of the Prince is in cafes ofAppeal called Canon Regisor Regni, to do jufliee to all. It it suffice that effablifheth the Throne. Saint Cyprian faith, juffitia Regs pax of popselorum, tutamen patria, &c. Thejuffiee of a King is the peace Prov. ofthe people, and fortrefs of the Kingdom. And Saint Auguffine, fine juffitia mag- na regna ntbt! aliad fient quam magna latrocinia, withoutjuffice great Kingdoms areno- thing elfe but great dens ofThieves. And in the adminiftrationof loftier he mull be careful, ut os ejùs non declinabit Prov. s6. so. in judicio, that his mouth tranfgrefs not in Judgment : and in fo doing his 14.34 Kingdom (hall be exalted ; and the rather if in his time he take care, r. That"ptalm 92.;i' the righteous flourifh, ifgood men be encouraged, a. And that the evil be fear- prov. tared, that the innocent be not oppreffed or kept under, and that the wicked it. have their defert, his eye mutt not fpare them. The drofs mull be taken away Deut. r9. io. from the Silver. Take away the wicked, and the Kings Throne (hall be eftablifhed Prov. 25.471 in Jullice. The peoples Duty in regard of this Juflice, is to fear him; we mull fear him if we do evil, for he beareth not the finard in vain, for be it the miniffer of God, a re- Rom: r3.4. venger, to execute wrath upon him that doth evil, as the Apoille tells us. If we do Prov. well, fear not with a fervile, but a filial fear ; for Rulers are not a terrour to ood Lek r.24, g t2. 4:' works, but to the evil ; to whom the Kings wrath is as the roaring of a Lion, Prov. Rom, 13.3. 20.2. Wilt thou then not beafraid ofthepower, do that which it good. 4. The fourth and loft Duty ofKings, which procureth both fear and honour is, their humble and meek behaviour in Government, and tiling their Power. Not bragging of theirPower as Saul: Cannot Igive to every one ofyouFields r- Vineyards, a Sam. 22.7. andmakeyou Captains, use. Nor vaunting of their Power as Pilate to Chrift ; know- Joh. rq, 20. eff thou not that Ihave power to crucife thee, or to releafe thee? this comes topafs be- caufe they cannot xa7asrl4sesiskyar o"aßor, dige(l that great happinefs they have, but 2 Cor. forget that ruleof the Apoltle, that all is given them for Edification, not for de- Efth. 5. 1.1. ftruftion : no man bath received power to do hurt, but only to do good. Haman could not digeft the power he had, but all the World mutt know of it., Saint Gre- gory gives a good rule to Magiltrates; Tali debet effe difpenfatio regiminis ut is qui pr.eeff, ea fi circa fubditos menfura moderatur, quatenus arridens timeri debeat & ira- 1.3:,Moral. tut amari, ut cum nee nimia lenitas vilem reddat,aut immoderata feveritas odiofum. Such fhould be themoderation in Government, that he which ruleth fhouldHand in fuch terms with his Subjeâs, as that they may fear him when he is well- pleafed,and love him when he is angry : that neither too much lenity make himcontemptible not Ecelef. 4. 73 too much feveritybring him into hatred. The Heathen man makes this diflin&ion between a Tyrant and a good King. Thegood King will fay, I am to do this, I pray pardon me, it is my duty. The Tyrant faith, I may and willdo it ; therefore his counfel is, that though they may do it all alone, yet it will beprudence in them to take othersalong with them, that thereby their authority may be the lets envied, and that they do fometimes depart from their right, and not urge always fummumjut. For as the Preacher faith, better is a poor wife child, than an old foolifhKing, that willtake no counfel. Naaman took his fervants counfel, 2 Kings 5. 14. The conclufion ofboth,is, pauciora licent ei, quam ulli, cui licent amnia. Hefhould take the lealt libertyofall others,who hath liberty to do what he lift. Thus heought to think, and thus to think is a great part ofthat humility & meeknefs,which ought to be in Princes : otherwife as the Heathenfaith, this ciCac, fear, maybring racuolatt, flattery, but never Arad, hearty good -will to him. t. Theduties to anfwer this,is, r. oCeí.Sat Amu' ° xe& steel sta-rb, not to fear him fo much, as to be afraidof him, left any hurt (lrould come untohim. The Ifraelites would not let David adventure himfeif in a dangerous War againfl his rebellious tí Sam. Son, and their reafon was, Thou art worth ten tbonfand of ut. So again in the War ,,with the Philiftines , they fware, Thou fbalt nomoregoout withus, and why ? they deemed