Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

!t Chap.i. The Introduaion. I. And when Ca cchizing wa, left off in the Church, it loon became darkncd and overfpread with ignorance. The Papifts therefore acknowledge that all the advantage which the Prom limits have gotten of them hath come by this exer- cite ï and it is to be feared that if ever they get ground of us, it will be by their more exalt and frequent 'Catechizing than ours. 3. Concerning the third Zunr-e. The Reafons why this cuftem of catechizing by way of Quettion and Aufwer, hath ever been continued,fecm to be theft. Mat.3, 6.4z; I. Becaufe. of the account every one mutt give.Our Saviour tel's it us, reddes rationem, we mutt render an account. And every man will be moll wary in that for which he mutt be accountable. M'so ha 'r,.rg,i'ar,noór ;as'xettzeyr, 2. Bccaufc we are all, young and old, to give an account of our faith.Be ready r Pet.3,rç.+ (faith St. Peter) always to give anfwer to every one that asketh you a reafon of the hope that a in you, a fond rcafou, not a phauatique opinion. I John 4.1. And by this we (hall be the better fitted to thefe four neceffary duties : a. Of examining the Doftrinc we hear, ICeemt.z5. z. Of examining or Ccivc before we hear the Word, and receive the Sa. ß'3ç cramcnts. Rom. tçaq: 3 we. ,,be admonifEing our Brethren, which we cannot do, unlefs fitted wish knowicoge. 4. Of adhcrig to the Truth. Bccaufe being Children we do imbibere erro- res, ergo exuendifuns & induenda veritas, .we drink in errors, which muff be fha- Eph.6.1.4. ken off, and our loyns mutt be girt with truth. The Heathenman advifeth ur,that in all our aftiors we propound to our fclves ginbow. What good will arife by that we go about ? fn this certainly the fruit is great divers ways. Rom : z,t. t. It will beacceptable toGod to fpend our hours in his fervice. John .17.3. 2. We [hall learn hereby to know Gód and hisSon Jefus Chrift. Whom to know is life eternal. Dest,rt.zr. 3. It will procure lengthof happy days in this life. Rom.6,xt. 4. Laftly, the fruir of it is holinefs, and the endeverlafting life. Now fecing the fruit is fo great, we are to take efpecial care that the hours we fpend in this exercifc be not left, and fo we be deprived of the fruit. For as in natural Philofophy`it is held a great ahfurdiry, ut aligaeidfrufhafiat, that any thing done in vain, or to nopurpofe ;and in.Moral, rsjitysea tufi., that there be a vain and fruitlefs delire, fo in Divinity much more. St. Paul ufeth it al an Argument to the Corinthians to prove the Refurrethon, that if there fhould be none, then bothhis preaching and their faithwere in vain. And in anotherplace, 3 Cor.t ç.4.':3 hedid fo forecaft his manner of theConverlon of the Gentiles, ne forte carrot in vanum, left he might run in vain. Therefore as the fane Apoftle d&fired `c Co- GaLz.. rinthians, not to receive the Grace of God in vain : fo are we to be careful, s .6 that we hear nothing in vain, left we be like thofe in ?eremy, that let thebellows jerCors9. .t' blow, and the lead confurne in the fire, and the founder melt in vain,upon which plan; f :.ith the Girls, that all pains and labour which is taken with fuch people is vainand loft. But the word of Godcannot be in vairs in three refpecs. r. In refpe£t of it felf. s. In refpeLh ofthe Catcchift. 3. In refpeifh of theCatechized. Efa.f çro,r r. t. In refpeü of it felf it cannot be in vain. For God himfelf maintaineth the contrary. As therain cometh down (faithhe by theProphet) and theMow from Heaven, and returneth not thither, but watcreth the earth, and makcth it bring forth and bud, that it may give feed to the lower, and bread to the eater. So (hall the word be that gocth forth out of my mouth, it (hall not return to me ' void, but it (hall accornpli(h that which I pleafe,and it (hall profper in the thing whereto I fend it. z. Nor can it be in vain in refpefl of the Catechizer, or him that dclivereth it.