392 Chap. i o. That this Law is Spiritual. Çom.S. unthankfulnefs in me to deny it : for as in his benefits, there was a licer dare out non dare, it was lawful for him either to give, or not give ; fo in matter ofthankfulnefs, there isa lieetfacere out nonfacere, a lawfulñefs to'do or not do that he requires ; if he require it in re gratia, by way of thanks, I will be thankful ; but if in re ofrcit, by the way ofDutyand Juftice, or for that hehath doneto me,hemuff pardon me,and yet I am out of the mark of Ingratitude. 3. Laftly, he would have me to follow his appetite, and do an unjuft ad, and I refufe to content to him in it, is this unthankfulnefs> no furely. For the Ruleis, *sod tibt fieri non vie, alteri nefeceris, a man mull do as he would be done unto that love he bears tohimfelf, muff be the fquareof his love to his neighbour ; nor is it required, that I fhould do any more for my neighbour, than for my felf. If any appetite then fhould lead me to any unjuft thing, thould I confent to it? no, for fo I fhould hurt my fell in confenting to fin againft my own foul. In like manner, if my neighbour require me to do a thing unjuft, I mutt not confent t for it is againft the love I owe to my own foul, which muff be the ruleof my love to him. And fo, for the pleafure he hath done to me, he would have me do myfelf and hima dii pleafure, by my confenting todo evil at his Mitigation, to hurt both his foul and mine own, and fo to do evil for good. Theremay be in this cafefpeciesingratitudi- nie, a (hewof ingratitude, at the firft tight, which a good man may be taxed with- al; but being weighed in the trueballance, it is no thankfulnefs at all. A goodman per medium infamiam hujus ingratitudinir, will tendere ad ofcium ; this reproach of unthankfulnefs not deferved, will make him look the more ftriEtly to the duty of true gratitude. And thus much for the fpecial Duties of Inferiours and Superiours required in this Commandment, and the fins forbidden , according to our firft Rule for expounding the Decalogue. CHAP. ,x. That this Late it fpiritual. The Duties ofSuperioursand Inferiours muff proceedfrom the heart. Special means conducing to the keeping ofthis Commandment. Signs of the true Beeping ofit. Second Rule. F O R thè fecond Ruleof Extenfion, that whereany thing is commanded or for- of extenhon bidden, there all that are Homogenea,ofthe fame kind or nature,are commanded ro flomoge- or forbidden, we (hall need to fay nothing, all theHomogenea being already handled under thefirft Rule. Third Rule: of 3. The third Rule tells us, that the Law is fpiritual,and reaches to theheart; and extenfion. fo is this Law, it muff be kept in heart and fpirit, as well as in the outward man.both This Law is bySuperiours and Inferiours. alfo fpiritual. r. For the Superiour. We fee that David fed his people not only intelligentiì Pfalm 98. 73: manurtm but in ftmplicitatecordis, with a faithful and true heart : and Saint Peter r Pet. 9. 2. expreffeth the Duty ofSuperiours ( as it ought to proceed from theheart) by two words, iaeolut and sref345as, willingly, and readily. And becaufe as was toucht before, there maybe an ufurpation ofPower, without any juft Title, afwel as an abide of lawful Power ; therefore none muff in heart Peek or delire to uftup Au- Pfa1m 131.8. thority over others, they muff fay with David, non elf exaltatum cor meson , my heart is not haughty ; and remember the Apofiles Rule , 'ne quis fapiàt fupra quam 'Rom. rx. g. oportet, not to think more highly of himfelf than he ought but be fober-minded : for as the Heathen obferved, it oft falls out, that there is purpuretts animus tub rudi panne; an high mind under a beggerscloak ; fome are like the bramble in the Parable Judges 9. 58: that mould be King over all the Trees, or like theThiftle, that would match with the 2 Kings 4.9. Cedar cf Lebanon. a. The fpiritual Duty ofInferiours is , firft, with a ready and willing mind to obey their Superiours, as it is in the Fong ofBara&and Deborah, the people came willingly : Nor like 2beudas, who would have no Governours Tumultuario fpi- Judges 9. 9 ritta, fpirits of oppofition; nor yet like theHerodians ( theother extreme we men- tioned before) fpiritus aulici, fervileflattering fpirits : the former obey no farther than