intloduCt. the Duty ofthe CatecbiKed. - Çhap. t, I have labtom cd iat vain (faith the Prophet) I have fpent my ftrength for nought and in vain ; ye; furcly (mark that) my judgment is with the Lord, and my work with my God. Tirepains which the Catechizer takes, is not in vain, becaufeGod (teeing hehath done his part) will accept of his endeavours, though hisAuditors reje&andEta. 49, 4. flight them. And if the Son of peace be there, your peace (hall reit uponhim, ifnot redibit ad ors, it (hall return to you again, faith Chrift tohis Di(ciples. And the Apo- ftle molt .plainly xeFS37osdld:eaì rn! fly, We are unto God a fweet favour of Chrift,Luke tó.6. in them that are fatted, and in themthatperilh. Therefore we ought to be verycare- ful how wr behave our felves in hearing. 3. Lw^ly, It cannot be in vain to the Catechized. If we come to hear with agood Mat, r3. intent, the fpirit of God takes order, that the word (hall beprofitable, and fruitful, like good feed rowed in good ground. And to this purpofe it is, that Saint Gregory faith; Chtni uerbi boni auditores e(xrittnt, pro reficiendiseis majora dot oribua intelligen. tiadona tributtneur: Sape enimDof(ori verbum Dominus progracia eribaitauditoris. When in pallor. hearers come with :a good appetite to hear theword, theteachers are enabledwith greater gifts of underftanding. For oft-times God gives hisword to the teacher, in favourof the hearers. CHAP. II. 2;e dutyof the Catechized. T. Tocome, and that t. Witharight intent. z. Willingly. 3. With Preparation, which nufl be, t.inDar. a. By Prayer. Other Rules for coming. a. Withfervency. z. with parity of kart. 3. lit laitk q.frequently. The second duty to hearor banken. Themalty of hearing. The manner. h W ì:h rove, ence. z. Weth f e, vest ofMeet, 3. Withsilence. 4. Withoutgazing. s. Hear to keep. Hew the wad nnfl be kept in our teats. a. By examination. z. By meditation. 3. Byconfèrenre. XI Ow that it mày be the more fruitful, two Duties in thisText are required of7heDee&tir IN them: Venire, aufetileare. To come, and to hear, or hearken. It is the nature of Catechize'. the Holy Ghoft, to comprehendandcomprize many things in few words, much mat- ter in lhort fpecch, Venite, Come, The firft Dcty required is, tocome to Church. Our prefencemuft be the first part of our Christian obedience. I was glad (faith thePfahnift) when they faid Pfa1n I Sa, 1.1 unto me, we will go into the houfe of the Lord. And theProphet faith, many people Efa. z.;. (hall go and fay, Come and let us go up into theMountain of the Lord. The Jews have a Proverb, Bleffed is he that duftethhimfelf with theduftof theTemple. Alledg- ing that of thePfaimift, One day in Gods Court is better than a thoufand. Psalm S. ¡o. I. And yet our coining to Church will avail us little, if we comeas they didof whom the Prophet fpeaks, that is, for fashion fake, fear ofpuni(hment, disfavour,, or the like, rather than for any good-will we have to come thither. Forto fuch the word (hall be (as the fameProprettells us) as afealedbook that cannot be opened. Therefore if it stood in our elentioi, and that all cenfuresand rubs were removed, that we might beat liberty, to come, or flay at home, yet are we tocome, and to come wellaffefted, becaufe the Holy Ghost hath laid, Venire, Ccome. For tocome only at Gods call, and not well qualified, isno more than the Centurions fervant did at his command; therefore in fo coming we (hall do God no great fervice. The people went three days journy into thewildernefs after Christ. And there wereMark. 8. z: fume that heard Saint Paul, while he continued preaching till midnight. But our corn-Acts so. 7.' ingand hearing will little avail us, if it be not with a good intent, for even the fiies,Pfai.'os. lice, grafhoppers andcaterpillarscame at Gods Commandment. 2. But weare notonly tocome, but tocomeLibenter witha willing mind, to be bettered by our coming, not to hear news, as the Athenians, nor as Herod to Chrift, hoping to fee Come Miracles-done, but diligenter de ardenter, with diligence and +y & 17. áz zeal. Saint Auguffine, calls the peoples adz of following Christ three dayes in the Wildernefs, Monflrumdiligentia, a diligence more than ordinary. Wemull be like thofe, that to hear the Apofties, retorted daily and with gladnefs to the Temple; and, (in Solomon phrafe) wait daily at his gates, and at thepolta of his es z;'14-. doors tohear; that is without wearinefs or intermiffion. Cyril faith, Non.fain. i e in- Ptoy, s, 34; f itutiones, flea: homilia, Thefe: Catechizings are not as Homilies, for if we mils a Sermon , we may redeem it again, but if we mils this Exercife , we lofe much benefit. It is compared to a building of which , if any one part be wanting, the whole edifice mull needs be unperfedt. Therefore we muff follow