Com.5. Of the Promife oflong Lift. Chap. i i. pp for theexercife and trial ofhis Church. The Prophet in the perfonof God calls Efay lo. s. Ajour, the Rod ofhis anger. 4. The lad reafon may ferve as an univerfál Document. God fullers fuck men to live long, to teach us long-fuffering, by his patience and long- fuffering. The Apofle ufeth the fame when he faith , what if God willing to Phew bio wrath , and tr mall his power known, endured with much long-fu..Jerin$, the Vejelr of wrath? Bat as the Prophet tells them, God will not fufher them to efcape fat' Rom. 9. 20, ever. I. The godly (hall come out and look upon their Carkafl'es, and in the mean Efay 66. 24. time they (hall be but as condemned perlons, nay they (hall condemn one another. 2 Kings 9. 31: Jezebelcondemns Zimri, had Zimri peace which flew his Matter? And Abfálom, I Sam' 16.17. though he were rebellious to his Father, yet he could condemn Hufhai for l'eavinn David; is :bit thy kindnefs to thy: Friend? a. As the Prophet Efay bath it in the forenamedverle, veímis earrim non ¡go:. Aug. rietur,their worm (hall not die; Confcientia ipfortimpoena, their very confcience-fhall bea puni(hment to them. So that their life may be longa, not Leta, long, but with- out delight or joy. 3. The third is out of the fame verle, knit eorum nonextinguetur. Their fire (hall never be quenched. Their mifery (hail never have end. 4. And la(ü)+, ( there too) theyShall bean abhorring to all flefh. They (hall 63 P(m 34. 16, odious toevery good man. Their name Shall be forgotten. God will root out the re- Prov. lo. 7. membraneofthem from the earth. The name of the wicked (hall rot. And though God take away the righteous betimes, yet in the way of rightepuf- nefs is life, and in thepath -way thereof there is no death, as the Wife-man (peaks. 12. se. And to conclude with the words ofthe Preacher, though the days ofthe wickedbe prolonged, yet it (hall go well with them thatfear the Lord : But it (hall notgo well with Ecclef 8. 1, . thewicked ; neitherPall he prolong his days, which are as a (Isadore, beeaufe befeareth not before God. THE