Com.6. The general Expofitionof thisCommandment. Chap. t. The world and the Common-Law account it an offence, ifthe body, or good e- state ofit be endamaged. The good eftate of the body is called incolumit,x corporis, the good plight and habit of the body : and this confitteth in three things ( which are all included in Murther, as degrees to it.) I. Lt integritate corporir,in theperketnefs ofeach member ofthe body. The body therefore is not only prejudiced, when life is taken away totally, but when the body tofeth an arm, or a leg. AMaimwill bear a good Afkion. z. Incolumitate finfus, in the foundnefs of the fenfes of our bodies, when we are at eafe, without pain, and therefore when a man is wounded, hurt, or ttricken, though no limb be taken away. This bears an Aftion of Battery. 3. In libertate motes, in freedom to go whither wewill. When a man is unjuftly committed to prifon, and there wrongfully detained. The Law in this cafe allows the party fo refirained, his Action againft the perfon that deprives him of this li- berty. Now as there is incotumitm corporis, foundnefs of body : fo there is of the Soul too, called iv.vµía, the tranquillity of the Soul, and this may alto be endamaged. The good eftate ofthe Soul confi(tsalto in three things. I. In dileaiene, in love , againft which cometh in odium, hatred, with its crue Gal. g<ca. and retinue, 2. In gaudio, Joy. Againft this cometh that , which fo handletha man , that he Talleth in srad'ísr, intoTorporen anime ; a (loth or drowfinefsof Soul, fo that he ta- keth no delight in any good thing, or if he fall into Envy. 3. In pace. Peace is the Tait, which is two -fold : r. Either within a mans felt, quiet thoughts, againft which comethfeandalum, fcandal given; or a. without, be- tween him and others, and the oppofer of this is Difcord andContention. So that not only offences againft the body, or the incolumity and good thereof, but offenders contra animas:, againft the Soul and the 48444, the good plight thereof, are comprehended within this Commandment, as breaches thereof. WhenEfateagainft the willofhis Parents had matched himfelf with Irrange Wo- Gen, 27, 46, men, the Daughters ofHeth s theText tells us, that Rebeccaprofeffed, She was weary ofberlife, and this wearinefs of life lebcalleth amaritudirem anime, the bitternefs Job to. r. of his foul. Efau in this aft was a trefpatfer againft this Commandment. On the other fide, Jacobs foul being as it were dead by the report of Jsjepbs death, Simeon: Gen.4 .26,27: imprifonment, and Benjamins departure; it is laid ofhim, when he was told that 3ofepb was alive, that hisfpirit revived, as ifbefore it had been dead. The Hebrews have aphrafe percutere asimos, to kill the Soul, and theEnglifh have the like, tokill the Heart : and the Wife-man hath one near to it; Spiritus tri he exftceat ofa,a broken Prov. 57. 22, f iris drieth the bones ; for grief is a caufe ofdiminifhing the natural heat, fo that he that mini(treth this occation to any man, doth what he can tothorten his life, and is within compafs ofbreach ofthis Commandment; for whatfoever is contrary to aA life, or guts, well-being, is forbidden by this Commandment, Thou(halt not kill. Gen. 9.6. The fcope ofthis Commandment, is not only any private benefit, but the publick good, as was faid before of the Law in general; for the fin forbidden here is, I. Ina Car. t2. t;; refpeft ofGod himfelf. God will not have any man killed, and his reafon he gives, becaufeman is his own Image ; and it is accounted a capital crime againft earthly Princes to deface their Image. 2. In regard ofthe Church. Chriflians are all one body in Chriff, therefore he that (hall take away any member ofit, makes a rupture in that myftical Body. 3.In retpeit of the Common -wealth. Peace is a great benefit, Levit. 26.6. and a great blefling when men (hall live without fear : betides Tutelafingulorum, P1a1m 36.9. the fafetyofevery privateperfora, who as hebath received life from God, fo hehath receivedreafon,by the ufe whereofhe is to prefetve it. For,as the Pfalmift faith, God is thefountain of life, from whom life isderived to every man ; and it is he that hath givenman nobilem ratiosis ufum, whereby he may procure himfelfboth incolumita- tom corporic,the good plight of body , and LSvµisr, good-habit or tranquillity of Soul : and withthis hehash fencedhim round. So much in general. Now foe the particulars. 403 E ee z CHAP.