4o4 Chap.2. Of Self=mnrther. Cona.6- CHAP. J. Of Norther in general. The (laughter of beaks not prohibited, but in two cafes. Of killing a mans Pelf; divers reafons againJt it. Of killing another: many reafons to them the greatnefs of this fin. The aggravations of this. fin from the perfn mothered. THE Manicbeet held a fond opinion, that becaufe it is fail , Non occides, Thou fhali not bill, that a man ought not to kill a Beal} or Fowl; or cut downa Tree, or pluck up an Herb, becaufe there is life in it. But this errour may be confuted,even from the Creation; for before the Flood, God faith, Behold I have givenyou every herb bearing feed, and every tree, mac. to be to youfor meat; he gave all things for the ,ea I. 29. ufe ofMan, as after the'Flood, every moving thing that liveth, &c. And. under the Go- fpel wee fee it moff plainly. Saint Paul'tells the Corinthians, that wbatfoever itfold isa 9. 3. the fhambles, thatye mayeat. r Cor. ro. 25. t. Thy reafons are evident. Fief}, where there is not jus focietatir, right of So- ciety, there cannot be jocietas juris, not participation of right : but they have no right of Society withus, 'becaufe they want reafon ; and therefore it can be no in- jury to them to kill them; for where there is no right, no jig, therecannot be inju- ria, wrong. 2. To'ufe a thing to that end for whiehit is ordained, is no fin ; but the letsper- fed was made for themore perfect ; therefore herbs were ordained for beafts, and both for the ufe ofman. Exod. za, r. I. Yet in two cafes we are prohibited the killingof beaffss fief}, when it turneth to the detriment ofourNeighbour. It is not the killing of the beat}, but the wrong and detriment done to our Neighbour that is the fin. 2. If we kill it in the fiercenefs o four wrath,exal`bing or teeming to exac`f from it thatpower of underffanding,of which it isnot capable. Saint Auguffine defcribing the impotency, or rather madnefsof the paffion of anger, faith, Ira eft, cum ineff opi- rptft ah nia tùrbulenti appetitut inferendi ea, qua facilitatemaOlionis impediunt,idcirco pleruny, non hominibus tantum,Jed calamo irafcimurin feribendo cumque collidimus & frangi- mus, aleatores teris,piliores penicillo, &c. this paffion fo diverts a mans judgment, that we are not onlyangrywith men, but theWriter with his Pen, defiling and breaking it, Gamef}ers with their Tables, Painters with their Pencils, &c. when they .sr ' ` do not pleafe them ; when they have not that facilitatemaelionis. And this is con, teary to Gods pradife, for he faves both man andbealf : and fo do the godly ; The Pfhlm 36. 7. righteous man regardeth the life ofbis beáfl,.faith the Wife-man, i. e. exac`es not in his Prov." r 2. ro. finlion morefrom his beaf}, than is within his flrength or capacity. Come we now to Man-killing, which is Murder here fpecified. There are two forts of flaughter prohibited by this Commandment. s. Sui, ofa mans-felf. z. Alterittr, rofanother. s. For the firfi, though the Heathen we read of "f as Lucretia, Seneca, Cato, and others ) thought it a heinous fin to kill another; yetthey durf} lay violent hands upon themfelves, and thought it lawful,and were held in great reputation for it. But Chrittian Religion tells us, that it is anunlawful ad, and that noman bath power over his own life, for thefe reafons. r. Firfi, we mull needs grant, that under the general Precept cf Mon occides, is comprehended, Nanoccides te; Becaufe, as was laid before, the general rule of this Law is, ficut teipfzsm, thou limit love thy Neighbour as thy felt, then non eccidesa- hum , Put non occides teipfum, thou (halt not kill another, as thou fhouldfl not kill thy fell; and therefore theprohibition of killing another, includes a prohibition of killing ones fell; the one is again(} the law of Charity and of Nature, as well as the other : for we are by Nature moil nearly linked and united to our (elves, and nature provides for felf- prefervation before the prefervation ofothers ; for it firft provides alimentum individui, by concoûion of meat in the ftomack, before it gives propagi- neonfpeeiei, propagation ofthe kind; for the feed is of that which remains after the nouiifliment ofthe individuum. 2. Every