406 Chap.2: Ofsmothering others. Com.6. OCUt.22.1,&e. the City !hall come, and wa(h their hands in the blood of an Heyfcr over the flair man, and protefi their innocency , that their hands have not fhed this mans bloud, nor have their eyesteen it. Without which proteflation, Gods wrath would by no means be pacified. Gen.4.11,19: 5. It is a curled fin. Maledi'Jus Cain, curfedbe Cain, faithGod, and accurfed he was, for he was a banifhed man ( by his own Confelliion ) and a fugitive and vaga- bond. He was caft out of Godsprefence, that is, excommunicate or call out of the Church, baniflrt from the place of Gods publick Worship, which is called his Pre- fence, and fodeprived ofhis grace and favour. This was the fiat fentcnce of Excom- munication, which was firfl executed for this fin. 1 6. God lets a fpecial mark upon him for it, which the beft Expofitors fay, was horrour of the mind, which ofall other fins dothever accompany this fin of Mur- tha: So that this fin will ever prick the confcience. The Patriarchs found this hot - 42. 2'. rout : it never left them from their firft aft againft Jofepb, till 7ofepbs comforting Sa IS and forgiving them. 7. Cain himfelf paired fentence of death for his bloudy aft againfi himfelf. Blood for blond, according to that of the Heathen ; Homicida quadfecit exile&et. Let the murtherer look for the fame that he hath done to another. Gains fear was that Palm SS. 23. whofoever fhould find him, would kill him; and accordingly it falls out , that viri fanguinum, mot of blond, non dimidiabunt dies fuss lhaG not live out half their days ; a Man-flayer may expefì that meafure from others, which he hathmetedout to others. 8. God himfelf fo approves ofCain, fentence, that though the horns of the Al- Exod. at: as, tar were a Sanctuary for other fins, yet a Murtherer if he fled thither, was to be I Rings a. 34. taken away and put to death. It was 7oabs cafe that flew Abner and Amafa, flair by Benajah at the horns of the Altar. Gen. 9. 94 9. Nay, Godwill require the blond ofaman even at the hands ofa beafl 3 much more at amans hands. so. Laftly, Gods Ipeech to Cain is very remarkable ; the voice of the blondoftby 4 to brother crieth to tnefrom the ground : the very earth, which is fenfelefs, received that which he fhed out of his brothers veins, and cryed for vengeance and (hall than that bath fenfe let it out? he that committeth this fin, paffeth beaft and earth, and fenfelefs Creatures. Now an Homicides fad is augmented by circumstances, for the perfon who is. (lain, is either publickor private. z. This fin committed upon a publick perfon, is the more grievous of the two, becaufe it is peccatum in plures, a fin against many : the offender doth what he a Sam.at: 17. can to quench the light of Israel. To murther a King or Prince, is of fo horrid a nature, the Heathens abhorred it. It is the murthering of the Common Father of a Countrey, yea as much as in men lies, a murthering of God himfelf, for they firike at God in his Vicegerent : and therefore though divers Princes have been taken away and murthered privately, yet never any people in the world pretended by any colour of legal proceedings, or thew of mock-jultice to touch the life of a Prince ; (fo odious they accounted it.) Pilate counted it a wicked thing to crucifie a King; Shall 1 crucifie your Xing? to which they could an- fwer nothing, but that they had no King but Catr, acknowledging ., that if he had been a King, (as they accounted him none) that it had been a monftrous thing. 2. If upon a private perfon ; z. He is either joyned to us in kindred, 2. Or elfe he is extraneus, a flranger. s. To fhed the blood of them that are of our blond, or allied to us, is a moll hai- Itxod. ai. 15. nousfin becaufe fuperadditur refpedus, here is a double refpe& ; s. As he is a man ; fo it is homicidium. a. He is either Father, and then it is Parricidium : or a Brother which is fratricidium, &c. He that flriketh Father or Mother, (hail finely be put to death , but ifhe (hall kill them, there is no death anfwerable to his offence : the Heathen lay, he should have lentam mortem& deformem, a flow and ugly death. And if any man have but one Brother, or Son, &c. As the women of 7ekoah Paid : S'am.t4, 7: to David, it is worfe to kill him, thanif there were more, becaufe there was but one (park left (as (he laid) and he fought to quench it. Of