Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Com.6. In what cafes it is lazvfui tolled blond. Chap.3: 2. Ofthofe that are extranei, Grangers, that are removed from us ; t. They are either of ftrength to defend themfelves ; or elfe 2. Weak and impotent. as the Or- phan, Widow,, Stranger, &c. For the lag fort of Ehefe s his a moreehainous fin to kill one that is impotent, than him that is our match r as we fay) and is alai,. to refill. God himfelftakes fpècial care ofthefe in the Law, that`thev he not either vexed or oppreífed, m,eh lets their livesand blouddpilt. This is'áµdtse, cruelty, the Greek Exod,22. 2t, comes fromäµdr, crudusraw, becaufe loch cruel perlons are like thofe ravenous beafts, that eat crude or raw flefh. To loch belongs thatthreatningóf our Saviour, offenderit un=.m' é minimis He that (hall offendone ofthefe tveakor little ones &c. better it were a mill#onewere hanged about his neck, andthat hewere thrown into thera. Mirth. ta. é. Among thofe that are able to withiland us , it is far worfe to lay hands upon a good and innocent man, than on a wicked : for by (pilling the bloud of a good man, we not only fin againft the ruleofCharity, but againfl Jufliceallo, he being unworthy of death.We do themoli wrong to'him,to whomwe owe the moll good. We fin alfo againli the Common-wealthby fuch an ad : for a good man is mob, elyx90r, as the Heathen man laid, a common good. And lalily, we fin againfi God himfell If any man offer violence to them, hedoth ittoGod ; for he that totecheth Zach. a. B. them,toncheth the apple ofhis eye. 407 CHAP. III. The reffraint of t bis Commandment. t. That Kings and Princes may lawfully Put Mr- lefallorr to death. That herein they areG'di Mini(lere. Three Rules to be bythem oh- fervrd. Theirjudgment mull not be, T. Perverfom, nor 2. Ufarpatum, nor 3. Te- merarium. 2. Tb it in-f,me cafesthey may lawfully makeWar. In a lawful Waris required, 1. Lawful Authority, 2, A jull caufe, 3. A juif end, And 4. A right manner. Addition 32. Of tbe catrs 'ofa jug War. Some othercafer wherein a mast may kill and not break this Commandment. t. For defence of his life aeainjifuel- den af(bults. Inculpatâ tutelâ. Second!y, By chance andwithout hisintention. Howa King may put Offenders to death. YET we mull underland that kings and Princes are in force cafes exempted from this Commandment, and commanded tokill ; and that upon pain ofgrie- vous punilhment ; ( and therefore here falls inthe Rule ofreftraint, the rel belong- ing to the rules of Extent) for this Law only prohibits private perlons from kil- ling upon their own Authority. And a lawful Prince may lawfullydo it two ways: a. When he puts to dea h in a legal way thofe that are guilty of hainous Crimes. 2. When for the jul defence of himfelf andhis Subje&s; or otherwife, he under- takes a ¡oft and neceffaryWar. 1. Foi the tiri, there is an objettuion of'fome, that no man is to kill, or be kit- Muth.5.39. led, upon the fpeeches of our Saviour, Refill not evil. But the anfwer is eafie 5 for it is not publick juflice, but private revenge, that is prohibited. But for publick Dent. 32.35. vengeance, God tells us, it is his : Which place Saint Paul quoteth. And God hath Rom. 12. a9. derived his Power to Kings, whoare his Delegates, who, asthe fame Apoftle, ares 3 4 terrour to the evil, for they bear not the [word in vain 9 but have it given to them, to execute vengeance upon Malefao`lors,and may by Gods own immediate warrant put an Offender to death. Thou /halt not faffer a witch to live, faith God: And a wife King ( faith Solomon) Exod.aa:,g. fcattereth the wicked, and bringeth the wheel over them. Thine eye (hall not pitty Prov. ao. 26. ( faith the Law ) but life fhal gofor life &e.. For the nature ofman is fo perverfe, Deut.L9. aó. as that without occides, thou (halt kill ; ne occides, Thou (halt not kill,will not beob- ferved. God bath given thisPowerand Commandment to Kings and Princes, who are the Supreme Magilirates,' ntfangieir fundatur, aefanguisfunderetttr, that blood Should be fhed,to prevent a' further (bedding of bloud. As in the body,thePhyfician prefcribes, fiat ineifio, ut "vitetur excifio ; an incition muff be Made, to prevent an ex- cilîon;