410 Chap.3: In what cafes it is lawful to fbed blond. Com.ß. It is true, Saint Paul counfelleth us to be peaceable and quiet ; Ifit be poffíble, at Rom. 12. rt. much as lieth inyou, bave peace with all men : yet it is with afl fieri poteff, and quan- tum in vobir elf. If we have laboured to obtain peace and cannot then the Apolile adds, the Magiflratebears notthefword in vain. There is committed to him, this jus glàdii, to force peace from the unquiet: Sufcipienda bella,ut inpacefine injuria vivatur; Liter. War mutt be undertaken, that men may live in peace without fuffering wrong. You !hall hear Saint Augu(iinejullifying thelawfulnefs of it. Nemo bella per Mofen cantr.Fauff. geffa miretur ant horreat, &c. Let noman either marvel or tremble at the Wars un- dertaken by Mofes, becaufe in them hewas not cruel, but obedient to Gods Com- mand : nor was God cruel in commanding, but jufl in retributing to the good, and terrifying the wicked. For what is there to be blamed inWar ? Is it becaufe Tome die therein ( that have a time todie) that the reti may live in peace ? To reprove this, is not the part ofa Religious,but a fearful man. It is the delire of hurt, cruelty in re- venge, and unplacablemind, fiercenefs in rebelling, luft to rule, and the like, which are worthily to be blamed in War. And therefore Wars begun at God's, or his De- puties command, are lawful and good. Elfe 7obn Baptift would have faid to the Souldiers that asked him a queftion concerning their Salvation, Armaabjieite, mali- Liam deferite, neminempercutite, vulnerate, profternite ; caft away your Arms, forfake the Wars,ftrike,wound,kill no man : but becaufe he knew, that they by being Soul- diers, were no Murtherers, but Minifters ofJullice, not revengers of their own in- juries, but defenders of the publick fafety ; he anfwers them, Do no violence, (lender. Luke3, 14. no man, becontent withyour wages. So that he teacheth them their duty in War, but doth not take it away, nor makes it more unlawful under the Gofpel,than under the Law. And becaufe SaintAuguffíne knew, that the Manichees were apt tovilifieSaint John, he bids them to mark what our Saviours opinion was in this point. Reddite Matth. 22.21. Cefari,&c. Give unto Csfarthat which is C efars ; and what was meant at that time by Tribute- money,for Tribute is paid for the maintenance ofSouldiers in time ofWar. 8. so. And when the Centurion had told him that he had Souldiers under him,and how o- bedient they wereto him, Chrift commendedhis faith , but commanded him not to defect his calling. Thus we fee that a War may beundertaken lawfully, without any derogation or impeachment to Chriftian Religion. But (as we faid) it mutt be a law- ful War; and that it be fo, divers rules are to be obferved. Judges T. r. t It mutt be exjulta autboritate, by lawful Authority from the King, to whom aSant 17. 347 God bath given the Sword. The Ifraelites beforethey went to War confulted with Contra Fasib. the Lord. And David went not to fight with Goliab till he had King Sauls warrant. Saint Auguftino faith, Orda naturalfio mortaliumpaci accomodatue hocpofcit ; utfufcipi- endi belli, anthoritas atque confiliumfitpenesprincipes : not only Chriftian Religion, but even the law ofNature requires, that the Authority and Command for War, be from the Prince. And therefore it fluids all others upon, to confider what they do, when they undertake any VVar , without the authority or confent of their Princes, much more if it be againtt him : for let the Caufe be never fo good or fpecious, though it befor Religion, or for God; yet without his Authorityto whom God hath committed the Sword, all the blond they fhed, be the perfons never fo wicked, is Murther, and they murtherers. Let them confiderfurther -what the Hea- then man could fee, That omne heliumfumi facile, caterum agerrime defnere , nec in Salu(t ejufdem poteftate initium e' poem efl ; It is an calle thing to begin, but a hard mat- ter to end a War: the beginningand the end being not in one and thefame mans power. 2. It mutt be alto in juffa caufa, upon a juft occafion, and then it is like to fpeed De ay. mil. the better. Si bona fuerit caufa pugnantir,pugneexitus males efe nonpote(1, faith Saint Bernard. If the eaufeofBattel be good, the event feldom proves amifs ( fuppoling withal lawful Authority to warrant it.) Thecaules of a fuff War are the famewith the confer of a juif Alïian in Law; for, Addition ;2: ubijudiciadefinunt,iocipirhelium, where Courtsof Jufficeend, War begins : They Ofthe auks aregenerally made three ; a. Neceffary defence again/f Invafton, a. Recovery ofwhat ofa juif War. it un)uftly taken from us, The unilhin o owegreat injury andwrong All which 3. P gff 1 3' g Liv. lib. g. are mentioned in that denuntiation ofCamillus againff the Gauls, Omnia qux defendi, repetique, 8e ulcifci fas fir, to defend, recover, and revenge. Thus Abraham under- Gem 14.1g, took a War far recovery of Lot, inwhoman injury and wrong wat offered to bimfelf. But