Cor.6. OfMurther committed indirectly. Chap.4. 4 t 3 when he murthered Abner and Amafa ; He toot, Amafz by the beard, andkifJed him, a 5ám. P7: and then[mote him under the fft rib. 2. By bringing one into danger, as Saul did Da- ao, g; ,o vid whomade himCaptain againft the Philifiims; to what end ? myhand ¡hallnoi i Sam. ta. 17. be upon bins; but theband of the Philiffims [hall not be upon him. As Saul dealt with a Sam. r i.t 5. David, fo did David with Vriab, when he wrote Letters to 7oab, to faVriah in the forefront : for though the Enemies flewhim, yet it was Davids murder ; Thou half [rainVriab the Hittite, faith Nathan. 3. Bybearing falfe witnefs, as thofe that teflifìed againft Naboth. 4. Byadvifing r sings 21. thedeathof the innocent; thus Jezebel was guilty. 5. By exhorting and furring 6. ro. up others ; the Scribes, and High. Priefts did not put Chri( to death, yet they fur- red up the people, and perfwaded Pilate, &c. And therefore were murtherers, of Chrift. 6. By contenting to the death of another ; as Saut did to thedeath of Ste- ven. 7. By not-bindring, when a man is in Authority , and may and ought to Alts7. 52. binder it; Pilate's wathing his hands would not acquit him. The not punish- 8. t. ing of Joab for the blond he unjuftly fhed, troubled David when he was near death , and therefore he gave order to Solomon to take a time to punish him. a. A man is indireííly guilty, by unneceffary expofing himfelf to danger , when hemay byordinary means prevent it; in thiscafe he that doth the fir(t, and peg- Ecdus. z ab: leas thelaft, is acceffory to his own death. O.Lii amar periculum , periculoperibit, Matti'. 13.4 faith the Wife-man. Our Saviour wouldnot thruft himfelf into it , we mutt not tumble down, when there are Baits to go down. For prevention of danger, we fee God prefcribeth a Law, to prevent infed`hion of Leprofie. The Leprous man *as tohe that up, and ifany wouldgo to him, and endanger himfelf, this was pre- fumption 5 And Saint Paul though he had Gods promife to come fafely to Land, yet he commanded theCenturion to ufe the means ( when he was in adorm ) to a- Áfts 27. 24, void thedanger, by lightning the (hip, &c. 31. 3. Bynegleíiing themeans which God hash given for the prefervationof life -as Diet, Phyfick, moderate Labour, and Recreation. When a man is fick, the Son of Syraeb gives goodcounfel, In thy ficknefr benot negligent : why, what mud a lick man do,but in the firft place fend for the Phyfrtian ? No,he prefcribes a Rule contra- Eeclus. 38. 9. ry to thepra tife of the world firft, pray unto theLord, leave off from fin, order thy hands aright, and cleanfe thy heart from all wickednefs ; here is Prayer andRe- pentance first: then give placeto the Phyfician, for the Lord hath created him, let $rimnot go from thee; there is his place; not the Phyfcian of the body firft,andof theSoul lads And weefee that In the cafe of Diet, Saint Paul advifethTimothy, to i Tim. 5. 23: .drink nomore water, but a little Wine for hisdomach. By falling into excels, as into furfeiting, and drunkennefs, a man may (torten his life, Therefore Saint Hilaryfaith, that this doth fenfui rationem adimere , & mortem nature fans inferre, it not only takesaway a mans reafon, but life too. And Hugo faith, that Robur naturalent virtusem enemas, infirmitatem genera , mortem in- InKahn íg. tempeffivam adducit; it weakens a mansnatural parts, begets infirmities, and brings untimely death: fo that excefs in meat and drink kills by degrees. Our Saviour _gives a Caveat again( it, Take heed to your [eelves, . le/i at any time your hearts be over- cbargedwithfurfeiting drunkennefs, and Jo that day come upon you una- Luke 21.34. wares. So in thofe things which the Phyficians call non- naturalia, a man by the undue ufe of them may (batten his life, and by the moderateufe of them lengthen it. 'Therefore the Apofile exhorts, that havingfood and raiment, let US be therewith t Tim. 6. $. content. And make not provifionfor the ffefh, to fulfil the lufis thereof So likewife inthe cafe from red, and releafe-of affairs. Our Saviour took the Apofles withRom. 13. rt him apart, that theymight have leifure to eat and to re( awhile: for the Pfahnift Mark 6. 51. tells us, it is but loft Labour to hafte to rift up early, and take late ref, and eat thebread Pfalní 127. earefulnefs : for a man-mayby the toomuch bending ofhis mind to thefe earth- piov 1. as ly things; bring death to him the fooner. A brokenfpirit doth but dry up the boner, and eautfehimsodie beforeJ.itainte. Trifitiamundi, worldlyfarrow, bringsdeath, faith e Apo(lle. Now as -theremoil be nomeglea in usin refpe6t of prefervingour ownYves, fo ateicher mull there be in regardofour Neighbour. God commanded the Builder to put