414 Chàp.,. Offurther committed indireEity. Cony e, Deut. 22. 8. put battlements upon his houle, left another should fall from it And ifa man kne'r that his Oxeufeth to path, he was to tie him up; and if he failed, if any were kil- Exod. 21. 29. led he was to die himself for it with the Oxe. And if the rule of the Wife-man hold good, as certainly it doth, that we mutt not witb-bold our hand from doing good, we mutt not forbear to deliver them that are drawn to death, then mutt we not only Prov. 3. 27. keep them from danger of death, but by the rules of Extenlon, we mutt do what 24. it. we can to help them, and fave their lives. Pafce ovem morientem , faith Saint Am- brof : Non paviJfi ? occidifti, feed that Cheep which is ready to perish, if thou feed- eft it not, thou killeft it. Hence is the ufeof Phyfick neceffary , and thofe that are skilful, are bound to ufe their skill, to preferve the life oftheir brother. Is there no jet. 8. 22. Balm in Gilead? is thereno Phyfician,that the people be not healed ? faith the Prophet e which fpeech implies and fuppofes the ufe of Phyfick. The Prophet Ezekielfaith, that God hath ordained plants for mans ufe, The fruitfor meat, and the leaves there- Ezek.47. 12. offor Medicine. And under the Law it was provided, that ifany man did able in- Exod. 21. 9. ferre injuriam, offer violence and wound his neighbour he should pay for his healing : by which places is implied the lawful ufe ofPhyfick, and the duty of the Phyfici- an , which is, to preferve the life of his Neighbour ; whereas now by the negli- gence of Phyficians many Patients are like the woman whichhad a blondy iffue Mark 5. 25. in theGofpel, who hadfpent her whole Elate upon the Phyficians, and yet was ne- ver thebetter, but ratherworse ; Ruch is the praétife of fotne, to their shame be it fpoken. As it is a great fin in them, fo it is a great punishment for men to fall into their hands , which made the fon ofSyrach fay, He that fins before his maker, let him Eeclus. 8. t5. fall into the hands ofthe Phyfician. But now as we mutt preferve the life of the body, fo alto incolamitat corporie, the good plight and integrityof it, as we Raid before. If the leaft part of the body be Unit. 24. 19. hurt, thewhole complains, and faith, &care me? whyfmiteft thou me ? Neither the whole nor anypart mutt be hurt. TheLaw forbade, the cauGng ofany blemish Exod. 21.25. upon our Neighbour, the givingof a wound, if any Rupture, or uflulation by fire Levin. 24. 20. aof fortif therebemortfcatiopartit,ua difmembring f anyone part, that it isvdifpo- fitioadmortem totiur, it refledls upon thewhole body. And therefore the Law re- Exod. 21. 24, quires eye for eye, tooth for tooth, hand for hand, foot for foot, burning for burn - 25, tng, wound for wound, (tripe for ftripe. And he goeth furthers He that caufeth Lech. 24. 20. but a blemifh in aman fo fhall it be done to him again. And as a wound is contra in- Deut. 19.21. tegritatem, againft the integrity and perfection of the body, andplaga contra renfum, a fripeagainft the fenfe ; fo is a wound, binding, or imprifonmentcontra mount, a- gainft the motionof the body. David repeated it atAbner: burial as a great honour, that his hands had not been bound,nor his feet put intofetters; he died not as a Ma- 2Sam. 3.34, lefactor; for thefealtoare accounted as injuries donewithout Authority ; but law- Deut. 32.36. ; fully inflicted by the Magiffrate, they are as punishments, and then juflifiable..So that next to life ; this incolumitas corporis the prefervátion of the body in its inte- grity andperfection, is to be regarded. CHAP. V. Of the murther of the Soul. Several fignsagainst the lifeof the Soul. How a man may be accefrory to the death of hit Soul. This fin may be committed both by them that have charge of Souls, andby private perfone. That this Law is fpiritual, according to the third Rule. Of the murther of the Soul. * j[ %E come now to the murther oftheSoul, which is forbidden, afwell asthe V murther of the Body. And indeed the murther of this is fo much the more grievous by how much the Imageof God is more in ir, than in the Body and