Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Com.6; Of unjuft anger, andthe fruits thereof. Chap. 6, 417 CHAP. VI. The fourth rule ofavoyding the caufesofthe fins hereförbidden. Ofunjuft anger,and thefruits ofit. It confifts of, 1. Grief. 2. Defireof Revenge.The effeas andfruits, of it. 1. Towards Superiours. Envy. The caufes of envy ; the greatnefr of this fin. 2. Towards Equals. 3.Towards Inferiours. Thefuppurationor breaking out of anger againft Superiours. r. By the eyes andface. à. By the tongue, 1: Bymur- muring, 2. tale-bearing, 3. backbiting. Againft Equals, . by i.diJention, 2. brawling , 3. rayling. Thefruits ofanger in .Superiours. 1. Threatning. 2. Scornfulnefs.. The lag fruit ofanger, viz. murther of theband. H E fourth rule teaches us, that all the means or caufès, which concur, or con- duce to any ad forbidden or commanded , are likewife forbidden or comman- ded. Mere corne in all thofe fins formerlymentioned, which are occations, or pro- vocations tomurther, as unjuft anger, and all the fruits of it: , As itwas Paid at the beginning when we entred upon this Commandment, that pride is the fountainofall the breaches of this Commandment;; fo we faynow that it is the fountainofunjuft anger, and ofall thole tins that arihe there from. Only by Poor. 13, to pride, faith the Wife man, cometh contentionand wrath : and the Apofìle dehorting from provocation and envy,mentions vain glory orpride firft, asthe caufe of both Be not defirous of vain glory (faith he) provokingone another, eniyingoneanother. For Gal. 5. s6 as was laid formerly, every man Pets down this with himfelf, That heir good, and thereforewhofoever lovèth him loth his duty : as on the other fide, whofoever hurts or'injures him,isneceffarily evil,and one againft whom he may juftly conceiveanger ; for o nnis ira fibi videturjufia, eachfroward man thinks bisanger juff, according as we Paid before, amnia iniquus mentitur fibi, every wicked man deceives himfelf. And . from this proud conceit of a mans felt, árifes unjuft anger againft all fuch as do any way.offendhim. This anger is compounded of two things. o. Grief for folne indignity offered to us. 2. Defire to requite it. r. In thefitti is, afius animi, or 3ñµlt}, animofity or inwardboyling of theblood, or fretting,fromwhich through pridewe condemn the party that injured us,as evil ; Gal. 9. zo and thence follows mala mens, a malitious intent towards him, the judgment being Ploy. 24, i> corruptedby the affeftions ; and therefore theApoftle joyns anger and malice, twilit, together, and exhorting to put away all anger, and wrath, andclamour,he adds, wit Ephef 4.3 t all malice,. becaufe this makes us condemn all his aftions as evil : for hereby e t Pet. 19 become bufie in other mens matters, full ofevilfurmifes,aitd judices malarnm a itati- Tim.6., 4 ovum, judges ofevil thoughts: and thus we Come to have anevil opinioaivf"himthat James 2.14 offends us. 2. Then follows the fecondthing, átyñ, defire of revenge, james and John being ir. Chrifis company,and perceiving theSamaritans not willing to receive them,would Luke 9.54 needs call for firefrom heaven to confume them. Now if this anger be towards Superiours,ormen in high place, dignity andefiate, or eminent for vertue, then it produces envy, which is odium alienfelicitatie refile- iïu fuperiorum, quia eis non aquatur, ahatred of anothermans felicity in refpe6t of -Superiours, becaufe wecannot be equal with them. For there is in this cafe, as St. James 4.9. James faith, aJpirit in us that lo4leoh after envy: andas Elihu faith in Job , Envy ProJCar ,.226 flayeth the inferiour(as fome read it) becaufe that inferiours are apt to envy thofe that v. i. 4 are abovethem,or exceed themany way. And hence arifeth in inferiours, as the A- Matths7*.B poftle calls them, pvatáo{s, fwellings towards others, which either prefently break Gen. 4. forth,or if they lie longand corne to fuppuration,oe impoftdme,as Cypriancalls them, 30.1_, they prove rubigo auima,the ruft and canker ofthe foul, which is a tearfulthing, and 1 Sam' tß.9 worfcthen anger ; foranger k cruel, and wrath raging, but who .canffandbefore envy ? faith the Wife man, this ufually produces murther. PilateCaw that it wasout of envy, that the Jews delivered Chriftto be put todeath. Therefore Senecafaith,that is ea- fier for. a poor man to efcape contempt, then a richman envy. We fee it inCain that envied Abel's acceptance. InRachel that envied Leabs fruitfulnefs, and Saul David's happinefs. G gg i,The'