Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

4; 8 Chap,6, Of un ufi anger, andthefruits thereof. Com.6, I. The occafion of this fin is grounded efpecially. t. Upon the merits, and wel- tJohn 3. 12 'defervingof other, we envy them, becaufe they arebetter then our felves. S.John tells us, it was the caufewhy Cain flew Abel : becaufe his own works were evil and his brothers righteous. For every man defiring his own excellency, thinketh that he which is moreexcellent then himfelf, doth offufcare lumen ejue, darken. and eclypfe his light, ftand in his way, and ifthat man were füppreffed, he thóutd be more effec- tual.: 'thereforeby thisenvy , he feeksto bring himunder Water, that he alonemay fviinabove; ban. 6.4 This we may fee in the Princes againft Daniel, becaufe Daritx had preferred him John3. as above them. And in John's Difciples, they thought that Chriftflood in the Baptii is way, and got all from him, becaufe more people followed him. And in the elder fon againft the younger, who when he camehome from the field, and Caw theentertain- ment of his younger brother, he envied his brother, andout of envy would not go in : thereafon was, he thought himfelf better then his brother, the fatted calf was never killd for him, &c. though he had deferved better of his father. Thus no- thingcan be done, but envy will make it matter to work upon. If David once come Sam, t8.8, to his ten thoufands, Saul will never after be brought intueri earn rani sculls, to 9, to look arightupon him,but theevil fpirit will enter into him: for fowe read verfi ro. that the next day therecame an evilfpirit upon him; for there are none that the De- vil can fo eafly fatten upon, as upon fuch. Themakingof a bettercoat for Jofeph, and a little mote love of Jacob tohim then to the reft , wasa marvellous moat in Gin, 39 4 theeyes of his brethren , and it is true that Jacob laid, though in another fenfe, an evil or cruel beaft bath devouredhim: for envy is feraomnium peffima, theworft ofall DeAvid. wild beafts. St.Baftl faith, Canes nutricatione cicurantur, t'cultumanfuefcunt le- ones, invidi vero ad obfeyuium efferantur: dogsbecome tame by feeding, and lions mild and gentleby nurture, but envious men, the moreyou obferve them, the wilder they become. The greatnefs of this fin, as one faith, is fuch, that propter magnitudinem fceleris futura pananonfuf icit, ergo b hitplelitur, fo heinous it is , that hell alone is not a fuftìcient torment for it, and therefore itis punifhed hereallo : it is a punifhment to Prey. r4.3o it felf5 for as the Wife man faith, envy is paired. offum, rottennefs to the bones. As he that wifhed himfelfan Argue , that he were all eye , fo fuch as are envious cannot with themfelves a greatermifery and torment. The Saints and fervants of God are not envious. Mofes when Jofhua brought him Numb tr. 29 word that Eldad andMedad prophesied , anfwered him , Envieft thou themfor my fake, wouldGod that all the peopleof the Lorddidprophecie, and that the Lord would pour out hisfpirit upon them. He would not be of Pompey's mind that could endure' no equal. Hewas fo far from envying the number andincreafe of the People, that Deut. iìo;ii hewishes '; the Lordwouldmake thema tboufand times more. TheSaints can be con- tent othersfhould overtake them, yea, and go before them; but envy can endure neither. ,Abigail whenDavidPent metfengers to take her to wife, anfwered that the i Sam. 25.4i was not fit. Let me bea handmaidrather , to math thefeet ofmy Lordsfervants: fo every good man thinks himfelf not meet of that honour which God bellowsupon him, but that he deferves forme lower place. Z. The fecond branch is againft equals. And in this cafe, ifour arm have ftrength, he (hall feelprefently what we can do. PAMai. 24 The Wife mars giveth the envious three fervants , Pride, Fury, Scorn. Proud and haughtyferneris bis name, who dealeth in proud wrath. But if he be foour equal, that we cannot prefently meet with him, then weplay 3 Sam. i3: 42 Abfalom's part , when he was angry with Ammon , he Paid nothing for theprefent, fed manes alta mente repoftttm, but kept it in mind , whichAmmon afterward felt ata fheepfhearing, and fo fhould David himfelf , if he had gone down to the feaft ; Prov. to, 1$, for as the wife man obferved, The wicked diß'embletb his wrath , and Burning lips, prò,. at. 23, and a wickedheart are likea potJheard covered withfzlver drofs, for he that batethuf- 24 fembletbwith his lips, and layette up deceit within bim.This we fee in Abimelech,who comes to Jacob with Ahuzzah and Mica, that they might make a league with him, Ifaac wondred,Whycomeye to me, faith hefeeing thatyou hate me, andhave put me a- way fromyou : yet they would havealeague with him tillthey could haveanopportu- nity for revenge. And fo we fee it is a great part ofworldly policy to keep leaguewith one Luke 15.z8