Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Còm. 64 Of unjuft anger, and thefruits thereof Chap. , 4191, one we hate, tillwe can odiumperfundere, be revenged on him. Thus isprovestrue, whichSt. John faith, dui odit fratrem Homicida eft ; He that hates bis brother ú a 1 John 3, te, martherer : for where there is hatred, it oft leeks murther, or fuch revenge, as pro- ceeds tomurther. 3. If he be our inferiour againft whom our anger is fet, we look upon himwith fcorn and contempt, for as theWifeman faith, When thewicked cometh thencometh Prov, 18.3 contempt,although the contempt of an inferiour, is a reproaching of his Maker, as he 17. 5 tellsus in another place. This is the property of the wicked to defpife and fcorn z fling, 19.21 others, whomthey conceive to be in anygift, or in power, or otherwifè their infe- Luke 23. It rìours. Jtak(Pekah fends a fcornful meffage to Hezekiab : Herod and his men of war Luke t 6. t4 fet ourSaviour at nought, and fcorned him : thePharifees mocked at his doctrine : Gen. t.9 25. 34 Ifbmael mocked Ifaac, &c. 2. Anger,as we fhewed before,afterit math rankled inwardly, and comes, ad fup- purationem, to an impoffume,appears or breaks out in the countenance,whichwe can- ted ic7erumpeccati, the jaundife of this fin : of which we are now to fpcak. Anger appearsby the eye, and there is a wound given by the eye; vulnerafii me Can 4.9 iRu oeuli tur,thou haft woundedme with thineeÿe,faith Soloman in theCanticles,fpeak- ing ofthe darts of the eyein another fenfe. And among thofe fix things which God efpecially hares, he ieckons a haughty,or aproud eye. It appeared in Sauls eyes when Prov. 6. 1 he envied David,hiseyes began to be obl qui, he looked awryat him r and the Wife t Sam, ,t;9° man bids us avoid him that hath an evil eye: and our Saviour condemns the fervant that had nequam oculum, anevil eye. So we fee there is aculas nequam, invidue obliquas, an evil , enviasse, fquint eye which difcovers the difpofition of the heart. As envy, fo anger and maliceappear in the face,and by other outward figns. The Prov.6, 13 frowardman winkerh with his eyes,fpeaketh with hisfeet,and teacheth with hisfingers, that is,when he dothbend his tif,and (tamp with his feet,fupplodere pedibus,wheridie once winks,he means do good, for be that winks with bis eyes cattfethfurrow. So tò Prov. so: au bite the lip, to look on one, as ifhewould look through him; isa fgnof anger. Zhé & 16. _o ungodly looketh upon theluft,andgnafhetb at himwith his teeth. An example ofit we Pfalm 37.12 A£ts 7. t4 have in thofe that honed Steven. Sometimes it cotfles to [puma, thefoaming of the Mark 9, la mouth, and then the angry man is like him that wadpoffeffed With a Devil. It appears likewifè by the tongue, which is therefore compared to a fwotd that wounds deep, toAar? arrows thatftickfaft, to Juniper coals, that will burna long r time. Of filch the P(almift complained, that bad war in their hearts, and though Pfalm. izo, 4 their words feemed finoothas butter and oyl, yet they provedgladii acuti,(harp[words, &55.21 and cut like a raifer. And here come in thofe fruhlus ire, fruits ofanger, which &52,3 proceed from the tongue, which (hall be handled in the ninth Commandment, as they hurt a mans name : but here as they are breachesof this Command- ment. As a. Murmuring,which is chiefly again II fuperiours,a fin forbidden by the Apoutle. Be not murmurers, as Jome of them murmured, and weredeffroyed of the deffroyer ; 1 Cor. to. io and therefore he faith in another place, Do all things without murmuring. Judas was pmt 1.2.14 angry, when he murmured at the box of Spikenard poured on Chriff. Adquid Joh`I 12. S perditio hee? to what end is this waft ? he thought the moneywould have beenbet- ter in the bag which he bore. Sowere the Ifraelites when they murmured againft Estod. 14.15' Mofs. . 2. Whifpering and tale-bearing, fufurratio; this is when the party is fo great that the angry man cannot deal with him, or if he fhould fpeak openly of him he fhould not be credited, thenhe carries tales, a thing feverely forbidden. Thou thalt Levir.19.16 not goup and down as a tale -bearer among thy, people. And the Apoftle fpeaks of 2 Cor. 12.20 ,fiSuiar uìt whifperings, and ,lr3n1ici i whifperers, and condemn both. The Wife man Rom. 1. 29 faith, that without talebearers Jirife and contention wouldquickly ceafe, Prov.26.2o, and verfe a2. His words are as wounds, he fpeaks with fighing, and (reusing grief; but they go down into the uttermoft parts of the behy. therearefix things which God prov.ó. 1/ - hates, and thefeventb is anabomination to him, and that is,awhifperer or talebearer, z Cor. 12: 20 that fowetb contention among brethren. R pet.. 6 q. Backbiting,unenaeayía detraîtioa fin frequentlyforbidden,and condemned,fuch ,ames4: 1, i are liketo ferpents that fling though theybe charmed. TheWife man thews how, Etcleí ro,t G g g 2 they