Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Corn. 6. Of the means torupprefs unjuft-arigerà Chap. 7 see heavy, andfand is weighty, but afools wrath is heavier than 'both, and that it it better tomeet a bear robbedof her whelps thanafurious man. Saint Peter faith of Prov. 47. 3 Chrifì, that whenhe fuffered, he threatned not, though he had power enough, 17.12 for he could have had twelve legions of angels: to attend him, if he had plea- t Pet. z, 23 fed. z..Scornfulnefs, which isthe proper fruit of contempt. The faithful have com- plained,that theirfoul was filled with thefcornful reproach of the wealthy. Saul coun- Pfal. 123. 4 ted the reproachof his enemy worfe than death, and therefore hedefìred his har- nefs-bearer to killhim, left the Philiftines shouldfallupon him andmockhim.There- t Sam. 31; 4 fore thewife mans counfel was, Ejice deriforem, raft out thefcorner, 'and contention Prov.22.10 willceafe. We find it condemned in fevers!places, it is a fpecial means to contriffate Eróv.iz 18 the foul and bring down the hearts of good men, when they fee themfelves made aderifion to the veryabjeéts, and become as the Apofllefpeaks, 31á114v a fpeEtacle i Cot. 4. 9 to the world. Confiderthat mirrourof patience, gob, this was one fpecial thing that Job3e, t. grieved him, the very abjefts came againft him and derided him. Theprophet Je- temie alto complains of it, and it isnoted as a high degreeof defperate wickednefs in the people, that obeymocked theprophets. It was .a great pateof our Savioursfuf Jet. zo, 9 ferings, they had their fill in fcorning him, firft the fervants, thenPilate,then He- z Cron:3h. t6, rod, after him his fouldiers, then the High priefts, and all that went by, as we may Manh. ,. 4 z7. r z read in the Hillory ofthe Gofpel, and thus much for Ggns of anger, in the counte- nance 3 and tongue. 3. After this in the third place (aswas fnewen before) comes cedes inánuum,the murther of the hand , whereby the life or limbs of another are taken away : wherein if many joyn it is aRiot , and fach arecalled by the Apofile iw,,1çnaíát z Cor: 52. zo tumults, in the common-wealth ,. which if they proceed further, are called Prov. 17.tí by Solomon feditions, or rebellions , whereby the civil body is rent , and not t Cor, t. t t only that, but the body of Chrifi the Church is alfo thereby rentand torn inpie- ces: C H AP. VIL- Of the means againft anger. How tòprevent it inothers. How in ourfelves.Anger muff be, a. uft in regardof the caufe. 2. Moderated,for the meafure. 3:We mull labourfor gravity, 4. For love without hypocrifie. The veetues'eppofiteto utsjtlfi anger. t. Innocency. a: Charity; In the firft,there is tali' Antidote againft anger, which confifts in three thing, z. The remedyin threemore. How charity prevent: anger. Thefruit ofcharity, Benificence. 1.To the dead,by burying them. z. To the living. And that fielt, generally to all. Secondly, fpecially to the faithful. Thirdly, to the poor by -works of mercy. Fourthly, to our ene- mies. We coménow to the Means againft anger. 1 O prevent anger in others, we mull forbear irritation, or provocation. Solomon The means. fpeaks of fome that will contend and be angry when no taufe is given; whom Prov, 3.36 he condemns,and on the other fide there are other tobe condemned, that givecaufe, by irritating and provoking others, as Peninnah, one of Elkanah's wivesprovoked Hannah ,when they went up yearly to the houfe ofthe Lord,and upbraidedher with r Sim; t< 7 herbarennefs, whereby fhe continually vexed her foul. The wife man faith, that as churningbxingeth forth butter, fo is provocation the Ordinary means of wrath. Thereforehe condemns fuch as do exacerbarefpiritum , imbitter the fpirit of any. pray. 30.33 We fee by the example of Mofes the meekefl man on earth what it will work. _cc.. They provoked him fo that he fpake unadvifedly 'with his lips ; take away Pfal. 106.33 provocations, and anger will ceale. The badge of an evil manis, provocare rixas, Prov. 15.18 to flit up, or provoke men to flrife, as we may fee in diverfeplaces of the 'Pio- and 18. sand verbs. 29.22. z. To prevent unjuft anger, in ourfelves, there arediverfe venues to be laboured for,