42 2 Chap, . Of innocency andcharity, vertues, &c. Com.6. for. r. Intl anger vafoCss,indignationor anger only upon a juft cause, for only unjuft anger is here condemned, jutt anger is a vertue commanded. Be angry , faith the Eph. 3. 25 Apoftle, and lin not, fo that there is a lawful anger, if it be without f in, as in a fu- periour towards thofe that are under him and delcrve punifhrnent there may be Prov.19. 19 magnos irarumoftus, as Solomon fpeaks, which is a fruit of jutlice. Our Saviourfor- Marth 5. 22 bids anger only when it isr+it , without a caufe, for otherwise when there was caufe, Luk. 24.25 he calls his difciples after his refurrecìlion ávc6TSS, fools, and the Apoftle calls them G' .3' inféxfàtos Galatas, foolish Galatians, and the fathers upon Luke to. 40. fay of thofe plurima, thofe many things that Martha was troubled withal, this was one, the un- towardnefs of the fcrvants of the houle. 2. As our anger muff be jufl in refpeét of the caufe, fo for the meafuro, it mull be moderated, that it exceed not when there is Of caufe, and to this end that ver- tue of meeknefs, zeg.órns, manfitetudo is requifire, for it moderates anger both to- wards thofe that are under us , and all others we convcrfewith fo that all are hom. 12.16 the better for it. It beginneth with áwdvoye..9o',n, humblenefs of mind: therefore Bpi.. 4 2 the Apoftle begins with humblenefs, and when he exhorts to meekness, he oft fets Col. 3' 12 humblenefs before it,. withall lowlinefs and meeknef ; and put on----humblenefs of Rom512?923 mind, meekness, &c. Thefe vertues and others of like nature he frequently ex- 1 Cor. 13.4 horts to, and where he mentions one of them, he lightly fets down all the cell J am.3. 13 which belong to this commandment , as we may fee by infpe&ion of the 1 Pet . 3. S places. 3. A third vertue, is gravity is os Tns, The Apoftle exhorts to follow lw ?3pwá, veneranda, whatfoever things are grave, or venerable. This is a fpecial vertue , and therefore heputs in the firtt place ; firil ónu o-gos,whatfoever things are venerable, and then lo, d`ít ,a,and çcro á714, and óoa wpoc2fañ whatfoever things are juft,pure,or lovely, &c. But of this more hereafter, becaufe osprvóoys is avertue fpecially belong- ing to the laft commandment. 4. A fourth vertue is mentioned by Saint lames , when he tells us that the Jam' 3' +7 wifdom which is from above, is á,vuaóie t1&, without hypocrilie, and by Saint Paul Rom.12.9 t YP Y when he faith , let love be without difmulation, our love mull not have a (hewof love, zeal, &c. and be frozen in effeét, as Abfalam's courtefie,which was not hear- ty but affeded, and that of the Pharifees to Chrift, who made a fair (hew and call'd him Rabbi, and faid that be was a manfens from God and taught the truth without refppeel of perfons but all this was affeéted and hypocritical ;. fòhad Josh fo had 7udas , fo had the Devil ( take them together) their courtesies; the devil told the woman (very honeflly) he was forty God haddealt fohardly with them , as to forbid them the tree of knowledg, &c. As if he had been greatly moved with their condition , but it was affeEted , and when this affe6ting is, faith Solomon be will meet you early in the morning,andsalute and bless you, but Ihadas leive (faith Roy, 27, 14 he) he fhould curie me. And thus much for unjuft wrath., and the means against it. Betides theft thereare two other vermes oppofite tounjuft wrath, i. Innocency, a. Charity. 1. Innocency takes order that we hurt no body. And 2. Charity takes order to do them all the good we can ; both for foul and body. Theaìrft hath two parts. r. wemovtux 1añ. 2. ateparltxñ. The prefervative, or the Antidote, and the fanative, or the medicine. The heft confifts in three things. r. In avoydingof offences, endeavouring to have peace with all men, as much Rom.12. i8 as in us lies, and not to think evil, or carry our felves unfeemly towards any, as the 1 Cor. 13.5 Apoftle exhorts. 2. Not only this, but allo in looking baek, and when any evil is done to us, to take it in the belt fenfe. TheApoftle fpeaks of agood andright interpretation of things as they are meant, we muff believewell, interpret all in thebelt, and fo leave noplace for fufpition. St.James call fuch anger á0ii0'l -, which is without partia- lity, notstandingupon his own 4W /zeto,s, difcretion, he !lands not doubtingwhat his meaning might be, but doth Candide interpretari confirm it fairly., Jam 3. 17 3. The third is a willingnefs fometimes to depart from ones right for peace and quietnefs. Saint fames faith, that true wifdom is PrAtos , gentle or guidedby e- quity