Cow. 6; Of innocency andcharity, venues; &c. Chap. 7. 423 quityandmoderation, and St.Paul plainly requires it, let your t314,tela moderation phi1:44 be ¡hewn unto all men. By thefe three rules anger is prevented. 2. But now for theand /v.1athe healing,àfter the wound is made,there are 3 other rulesprefcribed by the Apoftles and Prophets. I. Tofupport, or to bear with one another, for though anger may come into a wife mans bofom, yet it mutt not rat there, itref?! only in the bofom of fools ; wemull therefore be long- fuffering and not put in morebitternefs, to make a bitter thing more bitter. Wemutt as theAppffle faith, orási csv bear all things. Yea wetnuf be as the Prophet David was,fui tanquamfurdus, I was as a deaf man, he was not deaf, but tanquamfurdus, as one deaf,and as St.James fpeaks, we mull aarrl,íltr ora$- . & Rtisfnzv, cover a multitude of fins. 2. We mutt not keep in mind any injuries done , but labour to forget and forgive. Thou (halt not bear any grudge againft the children of thypeople, faith God. 3. If we have donethe wrong, wemull feek for reconciliation , as our Saviour commands, and this mull bepartly with good words , for foft anfiner Iurnetb a- Matti,. 5.23 ma, wrath , and partly with gifts , for a gift in fecret pacifieth anger , and a gift Prov. 15. r in the bofome great wrath. This is the way to heal anger , when it is broken Prov. 21. 14 out. 2. The fccond venueoppofite to anger, ischarity, the frúits and effeâs whereof, are oppofite to the feveral partsand branchesof unlawful anger. pfal. 8 r. Againli the inward boyling of anger in the heart. Charity makes us lie down Eph inpeace and fleep , as the Pfalmill fpeaks , and it keeps the unity of the fpirit in the 1 Cor4. . í3.4t5 bond of peace , as the Apollle fpeaks , it doth not Ctrriïr gven1. au, itenvies not, is 1 Pet. 3.8 not puffed up, and therefore Saint Peter callsfuchas have it grtúitovsc fuch as loveunity of fpirit. a. Againft the iderus peccati, the outward jaundife appearing in the face, 8íc. Matth. 6. 22 Where charity is , there is that, fimplex ocular, a fingleeye, of whichour Savi- r Cor.. 13s,ß our fpeaks, charity doth not áaFrave+s look undecently or with difdain, and 21.'43'2'2 for our. words, where it is , there is 4e2rhaela, and sh c urbanity, and Heb.13.16 fuavity. 3. Againfi the outward act ofmurther, charity producesBenificence, which is thç fame with that á)aoviirim, goodnefs,which theApofile mentions,which is accordingto Gal. 5.12 the obje&s divided into feveral parts : for, Rom. 15. 14 1. There isbenifcence to the dead, By burying them , by fhewing loveand kind- Ruch. z. zo nefs to their feed , according to that in the Canticles love is fronger than death. gen. 23. The grave will not quench it. Cant. 6.8 2. There is beniticence to the living, and that either r.general toall men, called , per, 3.8,2 humanity tamet3p6 rto, yea evento evil men, as correpsis fraterna, to reprove them , Tit. 3.4 andnot to fuller fin tocell upon them, and to pray for them, or elfe. 2. Specially to RC/m.12,10 7 the Godly, we mutt dogood to all, but efpecially to the houfehold of faith. St.Jobn Rom. 9.9 makes it a fign that we are tranflated fromdeath to life , to love thebrethren, and a Johe3..t4 Saint Paul counts it a'dignity, to do good to fuch Atlas gr áyfar as is worthy the Gqi. 6, to Saints, implying, that it thews the worth and dignity ofa Saint, to do good to fuch. 1 John3.14 And among fuch , thofe that are our own , our friends , or are near tous, are tobe Rom. 16.2. refpeEted chiefly (as was (hewed before when we fpakeof charity in general),for a prov. i8. 24 man that hath friends mull (hew himfelf friendly, and there isa friend that flicketh doter then abrother. After thefe , we come to ,another fort of people, towhom benificence muff be thawed (viz. to fuch as need) by worksof mercy and alms deeds. TheApohje re- Col. 3, Í2 quires oa7040 va órxntµdv bowels of mercy. Now this confifts in diverfe things, as in rejoycing with them,fufferingwith them, Rom, Iz; i by fympathy of affection,when we do ova.aai {v as the Apottlefpeaks,bygivingwhat I Pet. 3.9 they want,if we have it,and ifwe haveit not, by wifhingthem well and giving them r Pet. 4.9 comfortable fpeeches, and praying to God for them, by pratkicing that vertuc ofhof- Rom,12.13 pitality prroçravía fo much commended. Lally, this part of Chriftian charity mull be extended even to our enerhies , whereby all thefe duties now mentioned front illuftriora, become the more illuttri- Col. 3. 13 ous and praife worthy, by forgiving them, praying for them, and shrilling them I Pet. 3.9 in Eph.4, 2 Col.3.iz,13 Gal.5, 22 I Cor. 13, PRI. 38.13 Jam. 5. ult. Lev. 29. 18