424 Chap.$. Rules for the eradication oftenjui anger. Com.6. in their neceflity, thereby we become perfe& and refemble our heavenly father, as Rom: 12.20 our Saviour fpeaks, when we fo far overcome our affedtions, that we makeour fun to Mirth. 5. ult.. thine upon themwith ethers, by doing them good, though not for their own fakes, anddo not let our fun go down upon them , by flopping our benefits towards them, when they have offended us. Thus'we fee the vertues oppofte to anger, which muff be laboured for as means ;to prevent and fupprefs this pallion. CHAP. VIII. Rules for the eradicationofunjuff anger. 1.7o keep thepafion from riling, 4. Rules. 2. After it u rifen, tofupprifl it. How to carry our[elves towards thofe that are angry with us. r. Togiveplace. z. to lookup to God. 3. To fee thedevil in it : f the Jecond thing in anger viz. Revenge. Reafdns againft it. If our anger have bro- ken out. Rules whatwe muff do. Of the all, viz. requitingone injury with ano- ther. Rules in going to law.. Thefaith rule of caufing others to keep this Common.. went. H ERE remains fomething more to be laid about the eradication or ta- king away the root of unjufl anger , and this may alfo be referred to the means. r. Firft , to keep this paflion from riling in us , we mull obferve thefe rules. Gal. 6, ì; I. wemuti not have animum anticipatum, we murk bevoidof prejudice againft our brother, conjidering as the Apofìle faith, that we arefubjelï to the like temptati- ons, and men in their anger,become corrupt in judgment , for holding this principle that thofe that offend us are evil, we are confequently perfwaded that we our felves are good, and therefore we will thew our poweron thofe that provoke us, there- fore every man muff know , that he hath to deal withmen of like infirmities with himfelf. Pray. 22.24 2. It is expedient not to joyn friendlhip with an angry man, fuck an one as I Sam. 25. r7 Nabal was, if he have vefparum examen, a fwarm of wafps about him , as the " heathen Paid , as fuch have , who have threwd memories to requite ill turns, he muff be avoyded, fo alfo a fcorner mull be fhunned , who makes more account Prov. 22. Io of his jell then of his friend, and had rather amicum pant dilieriumperdere, lofe his friend then his lief , fuch mutt be calf out, and then Contention will ceafc. P?ov: 26. ze 3 Rejedf the tale-bearer. For where nowood is, the firegoes out, and where v 24 -there is no tale- bearer, ftrife ceafeth. And therefore the wife man faith further, though he fpeak fair, yet believe him nor, for if he be believed he will utter the gall of Alpes , there are abominations in his heart which he will not forbear to 'vent. 4. Strive not with a man without caufe, if he have done thee no harm, faith Prov 3. 3o Solomon, and meddle not withcontentions that belong not to thee, except it be to Prov. 26.17 reconcile brethren that are at variance , as Moles did when he law the two Ifraelites Exod. 2.13 "ftrive, otherwife we may provoke anger and bring upon our (elves the fruits of an- ger. Thefe are things which the Apofiles, Prophets, and otherholy then of God have exhorted unto before the affe&ion be rifen. , But now after it is rifen , we muff take care to keep it in, that it break not out , a wife mart will defer his anger, for as Solomon faith, thefpirit of a man will P,ov 18.14 bear bit infirmity, and móre.plainly, The difcretionof a man defetreth his anger, ty. i r and it is his glory to pats over a tranfgrellion. He mull not let it gufh out , but fufpend his affedlions, as one advifeth the Athenians to do in another cafe. If Alexander be dead today, he will be dead to morrow and the next day, and there- fore do not make bone-tires too foon. This affedtion of anger mull not be Ante- ambuio, fedpediflequa raticnia , it muff not outrun , but wait upon reafon. There- fore