Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Com.6. Rules for the eradication of unjufi Anger. Chap.8. 427 But becaufe by fo doingwemany times pluck upon us a more grievous burthen than we are able tobear , and thereby give occafion to men to work upon our good andquiet nature, we are warranted to have recourfe to the Magiflrate to relieve us by Law. And for this purpofewere Magiftrates appointed,and Laws made, ut earum , /fd, metu humana, coerceaturaudacia, that mens infolenciesmight be reflráined by fear of them. Yet there are Come rules to be obferved in our going to Law. a. It mull befor Tome confiderable matter, not for every trifle. Not quod opus eft, but quad =ere, not for that we may do, but for thattnecellity drives us to: not eve- ry trivial action, but fuch, as if it benot remedied, willbreed an inconvenience,and Exal,i8.22 fach as nothing but the Law can rec`hifie and redrefs. z. Before we bring itintoforum civile, before theMagi(trate, we mutt endeavour tohave it ended by Good Men (as we call them) Come wife and underltanding men 2Cor.6.4, 5 to judge of it. 3. Our Saviour being- required to deal between two brethren in the cafe of an Inheritance, faith, Whomade mea judge? And in thenext verfeadds, Beware ofuo- Luk.12.14, 5 vetoufnefl: we mutt not goto Law with a covetous mind s that is another rule. 4. We mutt notbyperfuming upon our wealth,favour, or alliance with the Judge, enter upon afuit, and endeavour to take away the right from the poor, that every mans fuummay tuum:we mull not go toLaw with a corrupt mind , . as the Hea- then man. Paid to the Judge in the words of the Law, Sijus eff: adverfarii,babeat í11e, Efay 1042 if it be none of mine, let mine adverfary carry it. This is another rule. 5. Our Profecution of a fuit mull not favour of gall : we are to prefcrve charity, keep a charitablemindwith our adverfary. 6. The late rule is prefcribed by Solomon, Strive not haJtily : his reafón is, í4 thou Provs5 8 know not the end. For many have repented of going to Lawwhenthey havecome to the end. Abigail,when David was angry with Nabal,ufd this very argument to flop his fury : My Lordwil! neverrepent him/RA that he bath notjhed bloodcauflefly. If a man fometimes bear injury,and refrain from evil words,he (hall never repent of it,or unwith it s if not, he may often repent it. For the fixth rule,the procuringof this .Commandment to bekept byothers,we Rote 6. have it commended both in the negative and in the affirmative. For the negative, Mofes teeing two of his brethren,Hebrews flrive,he endeavoured to hinder their con- Exod.z.t3 tending: and for the affirmative, our Saviour pronouncesa blelling to all that make peacewith others. Blefed are thepeace-makers, for they (hall becalled the children of Mat. 5. 9. God. Hhhs E