Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

428 T H E EXPOSITION O F T H E Seventh Commandement. Thou fbalt not commit Adultery. CHAP. I. The (cope andorder of this Commandement. Of Marriage. The inffitutionandends of it, explicated out of Genefisz. 22,23 ,24. Married perfonr are T. to leave all others, 2. tocleave to one another. Rulesfor thafi that are tomarry. Duties ofthefe that are married,general and fßecial. \Í hibtl¡ry Illi'n', H E fcope of this Commandment is to preferve Cha(tity, and to hinder all kind ofpollution and uncleannefs. / Theorder ofrankingthis Precept in this place is this.The former Commandment provided for a mans felt, this for the =s ppi,, q neareft and deareff thing to himfelf, next to body and life, in refpe6t that man and wife are by Marriage united and made Gen.2.2q 4 i one body. Erunt duo in carne una ; theytwofhall be one ffelh, t Cor.6.t6 faith God. Eph.5.3t 1T," iú:ltl Before we come to treat of thefin prohibitedby this Com- mandment, we will take a view of one chief caufe, upon which this prohibition is grounded : which is Marriage. o. And firft of the thing it felf, Conjugium or Matrinionium,what it is. Wedlock or Matrimony is a Covenant and conjunótionof Man and Woman, taken and agreed on withmutual confent, for the propagationof Mankind , and the mutual good of both, inftituted in the beginning by God himfelf in Paradies , between Adam'and Gen.2. 22,23, Eve in their innocency; God only being the Maker of it, as both Father and Prieft 4 in the Marriage, before theCongregationof Angels. This may be eafily gathered out ofthe flory , which contains a prophecy , a gra- tulation, aconfent in Adam and Eve, and a law for the future. a. TheProphecy. Adam firft fpeaks illativé,by inferencedepreterite. This is now bone of my bone, &c. He had been afleep when the rib was taken from him,and yet could tell that theWoman which wasnot before, was taken out of him, as perfc tly asif he had beenawake at the Anatomy. And fecondly de futuro for the time to come, thata man, to cleave to his wife,fhould leave father and mother. This (hould be thepraulice ofpofterity : for he had neither father nor mother , and therefore could not fpeak it of himfelf. 29.35 2. His gratulation. Leah being fruitful after along barrennefs faith, Norymill I praife theLord. So Adam Teemsto fay, God brought tome, fo many thoufands of creatures, I awake, and rightly underflanding all, yet found I no helper like or meet for me,but they were all either bruitifh,dumb,hairy,or the like.But now at this timeGod bath broughtme one that is bone ofmy bone/end flefh tfmy fieíh,and:though sleeping, yet I have found one meet and like ; fo like, as almoft the fame with me. 3. His confent, which though it be tacite in Eve, yet he expreffeth ir,by acknow- ledging, This isnow boneof my bone, and will hereafter be fie,Mof my frith 4. In the words [Erupt, they twofhall be one flefh, 1 there is anador fcahttc in Herat