Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Cóm,7: of. Marridge. Chap. t. 43 t Yet this relinquet tranfcends all, breaks all. We commonly leave not a thing but for that we love better. Now if father and mother , or children, &c. cone in competition with the wife , or the husband , the tirtt mull be waived as a thing not fo near in conjunéiion, for the Taft. And indeed it is a thing fiepra naturam, r Rfn, rr. 22 fupernatural, a miracle, that a woman living with her parents , where as Phareah Gen.24ö3 (aid to Hadad, what haft thou lacked with me ? where the wanted nothing , Mould Esed.4.2o as Rebeccah, relinquere, -leave them,to go to one that was known but the day before, into anothercountry,and as the daughter of Jethrodid, to go from him into Egypt with Mofes. put it is not to be underllood by that we have.hid , that God doth extinguere, utterly extinguifh our love to parents,he is fo far from that , that he doth ordinare, ordain and command children to love them alto : as he Paid. But this bond or union bath this privilcdge and prerogative , that if it fall out, that we cannot do both, then there is no portion for us in our fathers houfe , and we mull dó as Michal did, Gen,3i. e4 who difpleafed her father to faye her husband. 1 r. Thereafons are, becaulé this was the firtt conjundion,conjua ante pairem; that of the wife was before that of the father. So that the parent is in the degree oflove with and of our neighbour, the wife in that degree of love wherewith we love our Lives individually. 2. And childrenare aliquidfui, Tome part of a mans felt, the Apotile makes the wifefeipfirm,, hitnfelf, he that lover, bn wife ( faith the Apofile j laveth himfëlf, Eph.5,z8 Thirdly, Children are of feed and blood, and will`be'fleth and bone, but are not. The wile is bone of his bones , and flefhof his flefh already. 4. They are of the loyns and womb ; the of the fide nearer his heart. So muchof relinquet , now of adharebit. 2. Adharebit, he (hall cleave; &c. Relinquet, le leave, is one degree, and aflocia- bit to live and keep company with her is anöthër :'but adharehit tocleave to her is the nearefi conjundior, that can be Relinquet is animi confenfiie the confent of the mind. Adherebit is animo '& corporis copula, the conjun±ioit Of the mindand body, flefh of my flelh. This is that gluten am ris that glew orOder of love which Era:49.7 cannot be loofened. Shecbemsfoul clave unto lünàh. This furpaffeth the ffrongefi Gen.34.3 friendship that is, even Jonathins to David whole foul was knit tohim. And the 2 Sam.2e.2 effeols are ; i. In contubernioor cohabitatiene, living together finedivulfione, with- r Pet.3.7 out fevering. Adhe to in e arabili an unfeparable flicking to. 2. In reri rocatione 22' g f fp P $ p Eph.5.25 mutua, mutualads of love. 3. In fidelitate, in true fidelity eachto other, keeping Hebu3.4. thebed undefiled. 4. In perpetuitate, not departing from each other, till God fe- r Cur 7.i0 vers them, and that I. Either by death. a. Orelfeby divorce , which null not be 1 r'33 proquibuíque nug:6', for every trifle, but firft, either pro adulterio for adultery, fe- Math.q.3z condly,or pro inquietatiene, forunquietnefs. If otherwife it is dilaceratio carns, a 19,9 rending of one piece of flail from another , and an aét of the devil and his imps. r Conk. is For conjugium à Des divortium à diabolofit, God makes mariages,and the devil di- Aug. in eratl.9 vorces upon the part of the offender. Godonly perfnits the not offended party to feek a divorce upon juft and lawful ocealions. To avoid therefore this nnfodering , two thingsare tobe obferved. Firfi , to be cautelous in our choice before it come to Brunt. Secondly , to obferve and per- form theduties mutually belonging to each of them, when they come tobe in carne una. a. Thecautions are many. Negative and affirmative. Firff, for the negative part, Gen.4i9 we are not to delire more than one : not two as Lamech. Polygamy is prohibited at leali under the Gofpel , for if this priviledge might have. been granted toany, Adam of' all others had molí reafon tohave claimed it : and he was but one toone not piares in carneana many in one flefh, unacofta fecit unam carnem, one rib made but one flefh. Let every man have his own wife, and every woman her own hut- t Cor.7,2 band, faith the Apoftle. 6.16 2. We mull not delire another mans wife: the mutt be a rib from out own Prov.z.17 fide, not caro alien: it is abreach of acovenant. Dux earner , duo corpora is flat adultery. 3. We muff not defire a wife of our ownkindred, not è domo patrie, neither Levir.i in the line, afcending or defcending; thats plain Ineell, Non é iambi,, fed è Mal.2.i$ laterè