Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

32 p,t; Of Marriage. Com.,. latere, not out of the loyns, but the fide. It mull be a godly feed. 1I Con7. 39 4` Seeing mariage is jurisdivini, of Gods inftitution, and that ceconomia is p opte., ll)eur.7.3 +Scclefam, the domeftick fociety is for the Church , we mull not match with thofe Jud.14 a that are irreligious or wanton : but in the Lord. Not the feed of Canaan , nor Gen.6. as Samfon, though difference in religion do not make a nullity of the marriage, yet 34.12, there isa great incongruity in it. 5. Nor muff we marry to fatisfie our lull , that is Dears ventris', and it provoked God to wrath : nor for greedinefs of dowry , that is Dells »nun- di. 6. There muft be no difparity, either in condition, nature, or years. The Hea- then man could give a rule for this, rue fortis uxorem ducito , marry a wife of thy own condition. 7. Nor mutt we marryhafiily. God faid not fiat, let it be done hand over head: butfaciam, I will makeman a help upon deliberation. Adam mutt sleep uponit before it be done. 24.4 8. Not mutt it be done without confent, r. Of parents ; Abrahams approba- 21.2 t tion mull go alongwith Ifaacs , and Hagars with *mads. We mutt not take 6.2 wives, of our [elves as theydid, that feting the women fair took them without 2.22 confent, this is not Gods faciamns , butfach ipfefibi. Adam did not fo ; nor Eve, for though theywere near enough to each other , and oneMight tally have found the other, yet Adam flayed ; dr non ipfe affumpfit , fed Dens adduxit, he took her not, but God brought her. z. The children are to give confent too. Laban and 24 57, Bethuel toldAbrahams fervant, that they would knowRebecca, mind, and have her 58 confent. Thewoman mull be pleafed todwell with him: elfe it is not adduxit,but t Cor.7. 12 pertraxit, to force her. 9. Laflly, this work muft not be attempted without prayer , we mull not trufl our own eleáion, without Gods approbation, which is bell attained by prayer. A- Gen.24.ts; braham and Iffac durfl not enter upon it without this. 63 Wehave feen the Negativecautions , what to avoid inour choice, now fee what in the affirmative we are to take. The bell rule is in the general to follow Gods courfe ; hebrought Adam a meet one. Now there are but three allurements , to perfwadewith a man in the choice of a wife. r. Pleafure in regard of beauty. 2. Profit in refpea of dowry. 3. Vertue in relation to good qualities: of which the laut is the chief (howfoever it is made the leafs now adaies.) Such a one and Ruth3.1z fo endowed was Ruth: the was known by all the people to be a vertuous woman. Prov.31.3o This is that above all other that will make her a meet one. Favour is deceitful, and r Per.3.4 beauty is vain, but a woman that feareth the Lord,Jhe /hall be praiféd, faith Solomon. Prov.3 ¡.26 The ornament of a meek, and quiet fpirit, is of great price in the fight of God : faith 34' Peter. She that openeth her mouth with wsfdotn , and in whole tongue is thelaw of Pfal.144.í2t kindnefr. Such a one was Abigail, onethat by her wifdom budded her houle, and Jer.5.8 was like aMerchants (hip, a good hufwife and provident. If to thefe, the be like a Gen.39.8 polifhed corner of the temple, it makesher a meet one. Sucha one being found, we mutt not prefently adhinnire, neigh after her , like Jeremies fed horfes, there mutt not be conjunxit beforeadduxit ( which was She- ohms cafe) we mull tarry till adduxit, and that in Gods houle, Jefus mutt be at Jos. r the marriage, God mull give her as parent , and joyn both as prielt by thehand of Gen.).. him that hehath appointed in his place. And it mull be in Gods houle, not clan Gems. n.r 28 define, and then they (hall receive a blelling. Now for the duties general and mutual between them : they conlifi in two thini.gsin and purity, Corr?54 andnot defraud fidelity one anothe . r , They keep the bed undefiled. (s They smut lieb.ü.4 draw both one way,and bear each others burden. 2. Love. She was made of abone meet to the heart, and that was coupledwith a fellow, therefore their love mutt be hearty. He muft love her as a part of him- Car. t t.3 felf : and the him, aswounded for her. Again uhe mutt love himas her head , and pro.12.4 heher, as his crown. He mull be better to her than ten fops. And the embrace Pra.r. 8 himand his love, tanguam vitis, non hadera, as a vine and not ivy. 3 Gen.2. 18 t. Not