Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

Corn. 7% The end, andobjeiiof -thisPrecept. Chap. $. 433 r. Now feverally concerning their duties. the man muff dwell with the woman 1 Pet. 3. 7 with knowledg to dire& her. Provide and take carefor his 'muff aeelfamily. He muff Gen. 3e. 3e cherifh. her he muff delight in her rejoyce with the wife of his youth. Ifaacfporte'd gF 5ßr29 with lì ebekahSujfrandbear with her infirmities,and not be bitter toher. To end this, p?tie. 5 ,g he muff love herfervently,co-operatewith her willingly,piovid.e all things carefully, Gen. 26. S and though he he the nobler part, not defpife the lefs noble give good counfelfea- r Pe, 3. ?. fonably, admonilh her opportunely, and defend her faithfully. Col 3 i9 a. The woman, in rcfpcd that the was not made tirft, but Adam, and thatthe t Tim. 2,13 was taken e latere, out of his tide, therefore her duty is tofubmit and befbbje& to Gen 3 her husband, and do her dutyat all times to pleafe him. She is alih to be adjutrix, ECh ár7234 a help to him. She is a bone, part of a coupling or rafter in a building, (he muff gird Prov, 3,, 17 her loins with, ¡(tenyth, the muff not be troublefome ; for it were better for ber husband at. 19 to dwell in the wildern f than with her, if[he be a contentious. woman. Nor muff (he 6.26 undo him, not lavith out his goods. Not proveas job's wife, turf ; but like to I- ¡Sim . s 4 bigail, gracious and mild. Not like Michal David's wife, .afcoffer or taunter ; but a Sam. 6.2© like the Shunamite, charitable andvertuour. Not like Jezabel, haughtyand cruel ; 2 Kings 4.9 but like the womanof Tekoah, humble. Finally, the mutt love her husband ardent- ' K'rgs 2"S ly, ferve him obediently, Bear andeducate her children carefully ; not òppofe his z Sam.i4' 2 Tit. 2.4 government fcornfully. So much for thecaul or thing upònwhich this Command- ment was grounded. Now to the Commandment it (elf. CHAP. II. The dependence of thisCommandment upon thefermer.The endsfor which it was given. The object of this Commandment concupifcence or luff of the flefh. Thofevoral branches and degrees of thefin here forbidden. Diverfe rearms agaiaff the (in of uncleannefs: Non Mtechaberie. "'HIS Precept is as the former,in words very brief, andunder the name of Adul- tery, forbids all degrees Of uncleannefs, and all thofe ads that difpofe thereto ; thereby to thewwhat reckoning God makesof luft, and all thofe ad's that tend to Adultery,and of all the leffer degrees of this fin,viz.that they are all adultery in his fight, as rafh and unjnft anger is murder beforehim, as we (hewed in the left. Now Adultery implies not only dreiwgolav, uncleannefs, but injuffice too, and that ,in a high degree, by communicating that to many which is proper to one ; for the I Cor.7. 4 husbandbath not power over his own body, but the wife ; and é contra : and there- fore it is injuflice to give that to another, which is not inour power, but is already given to another by marriage. Thus we fee by the word here ufed what account God makes of all thofe vices, which are fubordinate to Adultery. The Commandment it felt is expounded Levit. 2C. ro. in the law; and in the Gofpelby Chrift, in the fifth of St.Mattbew, verf27,28. &e." And by the Apelle a Corinthians 5. and 6.15. and throughout the whole feventh chapter of the, fame Epiftle. The order and dependance is this. The principal caufe why murder was pròhibi- tedwas, becaufe man is the image of God:now the image of God con-Illsefpecially in purënefs and chaftity,as oneof the Heathen Poets could tell us, dytl s sxs eioç érat E.rcoh,t. re God is a pure mind : and therefore fitly doth this Commandment, wherein purity yrrmtp. of foul and body is commanded , follow upon that wherein thedefacing of Gods image is forbidden. The truth of this may plainly be gathered by the contrary; af- loon as our tuft parents eyes were opened, they fat, themfelvesnaked. being afha- wed to fee their nakednefs, theygot figleaves to cover their fhame, which arguedthat Gen. 3.7 thepurenefs of this image was loft , and that they wereafhamedof thofe irregular motions which began to arife in thew. iii The