Cona. 7 With diverfe reafonsagdnß iß.. Chap. a. 435 neccffary, order is moil neceffary, and this order is that the lower delires fhould not takeupa man wholly ; when the lower is molt vehement, the higher is molt hin- dered : but the lower faculties are to give place to the fuperiour, and not to take up thewhole man. Chryfflomefaith,Dedit Deus corpus anime, ut illud in coelum evebe- ret, â nest dedit animam corporí,'ut illam in terram deprimeret ; God gave the body to the foul, to lift it up to the confideration ofheaven and heavenly things, and not the foul to the body, toprefs it down to the earth. Therefore Gods intent was,that aswe may have a lawful Concupifcence for the maintenance ofour life, and for pro- pagation ; fo we fhould oft them no further than this necelfity requires. And this Concupifcence hath its purity. Now that is calledpurum,pure,that hath nibilalieni admixtum,no mixture ofany thing withit. But becaufe in this life there will be force mixture; as the Prophet tells them, their wine was mixt with water: we muff be Efay r, sC careful that the tpixture be not difproportionable, as to have but a drop of wine in a veffel of water. The Prophet faith,that there was a time when man yeas is; bonour,but certainly he is now fo degenerate from that he was, that he bath loft his underl1anding, and is be- pfal.49 t reme like to the beafts that perifb; forhe ferveth his luit, riches, and pleafures. For this caufe it is, that another Prophet faith ofthepeople of his time, that they were foaddi fed to this evil concupifcence of the flelh, thatthey were like equis admifjà_ Jer 5, 8 riie, tofed brrfes, every oneneighed after his neighbours wife. Therefore,as the Apoftle Gal. 3.24 fpeaks of the Law in general, fo we may of thisCommandment, that it is Ptedago- Prov. 3. 24 gm-,our School-mater to inftrud us, thatbowTweet foever ftoln waters are,yet theend Gal. 5. t6 ofthem is bitter and deadly. And that we should not ufe our liberty for an occafiòn to 7.29 the /left), like brute beats ; but as knowing that we were created for greater things and that wefhould have our minds lifted up to over-rule our bodies,and not ufe our liberty, as if we had no rule to walk by. Having fpokenofthe ground of this Commandment, we come now to the foun- tain from whenoe this fin arifes, and then we thall fpeak of the means or occafions that drawus to it. .:; 1. FMthe firfo, the Apoftle reckons up the fruits of the fleth,Gal 5. 19. Adultery, Gal. 5. 19 fornication, uncleannefs, lafcivioufneJl, &c. which our Saviourfaith proceed.from' the Mark 7.21 heart, where they be confìdered, either as they ate ipfum venenum, the very poifon ofour nature, which theApoftle calls Concupifeenthoearnís,the 14 of theflefh; or t John2.16 elfe Juppuratio, an inward fefteringof this delire, an inward boyling ofthe potsvith Ezek. 24.6 the fcum in it, as the Prophet calls it. 2. The means that drawus to this fin. 1. The firfl isJubaeiumfolum, whenwe make our felves meet'and apt ground to receive this vice. ThePhyfitians call it xax=.tíar, when a man is difpoíed by evil humours tending to difeafes: as thofe that are Flethorique have their bodies 11111 fedwith force badhumour. Nowthis humour of wicked lull is fed by twomeans. n. Per gulam,By intemperance, furcharging the flomach, which is called crapula, when it is with meat, andvinclentia, when it is withdrink. 2. Per defidiam, or otium, By idlenefs, which is either in excels offleeping, or elfe in dorovba, a defeei oflabour and exercife. a. Secondly,aftee the fubatdum f lum,there is another thing which iscalled Irriga- tic concupifcentie, the watering of :hefted in the groundfn fitted. It is as when a man is lick, andwill notwithflanding give himfelf to thofe things which are vorrtd, evil fór his difeafe ; as when he that bath anague will drinkwine, or he that is troubled with the Obis, the Ptilickwill not forbear(harp things, or he that hath the Colick will eat honey. Such a thing is our Concupifcence. Solomoncalleth it illecebram con- prov. 9:ay cupifeentie, the inticement to loft, and it bringeth forth the fin called Lafeivia, wan- tonnefs,or immodeftia,immodefiy. And this is either in the body, or fromwithout. . n. In the body,it is either or>,oxñ,platting of thehair,andfocus colouring of theface; or in the apparel, toJro,s ìtoa'lirr,orin the gefture, either fome common gateufed ge- nerally, or a certain kind of particular gate, or geflure, which by a peculiar name is called Dancing. , 2. Fromwithout, our luft is watered, either bycorrupt company, or by reading lafcivious books, or by beholding lafcivious piEtures, asCherea in Terence, or firth playes and fpedacles as containmatter of unchaft love, and are apt to breed this Iii2 fln I