436 Chap, 2: Thefeveral branches and degrees of uncleannefs. fin inus, or by giving ear to wanton tales, or hiftories, or fangs, that nourifh the bu- mour.of Tuft. And thus for the means. 3. For the tgnswe will ufe noother than themwe had before. The jaundife óf it is in the eyes too , and it bath its foam inferrnone obfeano, in filthy language, And not only that, but in frequenting fuch places, Ming fùch a&ions, and at fuck times, as may jutlly be fufpe&ed. dii7 of adulmey Now for theoutward a& it feltwe have firft,the difpofitions to this tn,fuçh as in Lavio c_ 4 Pnyfick,are called apowtolle: vx1a,the grudgings.before an Ague. Suchas were in the other Commandment, quarrellingand battery beforemurther. Such aretheG here, Prov. ; nice to the fgns ofthe leprohe before it break forth'. Of this kind are, r. /wafts g ofeula, ancbajt Wes. 2. Wanton embracing the bofomof a ftranger. 3. Going a- boutor endeavouring to procure the ad, whether it be bywaiting at the door for anopportunity, or by forcery, or inchantments, or any other means. Thea& it felfone may beguilty of two wayes, as-St. Auguftine faith, r. Either mote proprio, by ones own motion and inclination : or a.confenfn alien, by the per- fwafionofanother, and they both come to one and the fame. Again it is pra&ifed, either with a mans own felt corpusfuumfecum, which itr called µcAmoda,or olxaSapára, effceminatenefs or wantonnefi ; or with another : and if withanother, it is that which is called aépin1or CJiauypea,the abomination not tobe na- med,with beaft or mankind, andwith mankind,it is either willingly,or unwillingly: The party patient not confenting,it iscalled raptus,a rape;which maybe with either fex,for there maybea rape inboth : or elfeagreeing;and this either withmale or fe- male; withmale, fuch an oneis called ,iprroxollnt,one that defiles himfelfwithman !find, r Cor.6.9. r Tim.r:ro. and this fin iscommonly called Sodomy,or the fin ofSo- dom.With female,either with oneor more:with more,if there be a pretence of Mar- riage, it is Polygamy; ifwithout any pretence thereof, it isfcortatio, whoredom. If with one, it is either in wedlock, and then it is called fervor, excefe of lugf. For there is a fault even inMatrimony,as St.Ansbroja faith, Nimius amator uxors propri eft adulter, a man may commit adultery with his own wife ; or it is out of Matri- mony, either with aparty allied, which is inceft ; or with a firanger, not allied; and then we confider her, eitheras nupta, married to another, or as Joluta,free ;if married, pr defponfata, betrothed (for all isone) then it is Adultery. And this is a. When both are married, which is worft ofall. 2. When thewoman only ismarried, and theman tingle. 3. Whenthe man is only married, and the woman tingle. The fecond is a greater evil than thethird, becaufe in it thereis, corruptioprolix, an adulterating of the¡true begotten. If one be free and unmarried, either he retains one peculiar to himfelf, and then fhe is not a common Ilrumpet,but aconcubine ; orelfe the4 is not this continual keep- ing ; and then if the be not common, it isffuprum, devirrination, whether the be a virgin or awidow, efpecially if fhe be a virgin; if the be colntmon, it is fornication properly, though that name be given toall. Befides thefe, the a& is either once committed or often iterated ; and then for diftin&ion fake,we may call it luxuriam,letchery inthe habit; and the partyawhore= monger, when he fees himfelfafter it : or that (which is beyond this) as therewas Gen. i g clamor Sodamitarum,fo there is clamor adulteril, the cryof adultery, when they dare impudently defend it. Laft ofall there is Permifon, and that is either private, ofa particular perfon for his daughter'or wife, or any ofhis kinred, which is called. Pro- jiitution: or elfe publick ofa Magiftrate, in permitting and tolerating flews, as at Rome, andother places. Thefe are the particular branches of the fin prohibited in this Commandment. Before we proceed in thehandling of theft particulars, let us take a viewof force reafons againft this fin of uncleannefs; why it ought tobe odious to man, as it is to God. a. It isorall fins the molt brutith,and makes a mancome neareft to the condition of beads, making him to lofe the nobility and excellencyof hisnature. And there- Ter.¡ . 8 fore it is that the Prophet compares Adulterers to neighingfedhorfes,Equiadmijfarü `Prov. 7.22 adhinnient.e, and to oxen going to theflaughter.God himfelf faith,ThouJhaltnot bring Dear, 23.18 the hireof a where, or the price ofa dog into thehopfe of the Lord. The learned obferve upon