Corn. ,74 Withditerfe réafons Chap. z. p upon this place, that a whore iscompared to a bitch, that bath many dogs follow- ing afterher. 2. The fecond bath adependance upon the firt'c,yet it bath-a peculiar cosfidera= tion. There is no fin whereby the light of (vans realen is fomuch extinguished, nor put fo much betide the prehetninence it bath over the affcEtions of the mind. The Prophet faith,that it doth auferre car, take away the heart ; for abforbet rationem, it Hot: 4. t i fwallows up the reafonand underftanding ; and by this (as the Apofile fpeaks of EPb. 4. t$. 9 theheathen, that committed all uítcleannefs with-greedinefs,) theirunderftandings were darkned, and their hearts blinded. It is one of the Epithets they give to Venus, Kttapts ofevoaXíi?x , becaufe it ¡teals away the under(landing. We have experience of it in Solomon ; we fee what fottifbeefs he grew into after this fin had taken hold of him, even to fall dov n to every block and flock. David by this fell into murder, and tocover one fin withanother. And it is jolt it (bould be fo, fot the light of our AEtions coming from God, and our anointing coming abHiglione Dei, asNazianzen faith , from Gods anointing , he will not Commit this oint- ment to fuch a (linking box. They are like fwinethat tramplethis pearl ofunder= Matti). ry. 6. (landing under feet. 3. The third is Cypriant. Ofall fins this ismolt inexcufable ; becaufe other fins may haveCome colour or excufe, but this hath none, becaufe God having ordained a remedy for this, which is marriage, he that will not ufe that remedy is without t Cor. 7. z excufe. 4. The fourth is, that whereas God bath been pleafed, to make marriage a holy in.(titution, and a holy refemblance ofthe union betwixt Chrift and his Church, it is a manifeft contempt of the ordinance ofGod ; and not only that,but whereas God Eph, 5, a3 hath added this promife tomarriage , that thereby mankind fhould be encreafed ; on the contrary by this means they bring the curie ofbarrennefs threatned againft whoredom they full commitwhoredom ( faith theProphet) but not eucreafe. So thattheygo about (as much as in them lieth) to deftroy the race of mankind : Hof, 4, io and thereforeConftanoint calleth them Sacrilegosnuptiarum& delinqueutes in ge- nus bumanum, facrilegious breakers of wedlock, and trefpaffers againft mankind ; fornot only the worldfares the worfe for thefe courfes whichwould foon bringit to an end ; but alfo it takes away the refemblance betweenChrift and his Church in holy marriage. 5. It is againft amans own body. For as Saint Paul argueth, every fin which à man cloth , is without the body; but be that commits fornication, finnetb againff b:s own Body; and that both by defilingit, fo that as Saint Jude faith, the gar- Jud, zi :z meats are (potted by theAefb, as alto by weakning and decayingit : for as the Phyfitians fay, the preferving of the genitalia humor, the generative humor is a fpecial caufe of preferving the life of a man : and there is nothingbrings greater de- bility to the vegetativefaculty, whereby the humidum radicale, the radical moil#- ore, is confumed, and the life (bortned , then this fin : befides that , it brings rottennefs to the bones , and breeds many lothfome difeafes , as dayly experience thews, like that water of jealoufie under the law, or curled water , which if a Numb. 5. z ÿ woman had defiled her husbands bed, caufed her belly to (well, and her thigh to jot. 6. And it is not only againft amans own body, but againft others alfo: for it hath this peculiar to it, that whereas inother fins a man may perire[olms, perish alone , in thishe muff have one to perish with him for company. There is duplex bomici- diem, a double ìnurther committed by this one fin. 7. It is injurious to Chrift twowayes. z. He bath bought us, and paid a price Car 6 t5,t6 for us. Now if we (hall alienate that which is not our own, we do as ifwe fhould pull down another mans houfe, nay, Palatium 1 egio (as Cbryfoffom) the Kings Palace, to which we have no right. 2. And not only fo , but being Chriftians , andChrift our head, and we the members, if we unite our felves to a harlot, do we not quantum innobiseft, as much as we can , bring Chrift to be the head of a harlot ? - 8. Laftly, ifall theft will not move us, then let us confider thepunifhment ofit. ShallI not visit(faith God by the Prophet) for theft things? yes finelyhewill viftt Jer¡9 %S and punith, and that many wayes. r. It