Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

438 Chap, 3ö Of gluttony anddrunkennef . Coml. t . It i3 a punifnment it felf, for as Solomon faith, thole whom God hatesf{iail fall' Pro v; 22,14 into thisfin: fuch as he hath ordained for punifhment, hall be punned with this tin. 6. 34 a. It is maximeprobrofampeccatum,a fin that makes a man moll infamous,it brings a reproach never to be wiped off. 3. It brings a man to beggery.; for by a whorifh woman a man is brought to 6.24 a morfel of bread : yea, the adultcrefs will hunt for the precious life, and job faith, Job 31. 12 it is a tire , that will confume to deftru&ion, and will root our all a mars in- creafè. 4. Beyond all thefe, whereas every punifnment fhould exceed , that whereof Rom. 1. 24 it is a punifhment,'the Apostle tells us, that thofe unclean lulls, which the hea- thens were given up to, were punifhments for their Idolatry ; fo that this fin Teems to exceed in fome cafe, that of Idolatry. And therefore the fame Apostle faith, Cor.7 12,13 thatif a woman bemarried to an Idolater or unbeliever, and will dwell with him, 15 file ; but he faith not fo for an adulterer : Idolatry dothnot fo nearly diffolve the bond 'of marriage,' as adultery. And, again the children of an Idolater or unbeliever ( if the one party be a believer ) are holy , and are recei- ved into the covenant, as members of the Church, but the feed of Adulterers is Deut. 23. 2 prophane ; a ballard muff not enter into the congregation, not to the tenth gene- ration. By thefe reafonswell weighed,we may in partconceive,what account God makes of this fin. We come now to the particular branches referring to this fin already . mentioned. C H A P. III. Of the degrees of this fin, r. Thefirff motions, or cogitationes afcendentes. 2. Sup- puratio, 7hefeftering of it inwardly. 3. fu,ba&um folum, the fitting ofthe foil, which is a. By excel. 2. By Idlenefr. Excefe is- a. by gluttony, the effetls ofit. Oppofite to which is the vertue of teinperance, which csnfrJts in modo, in meafure, which refpetls a. The necejrty of life, 2. Of ourcalling. 3. Ofpleafure and delight, whereinare 5.11ules. r. For thefufjcfance ofour meat, z. For the quantity. 3. For the quality. 4. Not to eatgreedily. 5. Not too often, 2. Of excels in drink- ing , .in what cafes wine is allowed. A N- D firfl for the inward taufe , the malignant vapours ailing in the heart, j ÿ which we called the poifon ofour nature, that inbred concupifcence and thofe firft motions , and the cogtationes afcendentes, we (hall forbear to fpeak of them, till we cometo the tenth commandment : and here we will fpeak in the fe- r. Cor. y 9 cond place ofthat which we callfuppuratio, or the fettering of it, whichthe Apo- Hof. 7.4 ftle calls uri, to burn ; and the Prophet illuftrateth by a fimilitude ; As an oven Prov. 23. 33 heated by a Baker, fo is an Adulterer : though we fee no fparks without,yet there's a great heat within. Solomon faith ofhim, cor ejus loquiturperve>fa, his heart utte- reth perverfe thongs, though outwardly he faith nothing. Saint Auguffine faith , Ego domine[ape taceo, cum cogitationes mea non tacent, Lord, I oftentimes holdmy peace, when my thoughts withinme are not filent. And fo when the oven waxeth hotter and hotter, then cometh confenfus confent: and then he faith, 0utinam, a de- firefolloweth,and then quifaliuras ell jamfecit,he that goeth about a wicked a&ion, hath alreadya&ed it in his heart. Therefore we are to ítriveagainft this Cardiacal pailion. In the next place come we to the Pion fubafium , the foil fitted for this fin. And this (as we hewed before) is done by gluttony and idlenefs. Gluttony we Paid was in meat or drink. Inmeat; itwas crapula, too much feeding; gula velfi- bulum luxuria,the throat is the porch whereby letchery enters. And that by realms that the faculties of thebody are fo difpofed,that .3pror1i,,li is officina yavta7rxñs thenu- tritive faculty is thehopof the generative ; and that being well looked to, there's hope,that the other may be better dealt withal. TheApostle tells us,thattine of the fruits