Corn. 7. Of gluttony anddrunkennefs, Chap. 3-. fruits ofthe'fleCn,is áxaSapcza,uncleann+ll,towhich he adds zm "µ@ banquetting or re- vèlling,as a caule of it. Fulnefs of bread] was oneof the fins ofSodom. Upon which Ezek. á6.49 place Jerome faith, venter bene pa(tus cito dfponitar ad libidinem, a belly wellfed is foon difpofed to luit. And again, nunquam ego edacem bominemcenium putabam, I never accounted a great eater shaft ; pro qualitate ciborumeft ordo membtorum ; accor- ding to the quality of the meat is the difpofitionofthe members,awell fed belly will quickly wax wanton. This excels is injurious to God in defiroying his creatures,whereas Chrift appoin- ted the fragments to be gathered up, thatnothing might be wafted. It was the Pro- John. 6. t2 digal's fault,fruges confenzere male, to waft Gods creatures invain. Betides, Solomon Luc. I5. is faith, it will bring a man topoverty. Therefore it is the counfel ofthe fonof Sirach, Eeel, t8.o become not abeggar, by banquetting upon borrowing. The heathen man cauld fay, us. fediffimum patrimoniorum exitiumculina,to fpend a mans patrimony in the kitchen, is the bairn thing that can be. This is it that makes graves of luft, when by furfetting men haften death, as thofe Ifraelites that longed for quails, and were fmitten while the &lhwas between their teeth : whereupon, the place where they were buried,was Numb. u. 34 called Kibroth-Hattaavah, that is, graves of lull. And indeed it is gentile vitium, our national fin ; there are too many graves of lull in this Kingdom. When we are lick,we call forfenitatem health, and having ir, we become foonafterwards by furfetting tobe%podela, Cyrelat,betrayersofour health by furfetting. Befides the ill effe&s it works in the body , it Both much hurt to the foul too s for it maketh all fermons , and other exercifes of Godlinefs unfruitful , choak- ing the good feed like the thorns. Nolite gravan faith our Saviour to his difci- Luc. 8. 14 pies , becaufe the heart thereby becometh fo heavie, and the brain is fo unapt , 21.34 by reafonof the fumes that afcend from the Romach, that a man is fit for no- thingbut fleep ; Saint Gregory faith, that perhaps he may be fit ad ineptam letiti- am, fed ad nibil preterea for fcurrilous and unfavorymirth, and nothing rife. And in another place, cum venter lie in ingluvie extendit, membra in luxuriam eri- lib 7. Moro git, when the belly is oppreffed with gormandizing, the members are prone to iewdnefs. Befides this, there isfirft, h. ebetudo mentie dulnefsof the mind ; and then follows derities mete., hardnefs of the heart ; when mendrink wine in bowies, they are not Amos6.6 grieved atthe aftiótions of Jofeph, there's no fympathy between them and thofethat want. Befides,as Mofes laid it was with3efhurun,impinguatus recalcitravit, being made fat he began tokick ; fo it will be with the body,which will be like Solomon's fervant Deut. 32.15 that'sbrought up wantonly, bring up a fervant wantonly , he will prove Rubborn and proud, feed him delicioufly, and he will be check-mate with 'you, equus indo- Prov, 29.21 mites, ahorfe not broken, and a child left to himfelf ±;sfaív.. become Rubborn and rebellious: fo doth the flesh. Thefe defideria tarn,, delires of the faeth militant adverfus animanz tightagainf the foul ; and what folly is it to ftrengthenour e- nemy. To avoid their inordinatelulls, we are to follow Saint Paul's example, caftigare corpus,to keep our body under : and one way tochafien it is caftigatioper damnum,by 1 Cor. 9, 27 hindering it from lòmething it delires ; as caftigatio jumentorum, to keep under la- bouringbeafts, as when we would take down a pampered harfe, the way is,toabare him of his provender. This in effe& is temperance, which the Philofopher calls TaML,,,if lry,promumvireutum,thebutlerofall virtues. Naturecries out pavloRpxb, it is the voice of the dells gel er.rve,7v, a d's4' v, µñ4,úxe,9a, let me not be hungry let me not be thirty, let me not be cold. Pfau when he was anhungry, delired Jacob's pottage lentir edulium, pottage of lentiles,it feemed favoury to him : and the Philofopher tàith,fitis non querit aureapanela, thirdcares not fordrinking in gold but under the colour of fupplying nature,it commonly falls out that nulli dejderio re- fffimus, we giveway to every thingwe delìre,and therefore we grow wanton,when we will not have it in this dills, or not have it unlefs thus deed, and then venter eft moleftus client, the belly is a troublefome client ; whereas of this temper ought we to be, that having food and rayment, we fhould be therewith content ° and this is , Ti,, 6. S the right temperance. We 439