440 Chap, 3. Of gluttony and drunkennefs, Com.7. We know that we are debtors to the fle4k, but not to live after theAlb, and that Rom 8 rz God made the belly for meats, but yet we oft not faywith them , let us eat and r Cor. 6.13 drink, for to morrow we (ball die not live in pleafure , and nourifh our hearts 15.32 as in a day of daughter , as St. James fpeaks : nor make fuch provifion for Áom 5 ro the fief}, , as to fulfil the lofts thereof. This is far from the rule of Tempe- 3 ranee. Now temperance confifts in modo, in meafure, and that modus is inmedio, mea- fure is in the mean or middle, which is known per regulam, by rule. And the rule of temperance is threefold. z. The fir-It is neceffitasrite, the neceflity ofour life, and our lifeneceffarily re- quires but convenient foodand rayment ; 'Exaf1es 3 442ropas stun do i4a 741.1s r Tim, 6. 8 ,ip seailo- r- a, faith the Apoftle, having food and rayment, let us be therewith con- tent. 2. The fecond is neceftas ofidi, the neceflityof our calling. The Apoftle tells r Cor, 9. zS us, that he which is Atbleta, that ftriveth for the maftery, mutt be temperate and abftemious, and keep a firí& diet. So he that is a fendent, and lives a contempla- tive life, may detra& in his diet ; but a husbandman that labours much, and fweats it out, may add, hemull have a greater proportion. The dire&ion in this point muff be according to mens feveral callingsand imployments. 3. The Taft is coluptas, Foe neutrumbarem impedit, Co much pleafure, as will hin- der neither of theft. Moderatepleafure may be ufed,in eatingand drinking, fo that it neither endanger our health, nor make usunfit for the duties of ourcallings, but if it prove hurtful, or prejudicial to either of theft, if this voluptar, this pleafure in meats and drinks, be eitheragainft life, or our duty, it is peecatum, a fin. Accord- ing to thefe rules, we mull x,osaít;¢v, bridle our defires, we muli make temperance our ñploxps, our coachman, and give her the bridle, that the may as well conitringere as relaxare, bridleas let loòfe, as occation shall be offered. Saint Auguf ine faith 7emperantia frenos gutturis confiringit dmrelaxat, temperance both relraineth andgi- Eurip. veth liberty'to the appetite: and the Heathen man faith, irar mp:ovñ dteJ.rptcVenus waits onpikity and fizlnefs. And that we may thebetter know how to reftrain or enlarge °UV felves in the oft of meats, we may further confider, that this fall rule di- videth it felt in five branches. z. For the fubftance ; we mull not fare every day aaa1 o t fplendide, delicately, Luc. r6, r9 with the rich Glutton, the Ifraelites were weary of manna, and mull needs have Numb. 11.6 quails, but for Daniel and his companions, who had moratos ventres, no dainty Dan. 1. tz palates, but temperate appetites, pulfe ferved their turns well enough, and yet they r Sam, z. ,5 looked never the worfe. Elie's fons mull have roll meat, they cannot a- r R;ng.19.6 way with lòdden, but Elias's provifion was no more than acake, and a crufe of 2 King. 4.33 water ; and Elifha provided nothing but a pot of pottage, for the children of the Prophets. 2. For the quantity.. They that have taken meafure of our throat, and other parts of ourbodies, fay, that the throat is lefs in man, than in any other creature of anfwerable proportion, to teach us temperance, and to beware of fuperfluity, either, r. By furcharging our nature or difablingour felves for theduties of our calling , like thofe of whom the Prophet fpeaks, that make themfelves tick with excefs; Hof 7.5. therefore our Saviour warns his difciples,totake heed ofCrapula,furfetting, ne gra- Luc. z . ;9 ' vet corda, left it overcharge your hearts. Saint Auguffirte confeffethof himfelf,that Each. 16 being at a table furnithedwith many dillies, he was eafily overtaken. r Sam. 25.36 z. Or by exceeding our estate :. which was Nabal's fault , who was too high in his feaft, by a note; he made a feaft like a prince , there was fuperflui- ty. 3. For the quality : Band not upon curiofity, or exquifitenefs ; it was in part Luc. ro. 41 Martha,. fault; but Chrift gave her a gentle reprehenfion for it. And the Apofle Rom. g. 04 chargeth usnot tomake qrti rbldv .4xes,provifionfor the flefli,to fulfil the lulls there- of; as thofe that ftudy fäpores nonnaturales, for exquifite fawces to provoke the Phil, 3, 09 appetite ; for this is the way to bring him to his tears, even to weeping, becaufe we make our belly our God , and to move God to deftroy both it , and them : for as Saint Gregory faith, bee area putrefcet, yrre in ea reponuntur,the belly will be