Corn. 7. Of :gluttony anddrunkeirnefs. Chap.,. 44á be confumed, and whatfoeverweput into itt. and therefore it is folly to make that our God.This in regard of the meat. Now thereare 2 rules more in regard ofour felves. t. That we eat not too greedily. For this is osporci Were, to have a hoggilhor fwinifh appetite.. And this made the Devil (as Se. Jerome obfervcs) to make choice of the heardof fwine to enterinto, becaufe of their greedinefs. They were likeCor- March. 8. 32 morants givento devouring. St..ferome faith,Vbifatietas eft, ibi Demonesagunt cho- rea, where this greedinefs and fulnefs is, therethe Devils dance. St.Augz4boe faith, that it was Ffau's fault : Ardenter comedit, quia ardenter deftderavit ; he muff needs eat greedily,that longed after it fo earneffly,that he fold his birth-right for it St.Jude Jude 12 calls this,vefci fine témore, tofeed withoutfear.Therefore the fonofSyrácb gives good Ecdus31.12 counfel in this point, If thou fit at a bountiful table, benotgrcedy upon it. 2. That we eat not.t000ften. And in this rule we mutt have recourfe to the for- mer, of vite & ofie i, ofour lifeandcalling : not fo often as tohinder our health , not fo often as to hinder ourcalling. Not too early. Wo to thee, 0 Land (faith the Ecclus. 1046 Preacher) when thy Princes eat in the morning. Not too late. Wo to them (faith the Efay S, n Prophet, joyning them together) that rife up early, that they may followffrong drink; that continue till night, till the wine enflame them. This afduitas continuance in eat- ing,he compares to greedinef§ ofdogs, which never canhave enough;when men fay tomorrow fhall be as this day, and.much ynòris abundant. Their minds are còptinually s6. t t, rz Occupied in thoughts o6 eating. All thofesic or, comeffations, mentiónedby the Apo- Rom. 13, ì3 í11e, are forbidden ; as alto thole orolot,drn.,::ings,and itla su lm,vinolentia`,inentioned by St. Peter theft, though fome òf themare lets grievous than the other, becaufe in per, 4.3 fume there is, averfatio a fine, a dited aversion from theend ; others do but in fome fort, aberrare afine, come fomewhat wide of the end, yet are all forbidden. The A- Ephef. 5, IS pofle forbids excefs ofwine,as well as of tufts,vinolentia,drinking too much,aswell as crapula, gluttony: having regard no doubt to thofefecundamenfe, fecond courfes, banquets, comeffations and drinkings, fuch as are now in ufe. St. Auguftine in his'confelltons, upon our Saviours caveat againft furfetting and drunkennefs bath this pottage; Domine, ebrietas.longe eft a me,fac quefo; ne unquam appropinquet mibi ; crapula antem nonnunquamobrepitfervo tuo, facquefo, ut longe abfit a me : errquid eft qui non rapiatur aliquantulum extrametal necejtatis z guifquis eft magnus, magnificet nomen tuum, ego eutern non rum; quia homopeecatarfum: Sed tarnen ego in his pofitus tentationibus,certo qùotidie cum cupiditatibus: Lord I am far fromdrunkennefs, grant I pray thee that it may never come near me: but gluttony bath oftenfiole upon thy fervant, grant I befeech thee; that it may be fat frothme: andwho is there that is not fometimecarried beyond the bounds ofneeellìty?whom foever is perfeß fhall magnifie thy name, fucha one I amnot, becaufe'a finful man ; yet being inthe midft of theft tentations,I ftrive daylywithmy concupifcence. And this, I do further, r. for unneceffaryrefeaions, I have clean cut them off. 2.1 fol- low Solomon's counfel. Be nor amongjf wine-bibbers,amongrriotous eateri offielh.3.ltli- Prov. 32.30 bifuJtcit apparatus mews, mine ownprovifioncontents me, 4. W henfoeverI go be- yond the boundsof.neceflity, Ido not fay, Gras erit uthodie, & amplius ; to morrow fhall be as to day,and much more abundant. This faith he I do ; and thenhe cometh to this exhortation,fratres mei,quam leniffime fed tamestinflantiffime vosrogo,brethren, though but gently,yet mott inflantly I befeechyou, do you the like. 2. As gluttony or excefs of meat is forbidden,of which wehave fpoken s 16 alto dtunkennefs,or excefs, of drink The Apoftle dehortingfromdrunkennefs faith, Ephef. 5. sI there is init dotesia,luxury or luff,be not drunken.witb wine,wherein it dvada,becaufe it inclines tounclean tufts. And'the fame faith Solomon, looknot upon thewine,trhen it is red, andfheweth hiscolour in thecup, orgoeth downpleafäntlyo andwhy 1 Thine Prov. 23. 33 eyes (halt, look, upon ftrange women. And therefore St:Peter doth neit onlyforbid s per'.y' 3 drunkennefs, atvoauyíav; drunkennefs, which the Fatherscall voluntariumDeino- nem, a voluntaryDevil, when aman willingly bereaves himfelf of reafon; but alloallus, drinkings or compilations, whether they be filch as enflame :us, and though they take not away our reafon, yet kindle our blood and fpirits ; or whe- ther by tiling them, we get fuch a Cullomand habit , that we are ftrong todo it, and being free from drunkennefs; can behold the infirmity of others with pleafüre: for there isa woe 'pronounced againfk. this flrength. And in any of ehefeCafes , 22 the excefs of drinking is forbidden ; not only becaufe it deceive§ a man, and the K k k drunkard