44z Chap. y, Of Sleep and Ir lenefss. Prov. 2c. r drunkard andthe glutton Jhall come topoverty ; but alfo bccaufe it difpofes aman to 23.20 this fin : as we fee in Lot, who by toamuch wine committed incett, even without Gen. 19 33 knowledg, andunwittingly: but molt commonlya mandoth it knowingly,and wit- Pro23. 34,35 tingly, and fo maketh himfelf a fit mould for the Devils impreflion The wilè man faith, that they are like to a manfleeping in the midi} of thefee, when theyare awaked theyreturn to it again.For it is fuch a vice, that a man having gotten a habit ofit,can hardly leave it off. Yet are we not altogether prohibited the drinking of wine, but in Come cafes iris allowed, as thefe, and the like. Tim. 5.23 I. For bodily infirmities, according to the Apoliles counfel toTimothy. In this cafe the ufe of wine is lawful. Timothy was fo far from excefs, that havingan infir- mity upon him, hewould not adventure upon wine without Paul's direltion. Prov.3'. 6 2. In heavinefs of mind,,whethernatural or accidental. Give wine to thfi that are of heavy heart. 3. tipon tome publick benefit of the Church or Commonwealth, there may be a publick gratulation, and therein a more free ufe of the Creatures, and wharfoever doth not hinder or oppofe Temperance, may be lawfully ufed to-folemnize a dayof Nehem. 8. ro publick joy. When thepeople were ready to mourn,Nehemiab forbids ir, and initead ofmourning, bids them eat thefat, and drinkthetweet, and tel}ibe their joy by the lawful ufe ofthe Creatures, for the benefit which God had vauchfafed tohisChurch. T his, is the third. JYS Eut out of theft or thelike cafes it mull not be ufed : as they did, ofwhom the Efay 22. 12 Prophet fpeaketh. When God called tomourning andweeping, theyfellto joyandglad_ nefs',toflaying of oxen, and killing offheep, to eating fleJh, anddrinking wine. And there be Hill fome men that can take hold of the Apottles cóunfel todrinkwine,óewr, but of that part of it (isíyu, a' little) they take no notice at all. The fumofall is, there mull not be Redundantia, excels. It was accounted art Amos6.6 efpecial faultof thePrinces of Ifraèl, They drankwinein bowls,&e. The five rules above mentioned"you may apply to prevent this lin5 and to govern your felfinthe ufe ofwine or firong drink. Both theft vicesare falved by one vertue, called :2494.1a, temperance, a vertue here commanded. St.Paul makes it a fpecialfruit ofthefpirit, and exhorts Titus to preach it, and exhort young men efpecially to it, and fuch.as bend their minds to knowledg, and J}udie ofkarning : and therefore St.Peter exhorts, as to add tovenue knowledg, fo to joyn to knowledg temperance ; forfiientia eft cum abjtinentie, tempe- rance is the way to knowledg. CHAP. IV. Of iellenefs , th(fecond thing whichfits the foylfor fin. Diverfe reafons again it. Tt comp}s in two things: a. too much fleep. 2.want ofexercife when we are awake. A ainf}Jleepinefr. Ruler,for a. the quantity: a. the manner. , Ofidlenefs inour callings. The remedyagaingfleTand idlenefi. He fecond thing which makes Jolnmfubatlum, fits the foyl for this fin of lull, 2. - is idlenefs. Forasfuhoefr of bread, -fo abundanceofidlenefs, was one of the Ezek. 16. 49 caufes of Sodoms fin. One anfwered bythe light of nature, to him that asked what Luxury was ; that it wasnothing elfe but adSp vx >irs noÀgCjOnt, the paffionof an idle mind. And this is a fin highly difpleafingto God in many refpeds. s.Evertit confilium Dei,&finem hominis : it doth what may be to overthrowGods purpofe, and the end wheretomanwas created. For God in the very beginning created Gen. 2. is man to labour. He put man into the Garden ofEden to drefs it : not only ut coleret eum, to ferve him ; but ut coleret ttrram, to till the earth, neither without the other. Afterwards when he had tranfgreffed Gods command :this labour was enjoyned him 3. 17,19 as ,a perpetual penance for his offence. Inforrowfault thou eat all theeays of thy life: and in thefweat.of thy facefaalt thoueat bread. Nor Both the Golpel (hew it felt Marsh, 20.6 more favourable in difpenfng with this law. Whyf}and ye idle ? faithour Saviour. 2 net: 3. 11 And it was theApofilescomplaint, that he heard, that there werefome thatwrought pro; 1 á 6 3 not at all. Nor (hall it ever be abrogated. Man, faith David, goethfirth to his work, and to his labourtill theevening. Therefore is it that Solomon fends the idle perfon