444 Chap.5 : Of incentives and llurementr.to lncleannef. Cont. 1I h., r2. 12 our calling, but give our felves to cafe. Defidia eft fmnium vigilantir, tooth is the dream of him that is awake : and by want of labour and excrcife, and giving our felves to eafc, we come to the hanging downof the hands and thefeeble knees, of which the Apoflie (peaks, and fo become fit forno goodthing. For as all other crea- tures of God by ftanding fill grow corrupt, as we fee in (landing water, which pu- trilies,and being putritied, ingendcxs toads and fuch venemous creatures ; fo in man, cafe brings difeafes both inbody and foul: it produces in the body podagram,the gout, and it brings forth the like indifpofìtion in the foul,which madeSt.Baffl call it poda- gran anon,,, the gout of thefin!. And therefore St.Ambrof calls idle perfons,creatu- res Deifuperfluas,fuperfluouscreatures of God, which do no way profit the body po- Cicero' litiek,Where they live,but are as the Heathen man faith of. the Hog,fuch qui animam ' pro filebabent, who have their fouls initead offait, tokeep their bodies fweet, St. Paul 'meafureth not idlenefs only by doing nothing, but alto by notdoing the 2Thef. 3. 1 t duties of a mans place. As he that is placed in the itniverlity,and Iludies not,though he hawk,hunt,ordance,or ufes other exercifes that are laborious,yet becaufe he Both r Tim. 5.12 not that which he ought to do, he is tobe accounted an idle fellow. Ifmen be,as he faith, wan ipyemerst, not working at a//,then they become bu/le bodies : and if wo- men be idle, then will they bepratlers,or tatlers,uponwhich cometh tale-carrying, lying, feigning and forging,whereby they difquiet others. And not only fo, but they are buffe bodies, medling out of their callings,where they have nothing to do. Theft are tobe refirained. And becaufe hereby groweth a difpofition from the body, for evil motions in the foul ; therefore St. Peter enjoyns the vertue of abftinence, and i Pet..z. teS commands us to abffuinfromfuch flefhly lufir, as do militare contra animam, fight a- gainfi thefoul. z Theremedy againft fleep is that which the Apofile calleth fobriety, properly watchjulnefs; vñJro4o, 'y e ' ñcu1s, be fiber, be vigilant, faith he in another place : 5.8 for fleep and drunkennefs are8p7a, rxolíat, works of thenight, and we are á 464 if c, children of light, and ofthe day ; our delires therefore ought to beafter the works of the light and Of the day, and we mull walkaccordingly. r Thef, 4. it 2. The remedy againft idlenefs the Apoftle givesus :. apiT1et 1d iha, to fit our Luk. 12. 43 felves todo our own buffnefr,and the worksofour calling. And blefedfhalihe be whom the Lord when he cometh (hallfind fa doing. WePaid before, that in this fin there, isfuppuratio,the feflering of it within , and after that there isfihballumfolam, the foil fitted by feeding the evil humour,by glut- tony and idlcnefs, ofwhich we have now fpoken. CHAP. V. Thefourth degree. Irrigatio foli, the watering of thefoil by incentives andallurements to thisfin, which are either, a. In or about ourfelves, or 2.In others. Of the ftrft fire are, a. Painting. z Strange wanton apparel. 3. Lafèivioucgeliures. Of the fecondfort are, r. Lewd company, andobiiene books. 2. OICcene piaures,andwan- ton dancing. Of modefly the vertue oppofte, LHe next thing is Irrigatiofli, wateringof the foil, of which we are tobeware. For as we muff keep our felves from being meet or tit ground for the Devil to cat} in this feed of lull or evil concupifccnce, bymeats of provocation, drinks and diet,or idle living ; fo mull wealto take heed of fuch objeo4sand allurements,as may irrigarefalum,water the ground,foment anddifpofe thefoul to this fin, lacentiv,, in And theft allurements or fomentations we confider, as they are in our felves, or as er about our in others. Thofe in or about our felves, are diverte. raves. 1. As the ufingoffucus,painting the face, which was the fin ofJezabel, floe pain- Pr0s S 43 5 tedher face, and tired her head. Of this one faith, that it is notfacies, but larva ; 9 theyhave not aface, but anrzard. But the Prophet tells fuch,Invainfhalt than make thyfelffair, for thy lovers fhall defpifethee, thou that rentef thyface (or eyes) with painting, alluding to the cuflom ofwomen then; ofcolouring their eye brows with. Jer; 4, ftibium or Antimony, as Tome learned think. 2, The flrange ditguifrngour felves in apparel, which is condemned even inwo- men