Andrewes - Heaven Collection BV4655 .A6 1675b

446 Chap, 6. Of an Àdulterut eye. Coma. 2. Tbill company and bad books inay be added tuck things, as by the eveand the tar make the fme impreftion in the foul : as namely, imagines obfcnn,e, obfcene and filthy pictures, fuelsas that of Baal-Peor : which they car tied aboút for pub- lick view, to tlir up lufiful thoughts; they longed to look on it, and as it is in the îío; 9. 10 Plalm, they joyned theinfelves to Baal-Peor, and eat the offerings of the dead. It was the counfèl of Balaam, tobring them to fee the image and offer to it, and then to Numb. 31.16 draw them to commit whoredom with the daughters of Moab : and therefore the rt Cor. to. 3 Apostles advife is, ticfcortemur, let not us commit whoredom. We knowwhat he faith in Funttchúr, the parlors were hung with Danae, and 'Jupiter corning to her Pre. 7. 16 andyouMay fee his conclulion. Thewife man tells us of the harlots chambcr,which Math. 6.22 was hung with Tapeftry, which was very like to be filch as theft. And by analogie Concil `Agath hereto, all Chorea láfeivx, wanton dancings, as that of Herodias, Ludi Tbeatrici, Can. at. Ca- stage-pláyes , become allurements , by flirting up the mind by the eye or ear cans Concile. and are therefore forbidden. The reafons, as the Councils alledg them are very Toler.3 good. Car .23.Craed PPrCaoIv. . u6.92.387 r. Becaufeour eyes thereby behold much vanitY 2. Becaufea man cannot go up- on hot coals, and his feet not be burnt. Or can lie touch pitch and not be defiled, or Ecclus. t 3. 1 feewanton actions, and his affections notbe moved ; and 3: There is löfs and ex- pence of pretious time. So that by what means foever the concupifcence and fpirit of fornication is wate- red, whether it be by latèivious words, longs, or fights, by the eyes or by the ears Moved to wantonnefs, it is faid to be baculum lafeivientium, the fupporter of lai- n This. 2.9 civiouliels, and calieth off thecords of difcipline, and is the beginningof all wic- kednefs: moß'ereßrain Now the vertue of modefty is proper to restrain thefe, the object whereof isho- them. neftum : which as it bathonly an inward beauty, fo is it only by an inward eye cif: cerned,and for this the Saints love one another , as the outward beauty allureth the Eph. 5.3 adulterers eye. Therefore it is, that Saint Paul in diverfe places flandeth much upon this point : as it becometh the Saints,xxsrls açívnoiyíes, we mutt look to that which the Saints like, and which is decent in their eyes. There are two forts of likers. a. There is a fort of men, towhom if we do not conform our felves in the fame r Pet. 4.4 excels of riot, they think it ltrange : and they that are ufed to it, think it becomes themwell : but these (hall one daygive account to him that judgeth both quick and dead. 2. There is another fort oflikers mentioned by the Pfalmifl, I will wait on thy nave, for thy faints like it well. That isdecent and meet, which the Saints like of and fo we mull judge, quiddecet, 6- quid ofendatfanitos, what is liked or dillikcd by the Saints, and therefore the Saints go all by this rule, quid decent, what be.. Match, IS e cometh them ; and tie qúid ofendatpufllos, that they do nothing to offend Chrifts little ones. CHAP. VI. Thefifth degree, the breaking out of this fin 1. IA the eye. Secondly, in the fpeeciz. Thirdly by thefymptomesforegoing the att. The vertue oppofite is fhamefaflnef. Of the outward ads of uncleannefs. .t. Selfpallusion or nocturna pollutio, whe- ther alwayes a (in. 2. Beftiality. 3. Sodomy. 4. Whoredom, fcortatio. 5. Polygamy. Whether lawful. Flore this f ti of uncleanness may becommitted in matrimony f me rules about marriage.Howout ofmatrimony1.With one allied,which is inccJ1:2.11lith affranger to us, but married to another , which is adultery: Manyaggravations of this fin. 3. Withflab as are not married as 1.By keeping a concubine: 2. Bydeflouring. 3. Byfornication andwrtndring lieft. 4: By profîittttion. The higheft pitch of this Pita, is to defend it. He fon of Syrach fpeaks of forme men, who may be known what they are , The breaking 1 when one fees them. Their apparel, geflure, and gate, declare what is in our ofthis fin. them, and the Prophet fpeaks of anoutward pride in Israel, that will teftirie to her