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tdm. 7, i)f art Adulterous èyé. Chap. 6, .41 her face; fo for this finWhere it lodges, it difcovers it felf by outward fìgns : which are either in the eye, or in the tongue. 1. For the eye, our Saviour faith, he that looks upon a woman to tuftafter her Matth.4, 25 hash committed adultery with herin his heart : and therefore by the glances of the 2pet á 22 eye, the adultery ofthe heart appears ; and henceSt.Peter fpeaks of óysaáµas Iroprelif Gen. 6 z an adulterous eye, and offome that have eyes full ofadultery, fome paffìvely,others 39.7 actively ; and of this we have diverfe examples. The fons of God faw the daúgh- '2. i4 ters of men, and we fee what followed. Potipbar's wife caft her eyes upon Jofeph 34.2 and tufted. The Egyptians upon Sarah. And Shecbem thePrince of the counts u _ 2 SaT:61.12.1 Y P Pro29 on Dinah. La(tly, King David upon Bathfheba, upon which what evil followed,the Eph. 4. 29 ftory may inform us. And therefore Solomon gives us this caution, Let her not take Col. 3.S thee with her eye-lids. Prov. 12,14 a. Forthe fpeech ; which i5the froth or foam ofthis fin, it is forbidden by the Match, 12. 36 Apoftle by the name of aa.wrtòs a670,firmputridut, rottenor corrupt communi- cation, which mutt not once be named ; becaufe , a man fhal eat the fruit of his lips. And if every idle word (hall be accountedfor, much snore shall we account for allwantonand broad fpeeches of filthy matters. Nay we are not to fpeak too plainly of lawful and conjugal duties, betwixt man and wifc:wefee the holy Ghoft maketh choice of models words in that kind, and feeketh out choice terms to ex- prefs them: as Adam cognovit, Adam knew Eve his wife : and it ceafed to be with Gen. 4. 1,1S Sarah after the manner of women. And matrimonial duties are called by the 1 'r co, 7, 3 Apoftledue benevolence ; to teachus , to ufe the like model't exprelfiolls in theft matters. Now as it is fure, that impudicus oculu.tnuntiue elf impssdici animi, a wanton eye is the difcoverer ofan unchail mind : and impudicum labiumfignum impudici core&, an unchaft tongue a fignof a wanton heart , fo it is as lure, that to fpeak broad- H b. rz. 25 lyconcerningfecret things is, inverecundia, want of fhame, which is againft that ' Tim. 2.9 Godly fear and fhametattnefs mentioned by the Apoftle : for our converfation fhould be Fy ,r .Prs i ivetßvlas, with reverenceand fear, and Tyr Ohs rÿ awopocúvn , with thamefaftnefs and fobriety ; and as'for nlxfí7Bs ÿ pi%eoxoyfa, filthinefs and fil- thy talking,they fhould be far from us, as the Apolile urges: and left any fhould ob- Eph. 5.4,6 jed and fay, thatJlolen waters are Tweet, he prevents them,faying,Let no manfeduce you with vainwords, for, for theft thingscomes the wrath of God upon the children of difobedience. Before we come to the outward ad, we are to confiderthe toesua7á o4rn, asthey The Pro¡mp. arecalled in Phyfick, the Antecedents, or asit were grudgingsbefore an Ague, fuch rata,, or as go immediately before the ad. And theyare either in Conatrt ; the endeavour, or oregong attempt, as fait, by Sorcery and Witchcraft to provoke lull, when they are pall the 2 ¡Kings 9 22 flower of their years, as did Jezabel : Phu calls them witchcraft,. 2. By laying Job31,9 wait at the door of our Neighbour. 3. By alluring fpeeches,Numb. 31.16. all which are the more horrible, when theyare accompanied with murther ; For the adulte- rout woman, as Solomon faith,hath calf down many wounded,and manyffrongones have Prov. 7. 26 beenflain by her. Or clfsfraludia, previous allions, that bringon the outward ad : As 1..4mplexus impudieus, Immodeff embraces, embracing the bofom of a stranger Prov.5. ao impurum ofculum, anunchaff kifs. The Harlot (in the Proverbs) had a ftrongor impudent face, the caught him(the young man) and kiffedhim. 2. Touchingwith the hands thofeparts that ought tobe kept fecret; the womanwas to be putto death, that puts forth her hand,&c. though it were to deliver her Husband from thofe that strove with him. 3. By making themdrunk, that they may difcover their nakednefs. Deus. 25.12 And above all theft, there are fome things, in namingwhereof theApoftle is at a Moe, 2. 15 fund, and faith, that thereare fome things (which he wrappeth in filence) ofwhich Ephef, 5.12 it is a(home even tofpeak, Againft theft is oppofed the verme called Pudicitia,fhamefaffnefs. The Apoftle I Their 4, 7 faith, Godhash notcalledus unto uncleanneft, but adfanttimoniam, topurity and ho- Phil. 4. S lines ; and that ever one ought to poffefs his veffel iv d sac a" ` vl h,, in amlli ea- James 3, z7 f Y P Y fi :y (, f f lleut 22, t2 tion and honour ; and instead ofgivingourfelves to thofe things, we ought to think Gen, 9, 22 uponfuch things as are hone(( andpure : For as St.James tells us, Thewifdom which isfrom above, is pure in the firft place ; and therefore God took order under the Law, that fuch unfeemly parts might not be feen ; which Cham fetingand notturn- ingawayhad a curfe pronounced againft him. We