Co¡,7 d48 Chap, 6. The ahl ofuncleannefs, &e. The outward We corne now to fpcak of the at it felf. Within the ad of incontinency are aft. Self Poi-' comprehended, Ivriun. r. That with felf,which the A oftlecalls uti letnne f or feltpollution orde- Col,3.5 Gaf.5.39 filing ofones own ße(h, or hlthinefs of the Beth; oppofitetoáytoaEvs,. holinefr,. hé 2 Cor.7.' makes µown i v 2 ÇÇL Jt t, this defilingofthefteJh, 2 Cor. 7. 1. r 7bef.4.5. iraeit. Their q: 5 áv.ave c, the Tuff of uncleannef, which includes the ad ; for thead of this fin is no- s pet' z ro thing tile but the bringing forth of thofe inward Tufts. But more plainly St Peter Jude 8, 23 calls it i°a tvµiávaeaopu,tbe luff of uncleannefr,orthe defileof polluting: withwhich, Jude. fpcakingof wicked men, faith, Sopitt inquinant corneal, TheJefilthy Dreamers defile theflrfh,and not only their flefh, but their garments are polluted alibi and fuch hatred he would have again(} this tin, that we (hould not only hate the fin, but e- ven the garment fpotted and defiled with it. For befides thedifeafees and weaknefs whichit brings upon thebody, it likewife,by polluting the body, is oppofite to our Baptifm, inwhich there is an outwardwa(hingof the body, as well as an inward of the foul. N£furna poi- Now bccaufe of theft words ofSt.Jude, here falleth in this particular, Notïurna ,,, polluelo, nightlypollutions. If it be therefore, r. By reafonof infirmity and weaknefs of nature. z. Or Ex plenitudine vafsrum, from the fulnefs of the fpermatick veffels. 3. Or upon the tax- iras partium, loofnefs or diffolutionof thofe parts upon violent exercife, or heat, by hard riding,&c. and not proceeding from luft ; inthefeand the like cafes,it is no fin: yet with this provifa, that (though it proceed from fomeof all of theft caufes)there be ingrata recordatio, a regret and forrow in remembring it : otherwife it will be imputed as a fin; but if(it beingnot in his thought) feed pats from him againfthis will, and without his knowledg, ifhe begrievedatit, when he feelethor knoweth of it, in that cafeit is nofin. But onthe other fide, ifa man be given to drunkennefs, or otherexcefs, andby reafon thereof it iffue from him, though-it be not fin rations aim fubfegtentit, by reafon of . the ad fubfequent, which is involuntary, there being no purpofe to com- mit thefin, yet it is a fin,and liable topunifhment, ration anusprecedentir, by reafon oftheprecedent ail, that is, drunkennefs; for that which is not voluntary in thee&, may yet be voluntary, and therefore finful inthe caufe; and thus if from furfetting there come proffuviumfeminie, this is a fin: or if by often rolling of wanton cogita- tionsin the day time, it be procured in the night ; or that willingly byday or night Gen. 38:9, to allspit,hti>: atvíav uncleanefs,tthe fathers N litiemn effe Gods min light. enefs, and the law terms it, the fin of Oman, and the cenfure of it is, itwas exceeding wicked in Gods eyes. Ee(üeliry, 2. Ifit be camalio,withanother,thencomes Be(fiality,4pn1ovßdPíwypov,anabo- Lev. r8'.23 mination not tobe named, buggery with, abeafl, forbidden by the law, and punifhed 20. 15 with death both ofman and beaft; and not only with the death ofthe body,but with Rev. 21. S that of the foul too. Without (hall be éCd!awypíro,, abominable buggerers. They Lev: IS. 23. which make aconfution(as it is called)between themfelves 01beafis,thall be brought to,woxfe than a beafily confufion in the end. 3. If it be withmankind, it is either with confent ofboth parties, and then it is Deut. 22. 25 a fin in both ; or ifeither party, whether male or female be forced by violence, and feeketh to refill, but cannot ,- that party is innocent: but the enforcer commitsa double fin one in the violence, which is again(( the former commandment; and the other in the veryad it 1tlf; again(' this ; and therefore by the lawhe was to die. sodomy. 4. Of thofe that yield confent, they are either males or females: for fo firong and ftrange is our concupifcence, that any thing is fuf£tcientto ttir up the coalsand kindle it : and the heathencould fay uo e+d in fuminisfflaw.facit, idfun inpuero rae, that Ley. is. 22 which the fex caufeth towards women, theage caufeth towards boyes. Thou (halt 20.13 not lie with mankind, as with womankind, faith the law : andwhy? for it is an abo- mination. And the offenders againft this law are tobe punifhed with death. There are two reafons for it. Eph. 5. 11 a. It is an unfruitful work ofdarknefs, and contra banum prolù, againli the benefit of procreation, which is One of the principal ends of matrimony. z.It