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452 Chap.6. The da of Vneleantieß, &c. Com,7. by this fìn,and therefore accordingly was the punifhment made Capital. Pharaohs Gen.40.22. Baker was taken out of thefame prifon , where ]oreeph was committed upon afalle accufation of this crime, and was hanged : fo that it Teems among the Egyptians to havebeen Capital. Among the Babylonians Adulterers wereburnt withfire, as may Jer.29.21,22, be gathered by that threatningof theProphet againft Ahab and Zedekiah, that for Prov.6.3c,23 committing villany with their Neighbours wives,the King ofBabylonfhould raft them &c. in the fire. And the comparifon made by Solomon lheweth, that Adultery is worfe than theft. T o. 2. Of them that arefolutæ, free and unmarried, either the party continueth with h eep;nq,, con- us, and then it is called concubinatos,the keeping of a Concubine , or an harlot that cabins is notcommon : for fuch being fervants,and by thatmeans bafe,men would not mar- Gen.2 1 °' 5z2. ry with them, becaufe it is a difparagement. God hath íhewed how he difliked this, Judg.19.a. bycontinual croffing it ; firff in Agar, Calf out the bondwomanandher fn.. Then in 2 Sam. 3.7. 3acob,byReubens inerti withBilhab. A Levite took a Concubine, and affoon as he 36.22. had taken her,Jhe began toplay thewhore.Saul was punifhed in his Concubine Kizpah, 1 Rings i. to whomAbner went in.And David was punifhed in his Conetibines,with whomAb- [Atm lay in the fight of all the people : and Solomoos Concubines with his wives turned away his heart fromGod, to let up Idolatry. 1 r. In the next place the aft is committed ,either once only,or often.Once only is cal- Zreßcwrn,g. led Jluprum,deflowring,which may be done, either to awidow, or to a virgin. This Deut.22.23. God forbiddeth by the Law,and punifhed with death. We fee Gods hand was upon Gen.34 25. a whole City, the a a of Dinah, a virgin. And we know what fhouid have fol- 38.25. Y, P > $ lowed upondifhonouringof1amar,a widow; for avirgin,andwidow,when they are not in poteJlatefua,fed in poteftatepatrie,in their own, but their fathers power, there is in both cafes by deflouring them,an injury done to the parents, as well as to them- felves. 52. Theadoften committed is calledfornication: which word , thoughit bemany Fornication. times ufed for the generalfin,yet it is more properly called vaga libido, awandering r lu .or raps concubitus apromifcuous ufe of many. This fin we find reckoned up Numb.25.9. g > P Y Judg.2o.18, amongthofe other of the Heathen Romans, for which God gave them up to their Prov.2.19. Own delires : and the fame Apoftie makes it one of the fruits of the fief-h. The pu- 5.12. nifhment of this fin we find mentioned by the Apoftle out of the bookof Numbers, 23'27 in thecafe of Zimri and Cozbi,where twenty four thoufand were deflroyed : and for 7.1o. the abufe of the Levites Concubine,twenty five thoufand, almofl a whole tribe. This is abewitching fin : Solomon faith, Theythat enter intoit, faall hardly return again: and at laft,he that ufeth it shall wonder at himfelf, and fay,bowhave Ibeen deceived? The fallinginto this fin, is like to the falling into a deep narrow pit wherea man cannot help himfelf,ard therefore thall hardly get out. The harlots guefls are in the grave, they are buried in the grave, cannever rife again by any ordinary power ; and fò they that are given over -to this fin can never return , without fpecial and extra- ordinary grace ; nay, her guefts are not only in the grave, but even in the bottom of hell, whence there is nulla redemptio, no redemption ; the strikes a man into fo deep a pit, that he can hardly ever get out again without the fpecial grace of God, as So- lomon did, who fpake this out of his own experience. 13. Beyond allthefe, there is a proltitution, which is either of private perlons, which FroJi;ration. is called proftitution,when a man proftitutes his daughter,fifter, or kinfwoman, or. a Levu. 19.29. woman proftitutes her felf,&c.This is allo feverely forbidden in the law.Or publickly Efek.1624. allowed. They built flews or brothelhoules in every ftreet which he there detelieth. t tx eg.5.. And fb have Godly Princes ever been careful to remove them, as Afa did., 14. The !aft pitch of this fin is defenfio, defending it, as we know Tome have done by D,fines. publick writings. And this maketh it a crying fin. The sry of Sodom and Gomorrah, 'id-great, faith God, becaufe their fin is very grievous. The Sodomites cried out upon . 9.9. .Lot, when he reproved them for it, juflifying their wicked, ad. And Solomon faith, 3ot2o. that the Adultrefs is lo impudent , as to wipe her mouth and fay , I have doneno er Numb.25.6. wiekedneß. And this is it,which the Prophet callsfrons meretricir, a whoresforehead.. 2 °í;i1.3.19 Zimri brought a (trumpet before Nofèe and the Congregation, when they were at their prayers openly into his tent. And of fuch it is, that the Apoflle fpeaketh. `That glory in theirfhame. CHAP.